DGtalTools  0.9.2

computes a normal vector field over a digitized 3D implicit surface for several estimators.

Usage: ./estimators/generic3dNormalEstimators -p <polynomial> [options]

Computes a normal vector field over a digitized 3D implicit surface for several estimators (II|VCM|Trivial|True), specified with -e. You may add Kanungo noise with option -N. These estimators are compared with ground truth. You may then: 1) visualize the normals or the angle deviations with -V (if WITH_QGL_VIEWER is enabled), 2) outputs them as a list of cells/estimations with -n, 3) outputs them as a ImaGene file with -O, 4) outputs them as a NOFF file with -O, 5) computes estimation statistics with option -S.

Allowed options are :

-h [ --help ] display this message
-p [ --polynomial ] arg the implicit polynomial whose zero-level
defines the shape of interest.
-N [ --noise ] arg (=0) the Kanungo noise level l=arg, with l^d the
probability that a point at distance d is
flipped inside/outside.
-a [ --minAABB ] arg (=-10) the min value of the AABB bounding box
-A [ --maxAABB ] arg (=10) the max value of the AABB bounding box
-g [ --gridstep ] arg (=1) the gridstep that defines the digitization
(often called h).
-e [ --estimator ] arg (=True) the chosen normal estimator: True | VCM | II
| Trivial
-R [ --R-radius ] arg (=5) the constant for parameter R in R(h)=R
h^alpha (VCM).
-r [ --r-radius ] arg (=3) the constant for parameter r in r(h)=r
h^alpha (VCM,II,Trivial).
-k [ --kernel ] arg (=hat) the function chi_r, either hat or ball.
--alpha arg (=0) the parameter alpha in r(h)=r h^alpha (VCM).
-t [ --trivial-radius ] arg (=3) the parameter t defining the radius for the
Trivial estimator. Also used for reorienting
the VCM.
-E [ --embedding ] arg (=0) the surfel -> point embedding for VCM
estimator: 0: Pointels, 1: InnerSpel, 2:
-o [ --output ] arg (=output) the output basename. All generated files
will have the form <arg>-*, for instance
-S [ --angle-deviation-stats ] computes angle deviation error and outputs
them in file <basename>-angle-deviation-<gri
dstep>.txt, as specified by -o <basename>.
-x [ --export ] arg (=None) exports surfel normals which can be viewed
with ImaGene tool 'viewSetOfSurfels' in file
<basename>-cells-<gridstep>.txt, as
specified by -o <basename>. Parameter <arg>
is None|Normals|AngleDeviation. The color
depends on the angle deviation in degree: 0
metallic blue, 5 light cyan, 10 light green,
15 light yellow, 20 yellow, 25 orange, 30
red, 35, dark red, 40- grey
-n [ --normals ] outputs every surfel, its estimated normal,
and the ground truth normal in file
<basename>-normals-<gridstep>.txt, as
specified by -o <basename>.
-O [ --noff ] exports the digital surface with normals as
NOFF file <basename>-noff-<gridstep>.off, as
specified by -o <basename>..
-V [ --view ] arg (=None) view the digital surface with normals.
Parameter <arg> is None|Normals|AngleDeviati
on. The color depends on the angle deviation
in degree: 0 metallic blue, 5 light cyan, 10
light green, 15 light yellow, 20 yellow, 25
orange, 30 red, 35, dark red, 40- grey.

Example of implicit surface (specified by -p):

Implemented estimators (specified by -e):

  • This is a normal direction evaluator more than a normal vector evaluator. Orientations of normals are deduced from ground truth. This is due to the fact that II and VCM only estimates normal directions.
  • This tool only analyses one surface component, and one that contains at least as many surfels as the width of the digital bounding box. This is required when analysing noisy data, where a lot of the small components are spurious. The drawback is that you cannot analyse the normals on a surface with several components.


You should obtain such a result:

type visualization
digital surface
VCM estimator
II estimator
True Normals
See also