DGtalTools  0.9.4

Generates shapes using DGtal library.

Usage: shapeGenerator [options] –shape <shapeName> –output <outputBasename>

Allowed options are:

-h [ --help ] display this message
-s [ --shape ] arg Shape name
-l [ --list ] List all available shapes
-R [ --radius ] arg Radius of the shape
-A [ --axis1 ] arg Half big axis of the shape (ellipse)
-a [ --axis2 ] arg Half small axis of the shape (ellipse)
-r [ --smallradius ] arg (=5) Small radius of the shape
-v [ --varsmallradius ] arg (=5) Variable small radius of the shape
-k [ --k ] arg (=3) Number of branches or corners the shape
--phi arg (=0) Phase of the shape (in radian)
-w [ --width ] arg (=10) Width of the shape
-p [ --power ] arg (=2) Power of the metric (double)
-o [ --output ] arg Basename of the output file
--signature Display to the standard output the signature
(normal, curvature) at each point of the
specified shape contour (middle point of
each contour linel)
-f [ --format ] arg (=pgm) Output format:
Bitmap {pgm, raw}
Vector {svg} (+ {png,pdf} if libCairo

You can list the potential shapes:

$ contourGenerator --list
2D Shapes:
ball Ball for the Euclidean metric.
Required parameter(s): --radius [-R]
square square (no signature).
Required parameter(s): --width [-w]
lpball Ball for the l_power metric (no signature).
Required parameter(s): --radius [-R], --power [-p]
flower Flower with k petals with radius ranging from R+/-v.
Required parameter(s): --radius [-R], --varsmallradius [-v], --k [-k], --phi
ngon Regular k-gon.
Required parameter(s): --radius [-R], --k [-k], --phi
accflower Accelerated Flower with k petals.
Required parameter(s): --radius [-R], --varsmallradius [-v], --k [-k], --phi
ellipse Ellipse.
Required parameter(s): --axis1 [-A], --axis2 [-a], --phi


# generate an accflower shape with 6 petals of maximal radius 40 and small radius 10:
shapeGenerator -s accflower -R 40 -v 10 -k 6 -f pgm -o test2

You should obtain such a resulting image:

resulting visualisation of generated shape.
See also
shapeGenerator.cpp contourGenerator