DGtalTools  1.2.0

Estimates curvature using length of most centered segment computers.

Usage: curvatureMCMS [options] –input <fileName>

Allowed options are :

1 TEXT:FILE REQUIRED Input FreemanChain file name
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-i,--input TEXT:FILE REQUIRED Input FreemanChain file name
--GridStep FLOAT=1 Grid step

Example: We consider as input shape the freeman chain of the DGtal/examples/sample directory. The contour can be displayed with displayContours :

$ displayContours $DGtal/examples/samples/contourS.fc contourS.png --drawPointOfIndex 0

The curvature can be computed as follows:

$ curvatureMCMS $DGtal/examples/samples/contourS.fc > curvatureMCMS.dat
$ gnuplot
gnuplot> plot 'curvatureMCMS.dat' w lines title "curvature using length of most centered segment computers estimator"

You should obtain such a result:

contour curvature
CCW oriented (index 0=blue pt) resulting curvature
See also