DGtal  1.2.0
17 #pragma once
31 #if defined(QuickHullKernels_RECURSES)
32 #error Recursive header files inclusion detected in QuickHullKernels.h
33 #else // defined(QuickHullKernels_RECURSES)
35 #define QuickHullKernels_RECURSES
37 #if !defined QuickHullKernels_h
39 #define QuickHullKernels_h
42 // Inclusions
43 #include <iostream>
44 #include <string>
45 #include <vector>
46 #include <array>
47 #include "DGtal/base/Common.h"
48 #include "DGtal/kernel/CInteger.h"
49 #include "DGtal/kernel/NumberTraits.h"
50 #include "DGtal/kernel/PointVector.h"
51 #include "DGtal/kernel/IntegerConverter.h"
52 #include "DGtal/math/linalg/SimpleMatrix.h"
54 namespace DGtal
55 {
56  namespace detail {
58  // ------------------------ POINT RELATED SERVICES -----------------------
65  template < typename Point >
66  Point center( const std::vector< Point >& points )
67  {
68  if ( points.empty() ) return Point::zero;
69  Point l = points[ 0 ];
70  Point u = l;
71  for ( const auto& p : points ) {
72  l = l.inf( p );
73  u = u.sup( p );
74  }
75  return Point( ( l + u ) / 2 );
76  }
106  template < typename OutputValue,
107  typename ForwardIterator,
108  typename ConversionFct >
109  void transform( std::vector< OutputValue >& output_values,
110  std::vector< std::size_t >& input2output,
111  std::vector< std::size_t >& output2input,
112  ForwardIterator itb, ForwardIterator ite,
113  const ConversionFct& F,
114  bool remove_duplicates )
115  {
116  typedef std::size_t Size;
117  std::vector< OutputValue > input;
118  while ( itb != ite ) {
119  const auto ip = *itb++;
120  input.push_back( F( ip ) );
121  }
122  if ( ! remove_duplicates ) {
123  output_values.swap( input );
124  input2output.resize( input.size() );
125  output2input.resize( input.size() );
126  for ( Size i = 0; i < input.size(); ++i )
127  input2output[ i ] = output2input[ i ] = i;
128  }
129  else {
130  output_values.clear();
131  std::vector< std::size_t > i2c_sort( input.size() );
132  input2output.resize( input.size() );
133  for ( Size i = 0; i < input.size(); i++ ) i2c_sort[ i ] = i;
134  // indirect sort
135  std::sort( i2c_sort.begin(), i2c_sort.end(),
136  [&input] ( Size i, Size j ) { return input[ i ] < input[ j ]; } );
137  output_values.resize( input.size() );
138  output_values[ 0 ] = input[ i2c_sort[ 0 ] ];
139  input2output[ i2c_sort[ 0 ] ] = 0;
140  Size j = 0;
141  for ( Size i = 1; i < input.size(); i++ ) {
142  if ( input[ i2c_sort[ i-1 ] ] != input[ i2c_sort[ i ] ] )
143  output_values[ ++j ] = input[ i2c_sort[ i ] ];
144  input2output[ i2c_sort[ i ] ] = j;
145  }
146  output_values.resize( j+1 );
147  output2input.resize( output_values.size() );
148  for ( Size i = 0; i < input2output.size(); i++ )
149  output2input[ input2output[ i ] ] = i;
150  }
151  }
153  } // namespace detail {
157  // template class ConvexHullCommonKernel
175  template < Dimension dim,
176  typename TCoordinateInteger = DGtal::int64_t,
177  typename TInternalInteger = DGtal::int64_t >
181  typedef TCoordinateInteger CoordinateInteger;
182  typedef TInternalInteger InternalInteger;
183  //typedef CoordinateInteger Scalar;
186  //typedef DGtal::PointVector< dim, CoordinateInteger > Point;
187  //typedef DGtal::PointVector< dim, CoordinateInteger > Vector;
192  typedef std::size_t Size;
193  typedef Size Index;
194  typedef std::vector< Index > IndexRange;
195  typedef std::array< Index, dim > CombinatorialPlaneSimplex;
196  static const Dimension dimension = dim;
203  class HalfSpace {
207  HalfSpace( const InternalVector& aN, const InternalScalar aC )
208  : N( aN ), c( aC ) {}
209  public:
210  HalfSpace() = default;
211  const InternalVector& internalNormal() const { return N; }
212  InternalScalar internalIntercept() const { return c; }
213  };
229  HalfSpace
230  compute( const std::vector< CoordinatePoint >& vpoints,
231  const CombinatorialPlaneSimplex& simplex,
232  Index idx_below )
233  {
234  HalfSpace hs = compute( vpoints, simplex );
235  if ( hs.N != InternalVector::zero )
236  {
237  const InternalPoint ip = Inner::cast( vpoints[ idx_below ] );
238  const InternalScalar nu = hs.N.dot( ip );
239  //const Scalar nu = hs.N.dot( vpoints[ idx_below ] );
240  if ( nu > hs.c ) { hs.N = -hs.N; hs.c = -hs.c; }
241  }
242  return hs;
243  }
256  HalfSpace
257  compute( const std::vector< CoordinatePoint >& vpoints,
258  const CombinatorialPlaneSimplex& simplex )
259  {
261  Matrix A;
262  InternalVector N;
263  InternalScalar c;
264  for ( Dimension i = 1; i < dimension; i++ )
265  for ( Dimension j = 0; j < dimension; j++ )
266  A.setComponent( i-1, j,
267  Inner::cast( vpoints[ simplex[ i ] ][ j ]
268  - vpoints[ simplex[ 0 ] ][ j ] ) );
269  for ( Dimension j = 0; j < dimension; j++ )
270  N[ j ] = A.cofactor( dimension-1, j );
271  const InternalPoint ip = Inner::cast( vpoints[ simplex[ 0 ] ] );
272  // c = N.dot( vpoints[ simplex[ 0 ] ] );
273  return HalfSpace { N, N.dot( ip ) };
274  }
279  {
280  return Outer::cast( H.N );
281  }
286  {
287  return Outer::cast( H.c );
288  }
298  InternalScalar dot( const HalfSpace& H1, const HalfSpace& H2 ) const
299  {
300  return H1.N.dot( H2.N );
301  }
311  bool equal( const HalfSpace& H1, const HalfSpace& H2 ) const
312  {
313  return H1.c == H2.c && H1.N == H2.N;
314  }
319  InternalScalar height( const HalfSpace& H, const CoordinatePoint& p ) const
320  { return H.N.dot( Inner::cast( p ) ) - H.c; }
325  InternalScalar volume( const HalfSpace& H, const CoordinatePoint& p ) const
326  {
327  InternalScalar v = height( H, p );
328  return v < InternalScalar( 0 ) ? -v : v;
329  }
334  bool above( const HalfSpace& H, const CoordinatePoint& p ) const
335  { return height( H, p ) > 0; }
340  bool aboveOrOn( const HalfSpace& H, const CoordinatePoint& p ) const
341  { return height( H, p ) >= 0; }
346  bool on( const HalfSpace& H, const CoordinatePoint& p ) const
347  { return height( H, p ) == 0; }
350  }; // template < Dimension dim > struct ConvexHullIntegralKernel {
355  // template class ConvexHullIntegralKernel
373  template < Dimension dim,
374  typename TCoordinateInteger = DGtal::int64_t,
375  typename TInternalInteger = DGtal::int64_t >
377  : public ConvexHullCommonKernel< dim, TCoordinateInteger, TInternalInteger >
378  {
380  // inheriting types
381  // using typename Base::Point;
382  // using typename Base::Vector;
383  // using typename Base::Scalar;
384  using typename Base::CoordinatePoint;
385  using typename Base::CoordinateVector;
386  using typename Base::CoordinateScalar;
387  using typename Base::InternalPoint;
388  using typename Base::InternalVector;
389  using typename Base::InternalScalar;
390  using typename Base::Size;
391  using typename Base::Index;
392  using typename Base::IndexRange;
393  using typename Base::CombinatorialPlaneSimplex;
394  using typename Base::HalfSpace;
395  // inheriting constants
396  using Base::dimension;
397  // inheriting methods
398  using Base::compute;
399  using Base::normal;
400  using Base::intercept;
401  using Base::dot;
402  using Base::equal;
403  using Base::height;
404  using Base::volume;
405  using Base::above;
406  using Base::aboveOrOn;
407  using Base::on;
415  bool hasInfiniteFacets() const
416  { return false; }
422  bool isHalfSpaceFacetInfinite( const HalfSpace& hs ) const
423  {
424  (void) hs; // unused parameter
425  return false;
426  }
453  template < typename InputPoint>
454  void makeInput( std::vector< CoordinatePoint >& processed_points,
455  IndexRange& input2comp, IndexRange& comp2input,
456  const std::vector< InputPoint >& input_points,
457  bool remove_duplicates )
458  {
459  const auto F = [&] ( InputPoint input ) -> CoordinatePoint
460  {
461  CoordinatePoint p;
462  for ( Dimension i = 0; i < dimension; i++ )
463  p[ i ] = CoordinateScalar( input[ i ] );
464  return p;
465  };
466  DGtal::detail::transform( processed_points, input2comp, comp2input,
467  input_points.cbegin(), input_points.cend(),
468  F, remove_duplicates );
469  }
473  template < typename OutputPoint>
474  void convertPointTo( const CoordinatePoint& p, OutputPoint& out_p ) const
475  {
476  for ( Dimension k = 0; k < dimension; k++ )
477  out_p[ k ] = p[ k ];
478  }
480  }; // template < Dimension dim > struct ConvexHullIntegralKernel {
484  // template class DelaunayIntegralKernel
505  template < Dimension dim,
506  typename TCoordinateInteger = DGtal::int64_t,
507  typename TInternalInteger = DGtal::int64_t >
509  : public ConvexHullCommonKernel< dim+1, TCoordinateInteger, TInternalInteger >
510  {
512  // inheriting types
513  // using typename Base::Point;
514  // using typename Base::Vector;
515  // using typename Base::Scalar;
516  using typename Base::CoordinatePoint;
517  using typename Base::CoordinateVector;
518  using typename Base::CoordinateScalar;
519  using typename Base::InternalPoint;
520  using typename Base::InternalVector;
521  using typename Base::InternalScalar;
522  using typename Base::Size;
523  using typename Base::Index;
524  using typename Base::IndexRange;
525  using typename Base::CombinatorialPlaneSimplex;
526  using typename Base::HalfSpace;
527  // inheriting constants
528  using Base::dimension;
529  // inheriting methods
530  using Base::compute;
531  using Base::normal;
532  using Base::intercept;
533  using Base::dot;
534  using Base::equal;
535  using Base::height;
536  using Base::volume;
537  using Base::above;
538  using Base::aboveOrOn;
539  using Base::on;
547  bool hasInfiniteFacets() const
548  { return true; }
554  bool isHalfSpaceFacetInfinite( const HalfSpace& hs ) const
555  {
556  return hs.internalNormal()[ dimension - 1 ] >= InternalScalar( 0 );
557  }
588  template < typename InputPoint>
589  void makeInput( std::vector< CoordinatePoint >& processed_points,
590  IndexRange& input2comp, IndexRange& comp2input,
591  const std::vector< InputPoint >& input_points,
592  bool remove_duplicates )
593  {
594  const auto F = [&] ( InputPoint input ) -> CoordinatePoint
595  {
596  CoordinatePoint p;
597  CoordinateScalar z = 0;
598  for ( Dimension i = 0; i < dimension-1; i++ ) {
599  const CoordinateScalar x = CoordinateScalar( input[ i ] );
600  p[ i ] = x;
601  z += x*x;
602  }
603  p[ dimension-1 ] = z;
604  return p;
605  };
606  DGtal::detail::transform( processed_points, input2comp, comp2input,
607  input_points.cbegin(), input_points.cend(),
608  F, remove_duplicates );
609  }
613  template < typename OutputPoint>
614  void convertPointTo( const CoordinatePoint& p, OutputPoint& out_p ) const
615  {
616  for ( Dimension k = 0; k < dimension-1; k++ )
617  out_p[ k ] = p[ k ];
618  }
620  }; // template < Dimension dim > struct DelaunayIntegralKernel {
624  // template class ConvexHullRationalKernel
655  template < Dimension dim,
656  typename TCoordinateInteger = DGtal::int64_t,
657  typename TInternalInteger = DGtal::int64_t >
659  : public ConvexHullCommonKernel< dim, TCoordinateInteger, TInternalInteger >
660  {
662  // inheriting types
663  // using typename Base::Point;
664  // using typename Base::Vector;
665  // using typename Base::Scalar;
666  using typename Base::CoordinatePoint;
667  using typename Base::CoordinateVector;
668  using typename Base::CoordinateScalar;
669  using typename Base::InternalPoint;
670  using typename Base::InternalVector;
671  using typename Base::InternalScalar;
672  using typename Base::Size;
673  using typename Base::Index;
674  using typename Base::IndexRange;
675  using typename Base::CombinatorialPlaneSimplex;
676  using typename Base::HalfSpace;
677  // inheriting constants
678  using Base::dimension;
679  // inheriting methods
680  using Base::compute;
681  using Base::normal;
682  using Base::intercept;
683  using Base::dot;
684  using Base::equal;
685  using Base::height;
686  using Base::volume;
687  using Base::above;
688  using Base::aboveOrOn;
689  using Base::on;
692  double precision;
698  ConvexHullRationalKernel( double aPrecision = 1024. )
699  : precision( aPrecision ) {}
704  bool hasInfiniteFacets() const
705  { return false; }
711  bool isHalfSpaceFacetInfinite( const HalfSpace& hs ) const
712  {
713  (void) hs; // unused parameter
714  return false;
715  }
747  template < typename InputPoint>
748  void makeInput( std::vector< CoordinatePoint >& processed_points,
749  IndexRange& input2comp, IndexRange& comp2input,
750  const std::vector< InputPoint >& input_points,
751  bool remove_duplicates )
752  {
753  const auto F = [&] ( InputPoint input ) -> CoordinatePoint
754  {
755  CoordinatePoint p;
756  for ( Dimension i = 0; i < dimension; i++ )
757  p[ i ] = CoordinateScalar( round( input[ i ] * precision ) );
758  return p;
759  };
760  DGtal::detail::transform( processed_points, input2comp, comp2input,
761  input_points.cbegin(), input_points.cend(),
762  F, remove_duplicates );
763  }
781  template < typename OutputPoint>
782  void convertPointTo( const CoordinatePoint& p, OutputPoint& out_p ) const
783  {
784  for ( Dimension k = 0; k < dimension; k++ )
785  out_p[ k ] = ( (double) p[ k ] ) / precision;
786  }
789  }; // template < Dimension dim > struct ConvexHullRationalKernel {
793  // template class DelaunayRationalKernel
827  template < Dimension dim,
828  typename TCoordinateInteger = DGtal::int64_t,
829  typename TInternalInteger = DGtal::int64_t >
831  : public ConvexHullCommonKernel< dim+1, TCoordinateInteger, TInternalInteger >
832  {
834  // inheriting types
835  // using typename Base::Point;
836  // using typename Base::Vector;
837  // using typename Base::Scalar;
838  using typename Base::CoordinatePoint;
839  using typename Base::CoordinateVector;
840  using typename Base::CoordinateScalar;
841  using typename Base::InternalPoint;
842  using typename Base::InternalVector;
843  using typename Base::InternalScalar;
844  using typename Base::Size;
845  using typename Base::Index;
846  using typename Base::IndexRange;
847  using typename Base::CombinatorialPlaneSimplex;
848  using typename Base::HalfSpace;
849  // inheriting constants
850  using Base::dimension;
851  // inheriting methods
852  using Base::compute;
853  using Base::normal;
854  using Base::intercept;
855  using Base::dot;
856  using Base::equal;
857  using Base::height;
858  using Base::volume;
859  using Base::above;
860  using Base::aboveOrOn;
861  using Base::on;
864  double precision;
870  DelaunayRationalKernel( double aPrecision = 1024. )
871  : precision( aPrecision ) {}
876  bool hasInfiniteFacets() const
877  { return true; }
883  bool isHalfSpaceFacetInfinite( const HalfSpace& hs ) const
884  {
885  return hs.internalNormal()[ dimension - 1 ] >= InternalScalar( 0 );
886  }
923  template < typename InputPoint>
924  void makeInput( std::vector< CoordinatePoint >& processed_points,
925  IndexRange& input2comp, IndexRange& comp2input,
926  const std::vector< InputPoint >& input_points,
927  bool remove_duplicates )
928  {
929  const auto F = [&] ( InputPoint input ) -> CoordinatePoint
930  {
931  CoordinatePoint p;
932  CoordinateScalar z = 0;
933  for ( Dimension i = 0; i < dimension - 1; i++ ) {
934  const CoordinateScalar x
935  = CoordinateScalar( round( input[ i ] * precision ) );
936  p[ i ] = x;
937  z += x*x;
938  }
939  p[ dimension-1 ] = z;
940  return p;
941  };
942  DGtal::detail::transform( processed_points, input2comp, comp2input,
943  input_points.cbegin(), input_points.cend(),
944  F, remove_duplicates );
945  }
966  template < typename OutputPoint>
967  void convertPointTo( const CoordinatePoint& p, OutputPoint& out_p ) const
968  {
969  for ( Dimension k = 0; k < dimension - 1; k++ )
970  out_p[ k ] = ( (double) p[ k ] ) / precision;
971  }
973  }; // template < Dimension dim > struct DelaunayRationalKernel {
977 } // namespace DGtal {
979 #endif // !defined QuickHullKernels_h
981 #undef QuickHullKernels_RECURSES
982 #endif // else defined(QuickHullKernels_RECURSES)
const InternalVector & internalNormal() const
HalfSpace(const InternalVector &aN, const InternalScalar aC)
InternalVector N
the normal vector
Aim: Implements basic operations that will be used in Point and Vector classes.
Definition: PointVector.h:593
auto dot(const PointVector< dim, OtherComponent, OtherStorage > &v) const -> decltype(DGtal::dotProduct(*this, v))
Dot product with a PointVector.
static Self zero
Static const for zero PointVector.
Definition: PointVector.h:1595
Aim: implements basic MxN Matrix services (M,N>=1).
Definition: SimpleMatrix.h:76
void transform(std::vector< OutputValue > &output_values, std::vector< std::size_t > &input2output, std::vector< std::size_t > &output2input, ForwardIterator itb, ForwardIterator ite, const ConversionFct &F, bool remove_duplicates)
Point center(const std::vector< Point > &points)
DGtal is the top-level namespace which contains all DGtal functions and types.
boost::int64_t int64_t
signed 94-bit integer.
Definition: BasicTypes.h:74
DGtal::uint32_t Dimension
Definition: Common.h:137
Aim: the common part of all geometric kernels for computing the convex hull or Delaunay triangulation...
DGtal::PointVector< dim, InternalInteger > InternalVector
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((concepts::CInteger< TCoordinateInteger >))
std::array< Index, dim > CombinatorialPlaneSimplex
bool above(const HalfSpace &H, const CoordinatePoint &p) const
InternalScalar height(const HalfSpace &H, const CoordinatePoint &p) const
CoordinateInteger CoordinateScalar
HalfSpace compute(const std::vector< CoordinatePoint > &vpoints, const CombinatorialPlaneSimplex &simplex)
TCoordinateInteger CoordinateInteger
CoordinateVector normal(const HalfSpace &H) const
InternalScalar volume(const HalfSpace &H, const CoordinatePoint &p) const
InternalScalar dot(const HalfSpace &H1, const HalfSpace &H2) const
HalfSpace compute(const std::vector< CoordinatePoint > &vpoints, const CombinatorialPlaneSimplex &simplex, Index idx_below)
DGtal::PointVector< dim, CoordinateInteger > CoordinatePoint
std::vector< Index > IndexRange
bool equal(const HalfSpace &H1, const HalfSpace &H2) const
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((concepts::CInteger< TInternalInteger >))
DGtal::PointVector< dim, InternalInteger > InternalPoint
IntegerConverter< dim, InternalInteger > Inner
Converter to inner internal integers or lattice points / vector.
bool on(const HalfSpace &H, const CoordinatePoint &p) const
static const Dimension dimension
bool aboveOrOn(const HalfSpace &H, const CoordinatePoint &p) const
IntegerConverter< dim, CoordinateInteger > Outer
Converter to outer coordinate integers or lattice points / vector.
Default constructor.
CoordinateScalar intercept(const HalfSpace &H) const
DGtal::PointVector< dim, CoordinateInteger > CoordinateVector
Aim: a geometric kernel to compute the convex hull of digital points with integer-only arithmetic.
ConvexHullCommonKernel< dim, TCoordinateInteger, TInternalInteger > Base
void convertPointTo(const CoordinatePoint &p, OutputPoint &out_p) const
void makeInput(std::vector< CoordinatePoint > &processed_points, IndexRange &input2comp, IndexRange &comp2input, const std::vector< InputPoint > &input_points, bool remove_duplicates)
bool isHalfSpaceFacetInfinite(const HalfSpace &hs) const
static const Dimension dimension
Default constructor.
Aim: a geometric kernel to compute the convex hull of floating points with integer-only arithmetic....
void convertPointTo(const CoordinatePoint &p, OutputPoint &out_p) const
void makeInput(std::vector< CoordinatePoint > &processed_points, IndexRange &input2comp, IndexRange &comp2input, const std::vector< InputPoint > &input_points, bool remove_duplicates)
double precision
The precision as the common denominator for all rational points.
bool isHalfSpaceFacetInfinite(const HalfSpace &hs) const
ConvexHullRationalKernel(double aPrecision=1024.)
static const Dimension dimension
ConvexHullCommonKernel< dim, TCoordinateInteger, TInternalInteger > Base
Aim: a geometric kernel to compute the Delaunay triangulation of digital points with integer-only ari...
CoordinateInteger CoordinateScalar
std::vector< Index > IndexRange
ConvexHullCommonKernel< dim+1, TCoordinateInteger, TInternalInteger > Base
void convertPointTo(const CoordinatePoint &p, OutputPoint &out_p) const
Default constructor.
void makeInput(std::vector< CoordinatePoint > &processed_points, IndexRange &input2comp, IndexRange &comp2input, const std::vector< InputPoint > &input_points, bool remove_duplicates)
static const Dimension dimension
bool isHalfSpaceFacetInfinite(const HalfSpace &hs) const
Aim: a geometric kernel to compute the Delaunay triangulation of a range of floating points with inte...
CoordinateInteger CoordinateScalar
std::vector< Index > IndexRange
double precision
The precision as the common denominator for all rational points.
ConvexHullCommonKernel< dim+1, TCoordinateInteger, TInternalInteger > Base
DelaunayRationalKernel(double aPrecision=1024.)
static const Dimension dimension
void makeInput(std::vector< CoordinatePoint > &processed_points, IndexRange &input2comp, IndexRange &comp2input, const std::vector< InputPoint > &input_points, bool remove_duplicates)
void convertPointTo(const CoordinatePoint &p, OutputPoint &out_p) const
bool isHalfSpaceFacetInfinite(const HalfSpace &hs) const
----------— INTEGER/POINT CONVERSION SERVICES -----------------—
static Integer cast(Integer i)
Aim: Concept checking for Integer Numbers. More precisely, this concept is a refinement of both CEucl...
Definition: CInteger.h:88
MyPointD Point
Definition: testClone2.cpp:383
HalfEdgeDataStructure::Size Size
unsigned int dim(const Vector &z)