DGtal  1.2.0
31 #include <iostream>
32 #include "DGtal/base/Common.h"
33 #include "DGtal/topology/DigitalSurface.h"
34 #include "DGtal/topology/DigitalSetBoundary.h"
35 #include "DGtal/topology/ImplicitDigitalSurface.h"
36 #include "DGtal/graph/BreadthFirstVisitor.h"
37 #include "DGtal/shapes/Shapes.h"
40 using namespace std;
41 using namespace DGtal;
44 // Functions for testing class ImplicitDigitalSurface.
46 namespace DGtal {
47  template <typename KSpace, typename PointPredicate>
48  bool
50  const PointPredicate & pp,
51  const typename KSpace::Surfel & bel )
52  {
54  typedef typename Boundary::SurfelConstIterator ConstIterator;
56  unsigned int nbok = 0;
57  unsigned int nb = 0;
58  trace.beginBlock ( "Testing block ... ImplicitDigitalSurface" );
59  trace.beginBlock ( "ImplicitDigitalSurface instanciation" );
60  Boundary boundary( K, pp,
62  true );
63  trace.endBlock();
64  trace.beginBlock ( "Counting the number of surfels (breadth first traversal)" );
65  unsigned int nbsurfels = 0;
66  for ( ConstIterator it = boundary.begin(), it_end = boundary.end();
67  it != it_end; ++it )
68  {
69  ++nbsurfels;
70  }
71  trace.info() << nbsurfels << " surfels found." << std::endl;
72  nb++; nbok += nbsurfels == 354382 ? 1 : 0;
73  trace.info() << "(" << nbok << "/" << nb << ") "
74  << "nbsurfels == 354382" << std::endl;
75  trace.endBlock();
76  trace.endBlock();
77  return nbok == nb;
78  }
81  template <typename TPoint3>
82  struct ImplicitDigitalEllipse3 {
83  typedef TPoint3 Point;
84  inline
85  ImplicitDigitalEllipse3( double a, double b, double c )
86  : myA( a ), myB( b ), myC( c )
87  {}
88  inline
89  bool operator()( const TPoint3 & p ) const
90  {
91  double x = ( (double) p[ 0 ] / myA );
92  double y = ( (double) p[ 1 ] / myB );
93  double z = ( (double) p[ 2 ] / myC );
94  return ( x*x + y*y + z*z ) <= 1.0;
95  }
96  double myA, myB, myC;
97  };
98 }
101 // Standard services - public :
103 int main( int , char** )
104 {
105  using namespace Z3i;
106  typedef DGtal::ImplicitDigitalEllipse3<Point> ImplicitDigitalEllipse;
107  typedef KSpace::SCell Surfel;
108  bool res;
109  trace.beginBlock ( "Testing class Object" );
110  Point p1( -200, -200, -200 );
111  Point p2( 200, 200, 200 );
112  KSpace K;
113  if ( K.init( p1, p2, true ) )
114  {
115  ImplicitDigitalEllipse ellipse( 180.0, 135.0, 102.0 );
116  Surfel bel = Surfaces<KSpace>::findABel( K, ellipse, 10000 );
117  res =
118  testImplicitDigitalSurface<KSpace, ImplicitDigitalEllipse>
119  ( K, ellipse, bel );
120  }
121  else
122  res = false;
123  trace.emphase() << ( res ? "Passed." : "Error." ) << endl;
124  trace.endBlock();
125  return res ? 0 : 1;
126 }
Aim: A model of CDigitalSurfaceContainer which defines the digital surface as the boundary of an impl...
Aim: This class is a model of CCellularGridSpaceND. It represents the cubical grid as a cell complex,...
bool init(const Point &lower, const Point &upper, bool isClosed)
Specifies the upper and lower bounds for the maximal cells in this space.
Aim: A utility class for constructing surfaces (i.e. set of (n-1)-cells).
Definition: Surfaces.h:79
void beginBlock(const std::string &keyword="")
std::ostream & emphase()
std::ostream & info()
double endBlock()
MyDigitalSurface::ConstIterator ConstIterator
DGtal is the top-level namespace which contains all DGtal functions and types.
Trace trace
Definition: Common.h:154
Represents a signed cell in a cellular grid space by its Khalimsky coordinates and a boolean value.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
MyPointD Point
Definition: testClone2.cpp:383
KSpace K
bool testImplicitDigitalSurface()