DGtalTools  0.9.2

Computes the zero level set of the given polynomial.

Usage: 3dImplicitSurfaceExtractorBy4DExtension [options] input

Allowed options are :

-h [ --help ] display this message
-p [ --polynomial ] arg the implicit polynomial whose
zero-level defines the shape of
-a [ --minAABB ] arg (=-10) the min value of the AABB bounding box
-A [ --maxAABB ] arg (=10) the max value of the AABB bounding box
-g [ --gridstep ] arg (=1) the gridstep that defines the
digitization (often called h).
-t [ --timestep ] arg (=9.9999999999999995e-07)
the gridstep that defines the
digitization in the 4th dimension
(small is generally a good idea,
default is 1e-6).
-P [ --project ] arg (=Newton) defines the projection: either No or
-e [ --epsilon ] arg (=9.9999999999999995e-08)
the maximum precision relative to the
implicit surface.
-n [ --max_iter ] arg (=500) the maximum number of iteration in the
Newton approximation of F=0.
-v [ --view ] arg (=Normal) specifies if the surface is viewed as
is (Normal) or if places close to
singularities are highlighted


3dImplicitSurfaceExtractorBy4DExtension -p "-0.9*(y^2+z^2-1)^2-(x^2+y^2-1)^3" -g 0.06125 -a -2 -A 2 -v Singular -t 0.02

You could also use other implicit surfaces:

You should obtain such a result:

resulting visualisation.
See also