DGtalTools  0.9.2

Applies basic vol image transform from the input values to output values.

Usage: volTrValues –input <volFileName> –o <volOutputFileName> -s 1 99 -r 100 200

=> all voxels of values 1 (resp. 99) will be 100 (resp. 200) in the resulting image.

Allowed options are :

-h [ --help ] display this message.
-i [ --input ] arg Input vol file.
-o [ --output ] arg (=output.vol) Output filename.
-s [ --inputVals ] arg specify the values which will be
transformed with the output values (given
with --outputVals).
-r [ --outputVals ] arg specify the output values to transformed
accordint the input values (given with


This tool can be useful to apply simple intensity transforms. For instance if you want to transform all intensities starting from 0 to 50 into interval 200 250 you can do as follows:

$ volTrValues -i $DGtal/examples/samples/lobster.vol -s {0..50} -r {200..250} -o lobsterTr.vol
$ 3dImageViewer -i lobsterTr.vol

By using 3dImageViewer ou should obtain such a result:

Result visualization.
See also