DGtalTools  1.2.0
Image processing
Author(s) of this documentation:\n Jacques-Olivier Lachaud

Modules of package image processing

Image restoration

  • imageProcessing/at-u2-v0 : Computes a piecewise smooth approximation of an image, by optimizing the Ambrosio-Tortorelli functional (with u a 2-form and v a 0-form).
  • imageProcessing/atv-u2-v0 : Computes a piecewise smooth approximation of an image, by optimizing a variant of the Ambrosio-Tortorelli functional (with u a 2-form and v a 0-form), which uses the Laplacian of v instead of its gradient for length approximation.
  • imageProcessing/at-u0-v1 : Computes a piecewise smooth approximation of an image, by optimizing the Ambrosio-Tortorelli functional (with u a 0-form and v a 1-form).
imageProcessing/at-u2-v0, imageProcessing/at-u0-v1