DGtalTools  1.2.0

Converts itk file into a volumetric file (.vol, .pgm3d).

Usage: itk2vol [input] [output]

Allowed options are:

1 TEXT:FILE REQUIRED Any file format in the ITK library (mhd, mha, ...).
2 TEXT volumetric file (.vol, .pgm3d).
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-i,--input TEXT:FILE REQUIRED Any file format in the ITK library (mhd, mha, ...).
-o,--output TEXT volumetric file (.vol, .pgm3d).
-m,--maskImage TEXT Use a mask image to remove image part (where mask is 0). The default mask value can be changed using mask default value.
-r,--maskRemoveLabel INT Change the label value that defines the part of input image to be removed by the option --maskImage.
--inputMin INT set minimum density threshold on Hounsfield scale.
--inputMax INT set maximum density threshold on Hounsfield scale.
-t,--inputType TEXT:{int,double} to sepcify the input image type (int or double).
@b Example:
$itk2vol image.mhd sample.vol --dicomMin -500 --dicomMax -100
See also