30 #include <DGtal/base/Common.h>
31 #include <DGtal/io/readers/GenericReader.h>
32 #include <DGtal/io/writers/GenericWriter.h>
33 #include <DGtal/helpers/StdDefs.h>
34 #include <DGtal/images/Image.h>
35 #include <DGtal/images/ImageContainerBySTLVector.h>
36 #include <DGtal/images/imagesSetsUtils/SetFromImage.h>
37 #include <DGtal/geometry/volumes/distance/DistanceTransformation.h>
38 #include <DGtal/math/Statistic.h>
45 using namespace DGtal;
111 typedef ImageContainerBySTLVector < Z3i::Domain, int > Image3D;
112 typedef ImageContainerBySTLVector < Z2i::Domain, int > Image2D;
116 isDiff(
const Image3D &imageA,
int aMin,
int aMax,
const Image3D &imageB,
117 int bMin,
int bMax,
const Point &pt){
118 bool isRefOn = (imageA(pt)<= aMax) && (imageA(pt) >= aMin);
119 bool isCompOn = (imageB(pt)<= bMax) && (imageB(pt) >= bMin);
120 return ((!isRefOn && isCompOn) || (isRefOn && !isCompOn));
126 getStatsFromDistanceMap(Statistic<double> & stats,
const Image3D &imageA,
int aMin,
int aMax,
127 const Image3D & imageB,
int bMin,
int bMax,
128 bool statOnFalsePositiveOnly=
false, Point *ptMax=0){
131 Z3i::DigitalSet set3dRef (imageA.domain());
132 SetFromImage<Z3i::DigitalSet>::append<Image3D>(set3dRef, imageA, aMin-1,aMax);
133 typedef functors::NotPointPredicate<Z3i::DigitalSet> NegPredicate;
137 typedef DistanceTransformation<Z3i::Space, NegPredicate, Z3i::L2Metric> DTL2;
138 const NegPredicate aPredicate( set3dRef );
139 DTL2 dtL2( imageA.domain(), aPredicate, Z3i::l2Metric );
142 Z3i::DigitalSet set3dComp (imageB.domain());
143 SetFromImage<Z3i::DigitalSet>::append<Image3D>(set3dComp, imageB, bMin-1, bMax);
145 unsigned int nbAdded=0;
148 for(Z3i::DigitalSet::ConstIterator it= set3dComp.begin(); it!= set3dComp.end(); ++it){
149 if((!statOnFalsePositiveOnly) || (isDiff(imageA, aMin, aMax, imageB, bMin, bMax, *it))){
150 DTL2::Value distance = dtL2(*it);
151 stats.addValue(distance);
153 if(maxDist<distance){
156 (*ptMax)[0]=(*it)[0];
157 (*ptMax)[1]=(*it)[1];
158 (*ptMax)[2]=(*it)[2];
165 trace.error() <<
"No point added to statistics, will failed..." << endl;
170 getVoxelsStats(
const Image3D &imageA,
int aMin,
int aMax,
const Image3D &imageB,
171 int bMin,
int bMax,
bool exportStatVoxels, std::vector<Point> &vectPtBinA,
172 std::vector<Point> &vectPtCompBinCompA, std::vector<Point> &vectPtBnotInA,
173 std::vector<Point> &vectPtnotBInA,
bool precisionRecallFMean ){
175 int numCompBinCompA = 0;
180 int numTotalinCompA = 0;
181 int numTotalinCompB = 0;
183 for(Image3D::Domain::ConstIterator it = imageA.domain().begin(); it!=imageA.domain().end(); it++){
185 if(imageA(*it) <= aMax && imageA(*it) >= aMin){
188 if(imageB(*it) <= bMax && imageB(*it) >= bMin){
191 if(exportStatVoxels) vectPtBinA.push_back(*it);
195 if(exportStatVoxels) vectPtnotBInA.push_back(*it);
201 if(imageB(*it) <= bMax && imageB(*it) >= bMin){
204 if(exportStatVoxels) vectPtBnotInA.push_back(*it);
208 if(exportStatVoxels) vectPtCompBinCompA.push_back(*it);
213 std::cout << numBinA <<
" " << numCompBinCompA <<
" " << numBnotInA
214 <<
" " << numNotBinA <<
" " << numTotalInA <<
" "
215 << numTotalInB <<
" " << numTotalinCompA <<
" " << numTotalinCompB;
216 if(precisionRecallFMean){
217 double precision = (double)numBinA/(numBinA + numBnotInA);
218 double recall = (double)numBinA/(numBinA+numNotBinA);
219 double fmean = (2.0*precision*recall)/(precision+recall);
220 std::cout <<
" " << precision<<
" " << recall <<
" " << fmean ;
227 getVoxelsStats(
const Image3D &imageA,
int aMin,
int aMax,
const Image3D &imageB,
228 int bMin,
int bMax,
bool precisionRecallFMean ){
229 std::vector<Point> v1, v2, v3, v4;
230 return getVoxelsStats(imageA, aMin, aMax, imageB, bMin, bMax,
false, v1, v2, v3, v4, precisionRecallFMean);
238 exportSetofPoints(
string filename, std::vector<Point> aVectPoint){
240 ofs.open(filename.c_str(), std::ofstream::out );
241 ofs<<
"# Set of 3d points with format: x y z" << std::endl;
242 for (
unsigned int i =0; i< aVectPoint.size(); i++){
243 ofs << aVectPoint.at(i)[0] <<
" " << aVectPoint.at(i)[1] <<
" "<< aVectPoint.at(i)[2] << std::endl;
250 int main(
int argc,
259 std::string volAFilename;
260 std::string volBFilename;
266 bool noDistanceComparisons {
267 bool distancesFromBnotInAOnly {
268 bool displayTFstats {
269 bool exportSDP {
271 app.description(
"Apply shape measures for comparing two volumetric images A and B (shape defined from thresholds).\n It can compute: \n - voxel count from voxel partition (number of voxel from (B-A), (A-B) ...): usefull to determine classical statistics like false positive related stats.\n - euclidean distance between two volumetric images A and B\n Basic usage: \t volShapeMetrics --volA <volAFilename> --volB <volBFilename>\nTypical use :\n volShapeMetrics -a imageA.vol --aMin 128 --aMax 255 -b imageB.vol --bMin 128 --bMax 255 --distancesFromBnotInAOnly \n");
275 app.add_option(
"-a,--volA,1", volAFilename,
"Input filename of volume A (vol format, and other pgm3d can also be used)." )
277 ->check(CLI::ExistingFile);
279 app.add_option(
"-b,--volB,2", volBFilename,
"Input filename of volume B (vol format, and other pgm3d can also be used).")
281 ->check(CLI::ExistingFile);
282 app.add_option(
"min threshold for a voxel to be considered as belonging to the object of volume A. (default 0)",
283 app.add_option(
"max threshold for a voxel to be considered as belonging to the object of volume A. (default 128)",
285 app.add_option(
"min threshold for a voxel to be considered as belonging to the object of volume B. (default 0)",
286 app.add_option(
"max threshold for a voxel to be considered as belonging to the object of volume B. (default 128)",
288 app.add_flag(
"--noDistanceComparisons", noDistanceComparisons,
"to avoid to apply distance map computation if the distance comparaison are not needed.");
290 app.add_flag(
"apply distance map measures only for voxels of B which are not in A (else the measure are given from all distances of the object B).");
292 app.add_flag(
"--displayTFstats", displayTFstats,
"Change the comparison diplay by using the true/false/positive/negative notation and considering the shape A as reference. It also display precision/recall/f-mean statistics.");
293 app.add_flag(
"--exportSDP", exportSDP,
"Export voxels belonging to each categorie (voxels of ( B in A) , (NOT in B and NOT in A), (B and NOT in A) and (Voxels of NOT in B and in A)).");
296 app.get_formatter()->column_width(40);
297 CLI11_PARSE(app, argc, argv);
301 Image3D imageA = GenericReader<Image3D>::import(volAFilename);
302 Image3D imageB = GenericReader<Image3D>::import(volBFilename);
304 std::cout <<
"# Shape comparisons (generated with volShapeMetrics) given with the reference shape A: "<< volAFilename
305 <<
" (defined with threshold min: " << aMin <<
" and max: " << aMax <<
" )"<< endl
306 <<
"# and with the compared shape B: "<< volBFilename <<
" (defined with threshold min: " << bMin <<
" and max: " << bMax <<
" )"<< endl;
308 std::cout <<
"# #True_Positive #TrueNegative #FalsePositive #FalseNegative #TotalinA #TotalInB #TotalComplementOfRef #TotalComplementOfComp Precision Recall F-Mean ";
310 std::cout <<
"# #(Voxels of B in A) #(Voxels of NOT in B and NOT in A) #(Voxels of B and NOT in A) #(Voxels of NOT in B and in A) #(Voxels in A) #(Voxels in B) #(Voxels not in A) #(Voxels not in B) ";
313 if(!noDistanceComparisons){
314 std::cout <<
" Max(MinDistance(shape B to shape A) Mean(MinDistance(shape B to shape A) Variance(MinDistance(shape B to shape A)) "
315 <<
" Mediane(MinDistance(shape B to shape A) Farthest point of B to A ";
316 if(distancesFromBnotInAOnly){
317 std::cout <<
"*** for parts of B which are not in A only ***" ;
320 std::cout << std::endl;
323 std::vector<Point> voxelsBinA, voxelsNotInBNotInA, voxelsBNotInA, voxelsNotInBInA;
325 getVoxelsStats(imageA, aMin, aMax, imageB, bMin, bMax,
true, voxelsBinA, voxelsNotInBNotInA, voxelsBNotInA, voxelsNotInBInA,
326 exportSetofPoints(
"truePos.sdp", voxelsBinA);
327 exportSetofPoints(
"trueNeg.sdp", voxelsNotInBNotInA);
328 exportSetofPoints(
"falsePos.sdp", voxelsBNotInA);
329 exportSetofPoints(
"falseNeg.sdp", voxelsNotInBInA);
331 std::vector<Point> voxelsBinA, voxelsNotInBNotInA, voxelsBNotInA, voxelsNotInBInA;
332 getVoxelsStats(imageA, aMin, aMax, imageB, bMin, bMax,
true, voxelsBinA, voxelsNotInBNotInA, voxelsBNotInA, voxelsNotInBInA,
333 exportSetofPoints(
"inBinA.sdp", voxelsBinA);
334 exportSetofPoints(
"notinBnotinA.sdp", voxelsNotInBNotInA);
335 exportSetofPoints(
"inBnotinA.sdp", voxelsBNotInA);
336 exportSetofPoints(
"notinBinA.sdp", voxelsNotInBInA);
339 getVoxelsStats(imageA, aMin, aMax, imageB, bMin, bMax, displayTFstats);
342 if(!noDistanceComparisons){
343 trace.info() <<
"Computing Distance Map stats ...";
344 Statistic<double> statDistances(
346 getStatsFromDistanceMap(statDistances, imageA, aMin, aMax, imageB, bMin, bMax,
false, &ptMax );
347 std::cout <<
" " << statDistances.max() <<
" " << statDistances.mean() <<
" " << statDistances.variance() <<
" "<< statDistances.median() <<
" " << ptMax[0] <<
" " << ptMax[1] <<
" " << ptMax[2] << std::endl;
349 trace.info() <<
" [done] " << std::endl;