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Here is a list of all functions with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- q -
- q() : DGtal::CircleFrom2Points< TPoint >, DGtal::CircleFrom3Points< TPoint >, DGtal::LighterSternBrocot< TInteger, TQuotient, TMap >::Fraction, DGtal::LightSternBrocot< TInteger, TQuotient, TMap >::Fraction, DGtal::PlaneProbingParallelepipedEstimator< TPredicate, mode >::NotAbovePredicate, DGtal::PlaneProbingParallelepipedEstimator< TPredicate, mode >, DGtal::PlaneProbingTetrahedronEstimator< TPredicate, mode >, DGtal::SternBrocot< TInteger, TQuotient >::Fraction, DGtal::StraightLineFrom2Points< TPoint >
- qHull() : DGtal::Preimage2D< Shape >
- quadrant() : DGtal::AvnaimEtAl2x2DetSignComputer< TInteger >, DGtal::FP< TIterator, TInteger, connectivity >
- QuadraticBezierCurve() : LibBoard::QuadraticBezierCurve
- quadToTriangularFaces() : DGtal::Mesh< TPoint >
- QuantifiedColorMap() : DGtal::QuantifiedColorMap< TColorMap >
- Quantity() : DGtal::functors::SphereFittingEstimator< TSurfel, TEmbedder, TNormalVectorEstimatorCache >::Quantity
- QuickHull() : DGtal::QuickHull< TKernel >
- Qvf() : DGtal::PolygonalCalculus< TRealPoint, TRealVector >