DGtal 1.4.0
Part of the Geometry package.
This part of the manual describes tools associated to a new definition of digital convexity, called the full convexity [77] [78] . This new definition solves many problems related to the usual definition of digital convexity, like possible non connectedness or non simple connectedness, while encompassing its desirable features. Fully convex sets are digitally convex, but are also connected and simply connected. They have a morphological characterisation, which induces a simple convexity test algorithm. As an important example, arithmetic planes are fully convex too.
The following programs are related to this documentation: geometry/curves/exampleDigitalConvexity.cpp, geometry/curves/exampleRationalConvexity.cpp, testBoundedLatticePolytope.cpp, testBoundedLatticePolytopeCounter.cpp, testCellGeometry.cpp, testDigitalConvexity.cpp, testEhrhartPolynomial.cpp, geometry/volumes/exampleBoundedLatticePolytopeCount2D.cpp, geometry/volumes/exampleBoundedLatticePolytopeCount3D.cpp, geometry/volumes/exampleBoundedLatticePolytopeCount4D.cpp .
This module relies on module QuickHull algorithm in arbitrary dimension for convex hull and Delaunay cell complex computation for convex hull computations in arbitrary dimensions.
You may also look at Applications of full digital convexity to see some applications of full convexity.
See Fully convex envelope, relative fully convex envelope and digital polyhedra to see how to build fully convex hulls and digital polyhedra.
The usual definition for digital convexity is as follows. For some digital set S \subset \mathbb{Z}^d , S is said to be digitally convex whenever \mathrm{Conv}(S) \cap \mathbb{Z}^d = S . Otherwise said, the convex hull of all the digital points contains exactly these digital points and no other.
Although handy and easy to check, this definition lacks many properties related to (continuous) convexity in the Euclidean plane.
We extend this definition as follows (see [77] [78] ). Let C^d be the usual regular cubical complex induced by the lattice \mathbb{Z}^d , and let C^d_k be its k-cells, for 0 \le k \le d . We have that the 0-cells of C^d_0 are exactly the lattice points, the 1-cells of C^d_1 are the open unit segment joining 2 neighboring lattice points, etc.
Finally, for an arbitrary subset Y \subset \mathbb{R}^d , we denote by C^d_k \lbrack Y \rbrack the set of k-cells of C^d whose closure have a non-empty intersection with Y , i.e. C^d_k \lbrack Y \rbrack := \{ c \in C^d_k,~\text{s.t.}~ \bar{c} \cap Y \neq \emptyset \} .
A digital set S \subset \mathbb{Z}^d is said to be digitally k- convex whenever C^d_k \lbrack \mathrm{Conv}(S) \rbrack = C^d_k \lbrack S \rbrack . S is said to be fully (digitally) convex whenever it is digitally k- convex for 0 \le k \le d .
A fully convex set is always 3^d-1 -connected (i.e. 8-connected in 2D, 26-connected in 3D). Furthermore its axis-aligned slices are connected (with the same kind of connectedness). It is also clear that digitally 0-convexity is the usual digital convexity.
A last useful notion is the subconvexity, or tangency. Let X \subset \mathbb{Z}^d some arbitrary digital set. Then the digital set S \subset \mathbb{Z}^d is said to be digitally k- subconvex to X whenever C^d_k \lbrack \mathrm{Conv}(S) \rbrack \subset C^d_k \lbrack X \rbrack . And S is said to be fully (digitally) subconvex to X whenever it is digitally k- subconvex to X for 0 \le k \le d .
Subconvexity is a useful for notion for digital contour and surface analysis. It tells which subsets of these digital sets are tangent to them.
Three classes help to check digital convexity.
Construction. You have different ways to build the lattice polytope:
other operations. You may also cut a polytope by a new halfspace (BoundedLatticePolytope::cut), count the number of lattice points inside, interior or on the boundary (BoundedLatticePolytope::count, BoundedLatticePolytope::countInterior, BoundedLatticePolytope::countBoundary) or enumerate them.
Last, you may compute Minkowski sums of a polytope with axis-aligned segments, squares or (hyper)-cubes (BoundedLatticePolytope::operator+=).
Point check services:
Standard polytope services:
Enumeration services:
Lattice point retrieval services:
The class ConvexityHelper also provides several static methods related to BoundedLatticePolytope:
The class CellGeometry can compute and store set of lattice cells of different dimensions. You specify at construction a Khalimsky space (any model of concepts::CCellularGridSpaceND), as well as the dimensions of the cells you are interested in. Internally it uses a variant of unordered set of points (see UnorderedSetByBlock) to store the lattice cells in a compact manner.
Then you may add cells that touch a range of points, or cells intersected by a polytope, or cells belonging to another CellGeometry object.
minCellDim() <= k <= maxCellDim()
, to this cell geometry.With respect to full digital convexity, CellGeometry::addCellsTouchingPolytope is very important since it allows to compute C^d_k \lbrack P \rbrack for an arbitrary polytope P and for any k .
Class DigitalConvexity is a helper class to build polytopes from digital sets and to check digital k-convexity. It provides methods for checking if a simplex is full dimensional, building the corresponding polytope, methods for getting the lattice points in a polytope, computing the cells touching lattice points or touching a polytope, and a set of methods to check k-convexity or k-subconvexity (i.e. tangency).
Here are two ways for checking full convexity. The first is the simplest (but hides some details):
Second way to do it, where we see the intermediate computations of points and cells.
Morphological services (since 1.3):
The following snippet shows that a 4D ball is indeed fully convex.
Simplex services:
Polytope services:
Lattice cell geometry services:
Convexity services:
Any lattice polytope has a unique Ehrhart polynomial that encodes the relationship between the volume of the polytope and the number of integer points the polytope contains. It is a kind of extension of 2D Pick's theorem. More precisely, if P is a (bounded) polytope in \mathbb{R}^d with vertices lying in \mathbb{Z}^d , and for any positive integer t , let tP denotes the dilation of P by a factor t .
We denote L(P,t) := \#( tP \cap \mathbb{Z}^d ) , i.e. the number of lattice points included in the dilation of this polytope.
Then L(P,t) is a polynomial in t of degree f . Its monomial coefficients L_k(P) are rational numbers, and some coefficients have a clear geometric meaning, e.g.:
Note also that, by Ehrhart-MacDonald reciprocity, the polynomial (-1)^d L(P,-t) counts the number of interior lattice points to tP .
Class EhrhartPolynomial provides an elementary method to determine the Ehrhart polynomial of any bounded lattice polytope.
See testEhrhartPolynomial.cpp for examples.
and counting by brute-force the number of lattice points within these dilated polytopes. We then compute the Lagrange interpolating polynomial (using class LagrangeInterpolation) and we know that this must be the Ehrhart polynomial. There exists faster ways to compute it, which are however much more complex. See for instance LattE software: https://www.math.ucdavis.edu/~latte .You can also create bounded rational polytopes, i.e. polytopes with vertices with rational coordinates, with class BoundedRationalPolytope. You must give a common denominator for all rational coordinates.
Then the interface of BoundedRationalPolytope is almost the same as the one of BoundedLatticePolytope (see Lattice polytopes ).
The classs BoundedRationalPolytope offers dilatation by an arbitrary rational, e.g. as follows
You may also check digital convexity and compute cell covers with bounded rational polytopes, exactly in the same way as with BoundedLatticePolytope.
The class BoundedLatticePolytope is different from the class LatticePolytope2D for the following two reasons:
There are no simple conversion from one to the other. Class LatticePolytope2D is optimized for cuts and lattice points enumeration, and is very specific to 2D. Class BoundedLatticePolytope is less optimized than the previous one but works in nD and provides Minkowski sum and dilation services.