35 #include <boost/program_options/options_description.hpp>
36 #include <boost/program_options/parsers.hpp>
37 #include <boost/program_options/variables_map.hpp>
39 #include "DGtal/base/Common.h"
40 #include "DGtal/base/CountedPtr.h"
41 #include "DGtal/helpers/StdDefs.h"
42 #include "DGtal/math/MPolynomial.h"
43 #include "DGtal/io/readers/MPolynomialReader.h"
44 #include "DGtal/io/DrawWithDisplay3DModifier.h"
45 #include "DGtal/io/viewers/Viewer3D.h"
46 #include "DGtal/topology/KhalimskySpaceND.h"
47 #include "DGtal/topology/CubicalComplex.h"
48 #include "DGtal/topology/CubicalComplexFunctions.h"
49 #include "DGtal/topology/SetOfSurfels.h"
50 #include "DGtal/topology/DigitalSurface.h"
51 #include "DGtal/topology/helpers/Surfaces.h"
52 #include "DGtal/shapes/GaussDigitizer.h"
53 #include "DGtal/shapes/Mesh.h"
54 #include "DGtal/shapes/implicit/ImplicitPolynomial3Shape.h"
59 using namespace DGtal;
130 template <
typename TSpace3,
typename TSpace4,
typename TPolynomial3>
131 struct ImplicitSurface4DProductExtension {
132 typedef TSpace3 Space3;
133 typedef TSpace4 Space4;
134 typedef TPolynomial3 Polynomial3;
135 typedef typename Space3::RealPoint RealPoint3;
136 typedef typename Space3::RealVector RealVector3;
137 typedef typename Space3::Integer
138 typedef typename RealPoint3::Coordinate Ring;
139 typedef typename Space4::RealPoint RealPoint4;
140 typedef typename Space4::RealVector RealVector4;
147 fx = derivative<0>( f );
148 fy = derivative<1>( f );
149 fz = derivative<2>( f );
150 fxx = derivative<0>( fx );
151 fxy = derivative<0>( fy );
152 fxz = derivative<0>( fz );
153 fyy = derivative<1>( fy );
154 fyz = derivative<1>( fz );
155 fzz = derivative<2>( fz );
162 Ring operator()(
const RealPoint &aPoint)
164 Ring x = aPoint[ 0 ];
165 Ring y = aPoint[ 1 ];
166 Ring z = aPoint[ 2 ];
167 Ring t = aPoint[ 3 ];
168 RealVector3 grad( fx(x)(y)(z), fy(x)(y)(z), fz(x)(y)(z) );
169 return f(x)(y)(z) - t * grad.norm();
176 bool isInside(
const RealPoint &aPoint)
187 Orientation orientation(
const RealPoint &aPoint)
189 Ring v = this->operator()( aPoint );
200 RealVector gradient(
const RealPoint &aPoint )
202 Ring x = aPoint[ 0 ];
203 Ring y = aPoint[ 1 ];
204 Ring z = aPoint[ 2 ];
205 Ring t = aPoint[ 3 ];
206 RealVector3 grad( fx(x)(y)(z), fy(x)(y)(z), fz(x)(y)(z) );
207 Ring ngrad = grad.norm();
209 RealVector d_gradx( fxx(x)(y)(z), fxy(x)(y)(z),fxz(x)(y)(z) );
210 RealVector d_grady( fxy(x)(y)(z), fyy(x)(y)(z),fyz(x)(y)(z) );
211 RealVector d_gradz( fxz(x)(y)(z), fyz(x)(y)(z),fzz(x)(y)(z) );
212 return RealVector( grad[ 0 ] - t * d_gradx.dot( grad ),
213 grad[ 1 ] - t * d_grady.dot( grad ),
214 grad[ 2 ] - t * d_gradz.dot( grad ),
236 template <
typename TSpace3,
typename TSpace4,
typename TPolynomial3>
237 struct ImplicitSurface4DExtension {
238 typedef TSpace3 Space3;
239 typedef TSpace4 Space4;
240 typedef TPolynomial3 Polynomial3;
241 typedef typename Space3::RealPoint RealPoint3;
242 typedef typename Space3::RealVector RealVector3;
243 typedef typename Space3::Integer Integer;
244 typedef typename RealPoint3::Coordinate Ring;
245 typedef typename Space4::RealPoint RealPoint4;
246 typedef typename Space4::RealVector RealVector4;
247 typedef RealPoint4 RealPoint;
248 typedef RealVector4 RealVector;
253 fx = derivative<0>( f );
254 fy = derivative<1>( f );
255 fz = derivative<2>( f );
256 fxx = derivative<0>( fx );
257 fxy = derivative<0>( fy );
258 fxz = derivative<0>( fz );
259 fyy = derivative<1>( fy );
260 fyz = derivative<1>( fz );
261 fzz = derivative<2>( fz );
268 Ring operator()(
const RealPoint &aPoint)
270 Ring x = aPoint[ 0 ];
271 Ring y = aPoint[ 1 ];
272 Ring z = aPoint[ 2 ];
273 Ring t = aPoint[ 3 ];
275 return f(x)(y)(z) - t;
282 bool isInside(
const RealPoint &aPoint)
293 Orientation orientation(
const RealPoint &aPoint)
295 Ring v = this->operator()( aPoint );
306 RealVector gradient(
const RealPoint &aPoint )
308 Ring x = aPoint[ 0 ];
309 Ring y = aPoint[ 1 ];
310 Ring z = aPoint[ 2 ];
311 Ring t = aPoint[ 3 ];
312 return RealVector( fx(x)(y)(z), fy(x)(y)(z), fz(x)(y)(z), -1.0 );
329 template <
typename CellOutputIterator,
typename DigitalSurface>
331 analyzeSurface( CellOutputIterator itSure, CellOutputIterator itUnsure,
342 const Container& C = surface.
343 const KSpace& K = surface.
345 for ( ConstIterator it = surface.
begin(), itE = surface.
end(); it != itE; ++it )
349 Integer s_xt = K.
sKCoord( s, t );
350 if ( s_xt == 0 ) *itUnsure++ = is;
351 else if ( s_xt == -1 )
354 if ( tracker->adjacent( s2, t,
true ) != 0 )
356 Integer s2_xt = K.
sKCoord( s2, t );
358 if ( s2_xt > 0 ) *itSure++ = ic;
359 else *itUnsure++ = ic;
362 else if ( s_xt == 1 )
365 if ( tracker->adjacent( s2, t,
false ) != 0 )
367 Integer s2_xt = K.
sKCoord( s2, t );
369 if ( s2_xt < 0 ) *itSure++ = ic;
370 else *itUnsure++ = ic;
373 else cout <<
" " << s_xt;
385 template <
typename ImplicitSurface,
typename RealPo
386 RealPoint projectNewton(
const ImplicitSurface & is,
389 unsigned int max_iter )
394 Scalar eps2 = epsilon * epsilon;
395 while ( max_iter-- != 0 )
398 if (
abs( f ) < epsilon )
return x;
399 gx = is.gradient( x );
401 if ( g2 < eps2 )
return x;
408 template <
typename CubicalComplex4,
typename ImplicitShape4,
409 typename ImplicitDigitalShape4,
typename ImplicitShape3>
410 void projectComplex( std::vector< typename ImplicitShape3::RealPoint >& points,
411 const CubicalComplex4& complex4,
412 const ImplicitShape4& shape,
413 const ImplicitDigitalShape4& dshape,
414 const ImplicitShape3& shape3,
416 unsigned int max_iter )
418 typedef typename CubicalComplex4::Cell Cell4;
419 typedef typename CubicalComplex4::Point Point4;
420 typedef typename CubicalComplex4::CellMapConstIterator CellMapConstIterator;
421 typedef typename ImplicitShape4::RealPoint RealPoint4;
422 typedef typename ImplicitShape4::Ring Ring;
423 typedef typename ImplicitShape3::RealPoint RealPoint3;
425 for ( CellMapConstIterator it = complex4.begin( 0 ), itE = complex4.end( 0 ); it != itE; ++it )
427 Cell4 cell = it->first;
428 Point4 dp = complex4.space().uCoords( cell );
429 RealPoint4 p = dshape->embed( dp );
430 RealPoint3 p3 = RealPoint3( p[ 0 ], p[ 1 ], p[ 2 ] );
431 RealPoint3 q = projectNewton( shape3, p3, epsilon, max_iter );
432 points.push_back( q );
436 template <
typename CubicalComplex4,
typename ImplicitShape4,
437 typename ImplicitDigitalShape4,
typename ImplicitShape3>
438 void doNotProjectComplex( std::vector< typename ImplicitShape3::RealPoint >& points,
439 const CubicalComplex4& complex4,
440 const ImplicitShape4& shape,
441 const ImplicitDigitalShape4& dshape,
442 const ImplicitShape3& shape3 )
444 typedef typename CubicalComplex4::Cell Cell4;
445 typedef typename CubicalComplex4::Point Point4;
446 typedef typename CubicalComplex4::CellMapConstIterator CellMapConstIterator;
447 typedef typename ImplicitShape4::RealPoint RealPoint4;
448 typedef typename ImplicitShape4::Ring Ring;
449 typedef typename ImplicitShape3::RealPoint RealPoint3;
450 for ( CellMapConstIterator it = complex4.begin( 0 ), itE = complex4.end( 0 ); it != itE; ++it )
452 Cell4 cell = it->first;
453 Point4 dp = complex4.space().uCoords( cell );
454 RealPoint4 p = dshape->embed( dp );
455 RealPoint3 p3 = RealPoint3( p[ 0 ], p[ 1 ], p[ 2 ] );
456 points.push_back( p3 );
461 int main(
int argc,
char** argv )
466 typedef KSpace3::Cell Cell3;
467 typedef std::map<Cell3, CubicalCellData> Map3;
469 typedef Space3::Point Point3;
470 typedef Space3::RealPoint RealPoint3;
471 typedef RealPoint3::Coordinate Ring;
478 typedef KSpace4::Cell Cell4;
479 typedef KSpace4::Cells Cells4;
480 typedef KSpace4::SCell SCell4;
481 typedef Space4::Point Point4;
482 typedef Space4::RealPoint RealPoint4;
483 typedef Space4::RealVector RealVector4;
484 typedef ImplicitSurface4DProductExtension<Space3,Space4,Polynomial3>
487 ImplicitDigitalShape4;
488 typedef ImplicitDigitalShape4::Domain Domain4;
489 typedef std::map<Cell4, CubicalCellData> Map4;
491 typedef CC4::CellMapIterator CellMapIterator;
492 typedef CC4::CellMapConstIterator CellMapConstIterator;
493 typedef CC4::Cells Cells4;
496 namespace po = boost::program_options;
497 po::options_description general_opt(
"Allowed options are: ");
498 general_opt.add_options()
499 (
"display this message")
500 (
"polynomial,p", po::value<string>(),
"the implicit polynomial whose zero-level defines the shape of interest." )
501 (
"minAABB,a", po::value<double>()->default_value( -10.0 ),
"the min value of the AABB bounding box (domain)" )
502 (
"maxAABB,A", po::value<double>()->default_value( 10.0 ),
"the max value of the AABB bounding box (domain)" )
503 (
"gridstep,g", po::value< double >()->default_value( 1.0 ),
"the gridstep that defines the digitization (often called h). " )
504 (
"timestep,t", po::value< double >()->default_value( 0.000001 ),
"the gridstep that defines the digitization in the 4th dimension (small is generally a good idea, default is 1e-6). " )
505 (
"project,P", po::value< std::string >()->default_value(
"Newton" ),
"defines the projection: either No or Newton." )
506 (
"epsilon,e", po::value< double >()->default_value( 0.0000001 ),
"the maximum precision relative to the implicit surface." )
507 (
"max_iter,n", po::value< unsigned int >()->default_value( 500 ),
"the maximum number of iteration in the Newton approximation of F=0." )
508 (
"view,v", po::value< std::string >()->default_value(
"Normal" ),
"specifies if the surface is viewed as is (Normal) or if places close to singularities are highlighted (Singular)." )
512 po::variables_map vm;
514 po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, general_opt), vm);
515 }
catch (
const exception& ex ) {
517 cerr <<
"Error checking program options: "<< ex.what()<< endl;
520 if( ! parseOK || vm.count(
"help") || ! vm.count(
"polynomial" ) )
522 if ( ! vm.count(
"polynomial" ) )
523 cerr <<
"Need parameter --polynomial / -p" << endl;
525 cerr <<
"Usage: " << argv[0] <<
" -p <polynomial> [options]\n"
526 <<
"Computes the zero level set of the given polynomial."
528 << general_opt <<
529 cerr <<
"Example:\n" << endl
530 << argv[ 0 ] <<
" -p \"-0.9*(y^2+z^2-1)^2-(x^2+y^2-1)^3\" -g 0.06125 -a -2 -A 2 -v Singular -t 0.02" << endl
531 <<
" - whitney : x^2-y*z^2" << endl
532 <<
" - 4lines : x*y*(y-x)*(y-z*x)" << endl
533 <<
" - cone : z^2-x^2-y^2" << endl
534 <<
" - simonU : x^2-z*y^2+x^4+y^4" << endl
535 <<
" - cayley3 : 4*(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) + 16*x*y*z - 1" << endl
536 <<
" - crixxi : -0.9*(y^2+z^2-1)^2-(x^2+y^2-1)^3" << endl << endl;
541 trace.
"Reading polynomial and creating 4D implicit function" );
542 string poly_str = vm[
"polynomial" ].as<
544 Polynomial3Reader reader;
545 string::const_iterator iter = reader.read( poly, poly_str.begin(), poly_str.end() );
546 if ( iter != poly_str.end() )
548 trace.
error() <<
"ERROR reading polynomial: I read only <" << poly_str.substr( 0, iter - poly_str.begin() )
549 <<
">, and I built P=" << poly << std::endl;
553 ImplicitShape3 shape3( poly );
556 Ring min_x = vm[
"minAABB" ].as<
557 Ring max_x = vm[
"maxAABB" ].as<
558 Ring h = vm[
"gridstep" ].as<
559 Ring t = vm[
"timestep" ].as<
560 RealPoint4 p1( min_x, min_x, min_x, -t*h );
561 RealPoint4 p2( max_x, max_x, max_x, 0 );
564 dshape->attach( *shape );
565 dshape->init( p1, p2, RealVector4( h, h, h, t ) );
566 Domain4 domain4 = dshape->getDomain();
568 K4.init( domain4.lowerBound(), domain4.upperBound(), true );
569 trace.
info() <<
"- domain is " << domain4 << std::endl;
575 std::vector<SCell4> surface_cells;
576 std::back_insert_iterator< std::vector<SCell4> > outItSurface( surface_cells );
578 K4, *dshape, domain4.lowerBound(), domain4.upperBound() );
579 trace.
info() <<
"- 4D surface has " << surface_cells.size() <<
" 3-cells." << endl;
582 ptrF0->surfelSet().insert( surface_cells.begin(), surface_cells.end() );
584 std::vector<Cell4> sure_cells;
585 std::vector<Cell4> unsure_cells;
586 analyzeSurface( std::back_inserter( sure_cells ), std::back_inserter( unsure_cells ),
588 trace.
info() <<
"- sure cells = " << sure_cells.size() << endl;
589 trace.
info() <<
"- unsure cells = " << unsure_cells.size() << endl;
592 complex4.insertCells( sure_cells.begin(), sure_cells.end(), sure_data );
593 complex4.insertCells( unsure_cells.begin(), unsure_cells.end(), unsure_data );
594 surface_cells.clear();
599 std::vector<Cell4> inner;
600 std::vector<Cell4> bdry;
602 trace.
info() <<
"- K=" << complex4 << endl;
603 functions::filterCellsWithinBounds
604 ( complex4, K4.uKCoords( K4.lowerCell() ), K4.uKCoords( K4.upperCell() ),
605 std::back_inserter( bdry ), std::back_inserter( inner ) );
606 trace.
info() <<
"- there are " << inner.size() <<
" inner cells." << endl;
607 trace.
info() <<
"- there are " << bdry.size() <<
" boundary cells." << endl;
615 for ( CellMapIterator it = complex4.begin( i ), itE = complex4.end( i ); it != itE; ++it )
617 Cell4 cell = it->first;
618 Point4 dp = K4.uCoords( cell );
619 RealPoint4 p = dshape->embed( dp );
620 Ring v = (*shape)( p );
622 if ( v > 1000000.0 ) v = 1000000.0;
623 it->second.data &= ~CC4::VALUE;
632 typename CC4::DefaultCellMapIteratorPriority priority;
633 CC4 bdry_complex4( K4 );
634 for ( std::vector<Cell4>::const_iterator it = bdry.begin(), itE = bdry.end(); it != itE; ++it )
638 CellMapConstIterator cmIt = complex4.findCell( d, cell );
639 bdry_complex4.insertCell( d, cell, cmIt->second );
642 trace.
info() <<
"- [before collapse] K_bdry =" << bdry_complex4 << endl;
643 functions::collapse( bdry_complex4, bdry.begin(), bdry.end(), priority,
true, true );
644 trace.
info() <<
"- [after collapse] K_bdry =" << bdry_complex4 << endl;
645 for ( std::vector<Cell4>::const_iterator it = bdry.begin(), itE = bdry.end(); it != itE; ++it )
649 CellMapConstIterator cmIt = bdry_complex4.findCell( d, cell );
650 if ( cmIt != bdry_complex4.end( d ) ) {
651 CellMapIterator cmIt2 = complex4.findCell( d, cell );
652 cmIt2->second = sure_data;
659 std::copy( bdry.begin(), bdry.end(), std::back_inserter( inner ) );
661 functions::collapse( complex4, inner.begin(), inner.end(), priority,
true, true );
662 trace.
info() <<
"- K=" << complex4 << endl;
667 std::string project = vm[
"project" ].as<std::string>();
668 double epsilon = vm[
"epsilon" ].as<
669 unsigned int max_iter = vm[
"max_iter" ].as<
unsigned int>();
670 std::vector<RealPoint3> points;
671 if ( project ==
"Newton" )
672 projectComplex( points, complex4, *shape, dshape, shape3, epsilon, max_iter );
674 doNotProjectComplex( points, complex4, *shape, dshape, shape3 );
679 std::string view = vm[
"view" ].as<std::string>();
680 bool highlight = ( view ==
"Singular" );
682 std::map<Cell4,unsigned int> indices;
684 for ( CellMapConstIterator it = complex4.begin( 0 ), itE = complex4.end( 0 ); it != itE; ++it, ++idx )
686 Cell4 cell = it->first;
687 indices[ cell ] = idx;
688 mesh.addVertex( points[ idx ] );
690 for ( CellMapConstIterator it = complex4.begin( 2 ), itE = complex4.end( 2 ); it != itE; ++it, ++idx )
692 Cell4 cell = it->first;
693 bool fixed = it->second.data & CC4::FIXED;
694 Cells4 bdry = complex4.cellBoundary( cell,
true );
695 std::vector<unsigned int> face_idx;
696 for ( Cells4::const_iterator itC = bdry.begin(), itCE = bdry.end(); itC != itCE; ++itC )
698 if ( complex4.dim( *itC ) == 0 )
699 face_idx.push_back( indices[ *itC ] );
701 Color color = highlight
702 ? ( fixed ? Color::White :
Color(128,255,128) )
704 mesh.addQuadFace( face_idx[ 0 ], face_idx[ 1 ], face_idx[ 3 ], face_idx[ 2 ], color );
709 QApplication application(argc,argv);
710 Point4 low4 = K4.lowerBound();
711 Point4 up4 = K4.upperBound();
713 K3.
init( Point3( low4[ 0 ], low4[ 1 ], low4[ 2 ] ),
714 Point3( up4 [ 0 ], up4 [ 1 ], up4 [ 2 ] ),
true );
716 viewer.setWindowTitle(
"Implicit surface viewer by 4d extension");
719 viewer.setLineColor( highlight ? Color::Red :
Color( 120, 120, 120 ) );
721 for ( CellMapConstIterator it = complex4.begin( 1 ), itE = complex4.end( 1 ); it != itE; ++it )
723 Cell4 cell = it->first;
724 std::vector<Cell4> dummy;
725 std::back_insert_iterator< std::vector<Cell4> > outIt1( dummy );
726 complex4.directCoFaces( outIt1, cell );
727 if ( ! dummy.empty() )
728 Cells4
vertices = complex4.cellBoundary( cell );
729 ASSERT( vertices.size() == 2 );
730 RealPoint3 p1 = points[ indices[ vertices.front() ] ];
731 RealPoint3 p2 = points[ indices[ vertices.back() ] ];
732 viewer.addLine( p1, p2, 0.05 );
734 viewer << Viewer3D<Space3,KSpace3>::updateDisplay;
735 return application.exec();
void beginBlock(const std::string &keyword="")
DigitalSurfaceContainer::SurfelConstIterator ConstIterator
DGtal::uint32_t Dimension
DigitalSurfaceContainer::DigitalSurfaceTracker DigitalSurfaceTracker
TDigitalSurfaceContainer DigitalSurfaceContainer
bool init(const Point &lower, const Point &upper, bool isClosed)
Cell uIncident(const Cell &c, Dimension k, bool up) const
DigitalSurfaceContainer::KSpace KSpace
Trace trace(traceWriterTerm)
Integer sKCoord(const SCell &c, Dimension k) const
std::pair< typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::vertex_iterator, typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::vertex_iterator > vertices(const DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > &digSurf)
const DigitalSurfaceContainer & container() const
Cell unsigns(const SCell &p) const
Space::RealVector RealVector
static const constexpr Dimension dimension
Component dot(const Self &v) const
ConstIterator begin() const
DigitalSurfaceContainer::Surfel Surfel
ConstIterator end() const