DGtalTools  0.9.4

Compares local estimators on implicit shapes using DGtal library.

Usage: 2dlocalEstimators –output <output> –shape <shapeName> [required parameters] –estimators <binaryWord> –properties <binaryWord>

Below are the different available families of estimators:

The i-th family of estimators is enabled if the i-th character of the binary word is not 0. The default binary word is '10000'. This means that the first family of estimators, ie. true estimators, is enabled, whereas the next ones are disabled. Below are the different available properties:

Allowed options are :

-h [ --help ] display this message
-l [ --list ] List all available shapes
-o [ --output ] arg Output
-s [ --shape ] arg Shape name
-R [ --radius ] arg Radius of the shape
-K [ --kernelradius ] arg (=0) Radius of the convolution kernel (Integral
invariants estimators)
--alpha arg (=0.33333333333333331) Alpha parameter for Integral Invariant
-A [ --axis1 ] arg Half big axis of the shape (ellipse)
-a [ --axis2 ] arg Half small axis of the shape (ellipse)
-r [ --smallradius ] arg (=5) Small radius of the shape
-v [ --varsmallradius ] arg (=5) Variable small radius of the shape
-k [ --k ] arg (=3) Number of branches or corners the shape
--phi arg (=0) Phase of the shape (in radian)
-w [ --width ] arg (=10) Width of the shape
-p [ --power ] arg (=2) Power of the metric (double)
-x [ --center_x ] arg (=0) x-coordinate of the shape center (double)
-y [ --center_y ] arg (=0) y-coordinate of the shape center (double)
-g [ --gridstep ] arg (=1) Grid step for the digitization
-n [ --noise ] arg (=0) Level of noise to perturb the shape
--properties arg (=11) the i-th property is disabled iff there is
a 0 at position i
-e [ --estimators ] arg (=10000) the i-th estimator is disabled iff there
is a 0 at position i
-l [ --lambda ] arg (=0) Use the shape to get a better
approximation of the surface (optional)
-E [exportShape ] arf Exports the contour of the source shape as a sequence of discrete points (.sdp)." )

Example: With this tool you can easely compare several estimator with the real value:

$ 2dlocalEstimators --output curvature --shape flower --radius 15 -v 5 --gridstep 1 --estimators 11100 --properties 01

You can display the result by using gnuplot:

$ gnuplot
gnuplot> plot [][-0.4:0.35] 'curvature_True_curvature.dat' w lines title "true curvature" , 'curvature_MDCA_curvature.dat' w lines title "Maximal DCA curvature estimator", 'curvature_MDSSl_curvature.dat' w lines title "Maximal DSS based estimators"

You should obtain such a graph:

Resulting visualization.
See also