DGtalTools  0.9.4

Displays surfel data from SDP file with color attributes given as scalar interpreted as color.

Usage: 3dDisplaySurfelData [options] input

Allowed options are :

-h [ --help ] display this message
-i [ --input ] arg input file: sdp (sequence of discrete points
with attribute)
-n [ --noWindows ] Don't display Viewer windows.
-d [ --doSnapShotAndExit ] arg save display snapshot into file.
--fixMaxColorValue arg fix the maximal color value for the scale
error display (else the scale is set from the
maximal value)
--fixMinColorValue arg fix the minimal color value for the scale
error display (else the scale is set from the
minimal value)
--labelIndex arg set the index of the label (by default set to
--SDPindex arg specify the sdp index (by default 0,1,2).


To test this program we have first to generate a file containing a set of surfels with, for instance, their associated curvature values:

$ 3dCurvatureViewer -i $DGtal/examples/samples/cat10.vol -r 3 --exportOnly -d curvatureCat10R3.dat

Then, we can use this tool to display the set of surfel with their associated values:

$ 3dDisplaySurfelData -i curvatureCat10R3.dat

You should obtain such a result:

resulting visualisation of surfel with their associated values.
See also
3dDisplaySurfelData.cpp, 3DCompSurfelData