DGtalTools  0.9.4

Displays volume file as a voxel set by using QGLviewer.

Usage: 3dImageViewer [options] input

Allowed options are :

-h [ --help ] display this message
-i [ --input ] arg vol file (.vol, .longvol .p3d, .pgm3d and if
WITH_ITK is selected: dicom, dcm, mha, mhd)
or sdp (sequence of discrete points). For
longvol, dicom, dcm, mha or mhd formats, the
input values are linearly scaled between 0 and 255.
--grid draw slice images using grid mode.
--intergrid draw slice images using inter grid mode.
--emptyMode remove the default boundingbox display
--thresholdImage threshold the image to define binary shape
-m [ --thresholdMin ] arg (=0) threshold min to define binary shape
-M [ --thresholdMax ] arg (=255) threshold max to define binary shape
-s [ --displaySDP ] arg display a set of discrete points (.sdp)
--SDPindex arg specify the sdp index (by default 0,1,2).
--SDPball arg (=0.5) use balls to display a set of discrete
points (used with displaySDP option)
--displayMesh arg display a Mesh given in OFF or OFS format.
--displayDigitalSurface display the digital surface instead of
display all the set of voxels (used with
thresholdImage or displaySDP options)
--colorizeCC colorize each Connected Components of the
surface displayed by displayDigitalSurface
-c [ --colorSDP ] arg set the color discrete points: r g b a
--colorMesh arg set the color of Mesh (given from
displayMesh option) : r g b a
-x [ --scaleX ] arg (=1) set the scale value in the X direction
(default 1.0)
-y [ --scaleY ] arg (=1) set the scale value in the Y direction
(default 1.0)
-z [ --scaleZ ] arg (=1) set the scale value in the Z direction
(default 1.0)
--rescaleInputMin arg (=0) min value used to rescale the input
intensity (to avoid basic cast into 8 bits
--rescaleInputMax arg (=255) max value used to rescale the input
intensity (to avoid basic cast into 8 bits
-t [ --transparency ] arg (=255) transparency

Example: With the image display you can also threshold the image and display a set of voxel:

3dImageViewer -i $DGtal/examples/samples/lobster.vol --thresholdImage -m 180

You should obtain such a result:

resulting visualisation of 3d image with thresholded set of voxels.
See also