DGtalTools  0.9.4

Computes the Euleur Characteristic of a vol to a 8-bit raw file.

The vol file is first binarized using interval [m,M[ thresholds and the Eucler characteristic is given from the cubical complex.

Usage: eulerCharacteristic –input <volFileName> -m <minlevel> -M <maxlevel>

Allowed options are :

-h [ --help ] display this message.
-i [ --input ] arg Input vol file.
-m [ --thresholdMin ] arg (=0) threshold min (excluded) to define binary
-M [ --thresholdMax ] arg (=255) threshold max (included) to define binary


eulerCharacteristic -i $DGtal/examples/samples/cat10.vol -m 0

You should obtain such a result:

Got 72479 cells
Got 10128 pointels 28196 linels  26112 surfels and 8043  bells
Volumetric Euler Characteristic = 1
See also