DGtalTools  0.9.4

Transform freeman chain into a Sequence of Discrete Points. Result is given to std output.

Usage: freeman2sdp [input] > output.sdp

Allowed options are:

-h [ --help ] display this message
-i [ --input ] arg Input freeman chain file name.
--info adds some info as comments at the beginning of the
-o [ --oneLine ] output the digital contour in one line like: X0 Y0 X1
Y1 ... XN YN


freeman2sdp -i ${DGtal}/tests/samples/contourS.fc > contourS.sdp

You will obtain such result:

$ more contourS.sdp  
# grid curve 1/1 closed
13 60
14 60
14 59
14 58
15 58
15 57
16 57
16 56
17 56
17 55
17 54
18 54
See also