DGtalTools  0.9.4

Convert a mesh file into a 26-separated or 6-separated voxelization in a given resolution grid.

Usage: mesh2vol [input]

Allowed options are:

-h [ --help ] display this message
-i [ --input ] arg mesh file (.off)
-o [ --output ] arg filename of ouput volumetric file (vol, pgm3d, ...)
(auto-generated by argument values if empty)
-m [ --margin ] arg (=0) add volume margin around the mesh bounding box.
-s [ --separation ] arg (=6) voxelization 6-separated or 26-separated.
-r [ --resolution ] digitization domain size (e.g. 128). The mesh will be scaled such that its bounding box maps to [0,resolution)^3.


$ mesh2vol -i ${DGtal}/examples/samples/tref.off --separation 26 --resolution 256 -o output.vol
See also