DGtalTools  0.9.4
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Generates normal vector field from a vol file using DGtal library.

It will output the embedded vector field (Gaussian convolution on elementary normal vectors) an OFF file, and a TXT normal vector file (theta, phi in degree).

Usage: vol2normalField[options] –input <volFileName> –o <outputFileName>

Allowed options are :

-h [ --help ] display this message.
-i [ --input ] arg Input vol file.
-o [ --output ] arg Output filename.
-l [ --level ] arg (=0) Iso-level for the surface construction.
-s [ --sigma ] arg (=5) Sigma parameter of the Gaussian kernel.
--exportOriginAndExtremity exports the origin and extremity of the
vector fields when exporting the vector field
in TXT format (useful to be displayed in
other viewer like meshViewer).
-N [ --vectorsNorm ] arg (=1) set the norm of the exported vectors in TXT
format (when the extremity points are
exported with --exportOriginAndExtremity). By
using a negative value you will invert the
direction of the vectors.
-n [ --neighborhood ] arg (=10) Size of the neighborhood for the convolution
(distance on surfel graph).


We consider the generation of normal vector field from the Iso-level 40 and export the vectors with a norm = -3 (negative value to invert the normal direction).

$ vol2normalField -i $DGtal/examples/samples/lobster.vol -o lobTreshold40 -l 40 --exportOriginAndExtremity -N -3

You can use the too meshViewer to display the resulting vector field with the Iso-level surface:

$ meshViewer -i lobTreshold40.off -f lobTreshold40.txt --vectorFieldIndex 2 3 4 5 6 7 -n

You should obtain such a result:

Resulting vector field visualization.
See also