DGtalTools  0.9.4

Applies shape measures for comparing two volumetric images A and B (shape defined from thresholds).

Usefull to determine classical statistics like false positive related stats.

Usage: volShapeMetrics –volA <volAFilename> –volB <volBFilename>

Allowed options are :

-h [ --help ] display this message.
-a [ --volA ] arg Input filename of volume A (vol format, and other
pgm3d can also be used).
-b [ --volB ] arg Input filename of volume B (vol format, and other
pgm3d can also be used).
--aMin arg (=0) min threshold for a voxel to be considered as
belonging to the object of volume A. (default 0)
--aMax arg (=128) max threshold for a voxel to be considered as
belonging to the object of volume A. (default
--bMin arg (=0) min threshold for a voxel to be considered as
belonging to the object of volume B. (default 0)
--bMax arg (=128) max threshold for a voxel to be considered as
belonging to the object of volume B. (default
--noDistanceComparisons to avoid to apply distance map computation if the
distance comparaison are not needed.
--distancesFromBnotInAOnly apply distance map measures only for voxels of B
which are not in A (else the measure are given
from all distances of the object B).
--displayTFstats Change the comparison diplay by using the
true/false/positive/negative notation and
considering the shape A as reference. It also
display precision/recall/f-mean statistics.
--exportSDP Export voxels belonging to each categorie (voxels
of ( B in A) , (NOT in B and NOT in A), (B and
NOT in A) and (Voxels of NOT in B and in A)).


To test this tool, we need to generate a volumetric file to be compared to an original one:

# generation of the file "eroded.vol" from DGtal examples:
$ $DGtal/build/examples/tutorial-examples/FMMErosion

Then we can apply comparisons of the two shapes:

$ volShapeMetrics -a eroded.vol --aMin 1 --aMax 255 -b $DGtal/examples/samples/cat10.vol --bMin 1 --bMax 255 --displayTFstats --exportSDP

You should obtain different comparison measures and you can display the set of voxels associated to the false positive ( falsePos.sdp ):

$ 3dSDPViewer -i falsePos.sdp -c 250 40 40 5
Resulting False positive set of voxels.
See also