DGtalTools  1.2.0
Author(s) of this documentation:\n Bertrand Kerautret


  • criticalKernelsThinning3D : applies an criticalKernels thinning algorithm of a 3d image file (vol,longvol,pgm3d...) with 3D viewer.
  • 3dVolMarchingCubes : outputs the isosurface of the input volume as an OFF file.
  • homotopicThinning3D : applies an homotopic thinning of a 3d image file (vol,longvol,pgm3d...) with 3D viewer.
  • volAddBorder : adds a border of one voxel with value 0 around a vol file.
  • volAddNoise : adds Kanungo noise to a binary object with 0 values as background points and values >0 for the foreground ones.
  • volCComponentCounter : counts the number of connected component (same values) in a volume (Vol) file image.
  • volCrop : crops a 3D vol image from domain coordinates.
  • volFillInterior : fills the interior of a voxel set.
  • volFlip : flips 2D slice image of an 3D vol image (mirror transformation).
  • volImageMetrics : applies basic image measures (RMSE, PSNR) between two volumetric images A and B.
  • volIntensityScale : applies a linear rescaling of the image intensity.
  • volMask : extracts a new image from the a mask image.
  • volReSample : re samples a 3D volumetric image (.vol, .longvol, .pgm3d) with a given grid size.
  • volSegment : segments volumetric file from a simple threshold.
  • volShapeMetrics : applies shape measures to compare two volumetric images A and B (shape defined from thresholds).
  • volSubSample : brutally sub samples a vol file (division by 2 in each direction).
  • volTrValues : applies basic vol image transform from the input values to output values.

3dVolMarchingCubes homotopicThinning3D


volTrValues volSegment volSubSample