
DGtal release 1.2

We are really excited to share with you the release 1.2 of DGtal and its tools. As usual, all edits and bugfixes are listed in the Changelog, and we would like to thank all devs involved in this release. In this short review, we would like to focus on only... [Read More]

DGtal release 1.1

We are really excited to share with you the release 1.1 of DGtal and its tools. It has been a while since the last official release and the 1.1 release contains many interesting features. In the following, we just mention a couple of them but please have a look to... [Read More]

Preparing release 1.1

We are currently working on the release 1.1 of DGtal. To give you a glimpse of this new version, here you have a quick demo: [Read More]

DGtal + Polyscope

Polyscope is a great C++ viewer and user interface for the rapid prototyping and debugging of 3D geometric algorithms. [Read More]