More details on DGtal Meeting at Nantes (France) in June 7th. Tentative Program:
- 9h30: Introduction to DGtal and its concepts
- 10h00: Digital Surfaces in DGtal
- 10h30: Irreducible fractions, patterns and straightness in DGtal
- 11h00: Representation and analysis of digital curves
- 11h30: DGtal boards and viewers
- 12h00: DGtal & DGtalTools project management
- 14h00: Feedback on my DGtal Experience (Isabelle Sivignon)
14h30: Install party, use-case discussions, future plans,… Location:
- salle Nautilus, Bâtiment IHT 1er étage
- Acces Site de la Chantrerie
- Polytech Nantes - site de la Chantrerie