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DGtal 1.3.0
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91#include <iostream>
92#include <queue>
93#include "DGtal/base/Common.h"
94#include "DGtal/shapes/Shapes.h"
95#include "DGtal/shapes/SurfaceMesh.h"
96#include "DGtal/helpers/StdDefs.h"
97#include "DGtal/helpers/Shortcuts.h"
98#include "DGtal/images/ImageContainerBySTLVector.h"
99#include "DGtal/io/writers/SurfaceMeshWriter.h"
100#include "DGtal/geometry/volumes/TangencyComputer.h"
104using namespace std;
105using namespace DGtal;
120void saveToObj( const std::string& output,
121 const SMesh& surfmesh,
122 const std::vector< double >& vvalues,
123 int nb_isolines_per_unit = 10,
124 const double thickness = 0.1 )
126 std::string cobjname = output;
127 std::string cisoname = output + "-iso";
128 auto quantify = [] ( double v, double m, double nb )
129 { return round( v/m*nb )*m/nb; };
130 trace.beginBlock( "Output Corrected HD OBJ files" );
131 const auto fvalues = surfmesh.computeFaceValuesFromVertexValues( vvalues );
132 double maxValue = * ( std::max_element( vvalues.cbegin(), vvalues.cend() ) );
133 double minValue = * ( std::min_element( vvalues.cbegin(), vvalues.cend() ) );
134 double maxDist = maxValue - minValue;
135 trace.info() << "Max distance is " << maxDist << std::endl;
136 auto cmap = SH3::getColorMap( 0.0, maxDist );
137 std::vector< Color > fcolors( surfmesh.nbFaces() );
138 for ( Index f = 0; f < fvalues.size(); ++f )
139 fcolors[ f ] = cmap( quantify( fvalues[ f ] - minValue, maxDist, 50 ) );
140 SMeshWriter::writeOBJ( cobjname, surfmesh, fcolors );
141 double unit = pow( 10.0, floor( log( maxDist ) / log( 10.0 ) ) - 1.0 );
142 const int N = 10 * nb_isolines_per_unit;
143 std::vector< double > isolines( N );
144 std::vector< Color > isocolors( N );
145 for ( int i = 0; i < N; i++ )
146 {
147 isolines [ i ] = (double) i * 10.0 * unit / (double) nb_isolines_per_unit
148 + minValue;
149 isocolors[ i ] = ( i % nb_isolines_per_unit == 0 )
151 }
152 SMeshWriter::writeIsoLinesOBJ( cisoname, surfmesh, fvalues, vvalues,
153 isolines, thickness, isocolors );
154 trace.endBlock();
158int main( int argc, char** argv )
160 trace.info() << "Usage: " << argv[ 0 ] << " <h> <opt>" << std::endl;
161 trace.info() << "\tComputes shortest paths to a source point on a sphere digitized with gridstep <h>." << std::endl;
162 trace.info() << "\t- h [==1.0]: digitization gridstep" << std::endl;
163 trace.info() << "\t- opt [==sqrt(3)]: >= sqrt(3): secure shortest paths, 0: fast" << std::endl;
164 double h = argc > 1 ? atof( argv[ 1 ] ) : 0.0625; //< exact (sqrt(3)) or inexact (0) computations
165 double opt = argc > 2 ? atof( argv[ 2 ] ) : sqrt(3.0); //< exact (sqrt(3)) or inexact (0) computations
167 // Domain creation from two bounding points.
168 trace.beginBlock( "Building sphere1 shape ... " );
169 auto params = SH3::defaultParameters();
170 params( "polynomial", "sphere1" )( "gridstep", h );
171 params( "minAABB", -2)( "maxAABB", 2)( "offset", 1.0 )( "closed", 1 );
172 auto implicit_shape = SH3::makeImplicitShape3D ( params );
173 auto digitized_shape = SH3::makeDigitizedImplicitShape3D( implicit_shape, params );
174 auto K = SH3::getKSpace( params );
175 auto binary_image = SH3::makeBinaryImage(digitized_shape,
177 params );
178 trace.endBlock();
180 trace.beginBlock( "Build mesh from primal surface" );
181 // Compute surface
182 auto surface = SH3::makeDigitalSurface( binary_image, K, params );
183 // Build a mesh
184 SMesh smesh;
185 auto embedder = SH3::getCellEmbedder( K );
186 std::vector< Point > lattice_points;
187 SH3::RealPoints vertices;
188 std::vector< Vertices > faces;
189 SH3::Cell2Index c2i;
190 auto pointels = SH3::getPointelRange( c2i, surface );
191 for ( auto p : pointels ) lattice_points.push_back( K.uCoords( p ) );
192 trace.info() << "#surfels =" << surface->size() << std::endl;
193 trace.info() << "#pointels=" << pointels.size() << std::endl;
194 vertices = SH3::RealPoints( pointels.size() );
195 std::transform( pointels.cbegin(), pointels.cend(), vertices.begin(),
196 [&] (const SH3::Cell& c) { return h * embedder( c ); } );
197 // Build faces
198 for ( auto&& surfel : *surface )
199 {
200 const auto primal_surfel_vtcs = SH3::getPointelRange( K, surfel );
201 std::vector< Index > face;
202 for ( auto&& primal_vtx : primal_surfel_vtcs )
203 face.push_back( c2i[ primal_vtx ] );
204 faces.push_back( face );
205 }
206 smesh.init( vertices.cbegin(), vertices.cend(),
207 faces.cbegin(), faces.cend() );
208 trace.info() << smesh << std::endl;
209 trace.endBlock();
211 // Find lowest and uppest point.
212 const Index nb = lattice_points.size();
213 Index lowest = 0;
214 Index uppest = 0;
215 for ( Index i = 1; i < nb; i++ )
216 {
217 if ( lattice_points[ i ] < lattice_points[ lowest ] ) lowest = i;
218 if ( lattice_points[ uppest ] < lattice_points[ i ] ) uppest = i;
219 }
221 // Extracts shortest paths to a target
223 trace.beginBlock( "Compute geodesics" );
225 TC.init( lattice_points.cbegin(), lattice_points.cend() );
226 auto SP = TC.makeShortestPaths( opt );
227 SP.init( lowest ); //< set source
228 double last_distance = 0.0;
229 Index last = 0;
230 while ( ! SP.finished() )
231 {
232 last = std::get<0>( SP.current() );
233 last_distance = std::get<2>( SP.current() );
234 SP.expand();
235 }
236 double time = trace.endBlock();
237 std::cout << "Max distance is " << last_distance*h << std::endl;
238 std::cout << "Comput. time is " << time << std::endl;
239 std::cout << "Last index is " << last << std::endl;
240 std::cout << "Uppest index is " << uppest << std::endl;
242 // Export surface for display
243 std::vector<double> distances = SP.distances();
244 for ( Index i = 0; i < distances.size(); i++ )
245 distances[ i ] *= h;
246 saveToObj( "sphere1-geodesics", smesh, distances, 10, 0.1 );
247 return 0;
249// //
static const Color Red
Definition: Color.h:416
static const Color Black
Definition: Color.h:413
Aim: This class is a model of CCellularGridSpaceND. It represents the cubical grid as a cell complex,...
const Point & lowerBound() const
Return the lower bound for digital points in this space.
const Point & upperBound() const
Return the upper bound for digital points in this space.
Point uCoords(const Cell &c) const
Return its digital coordinates.
Aim: This class is used to simplify shape and surface creation. With it, you can create new shapes an...
Definition: Shortcuts.h:105
static KSpace getKSpace(const Point &low, const Point &up, Parameters params=parametersKSpace())
Definition: Shortcuts.h:332
static CountedPtr< DigitizedImplicitShape3D > makeDigitizedImplicitShape3D(CountedPtr< ImplicitShape3D > shape, Parameters params=parametersDigitizedImplicitShape3D())
Definition: Shortcuts.h:523
std::map< Cell, IdxVertex > Cell2Index
Definition: Shortcuts.h:189
static PointelRange getPointelRange(Cell2Index &c2i, CountedPtr< ::DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > > surface)
Definition: Shortcuts.h:1469
static CountedPtr< DigitalSurface > makeDigitalSurface(CountedPtr< TPointPredicate > bimage, const KSpace &K, const Parameters &params=parametersDigitalSurface())
Definition: Shortcuts.h:1209
std::vector< RealPoint > RealPoints
Definition: Shortcuts.h:180
static Parameters defaultParameters()
Definition: Shortcuts.h:203
static ColorMap getColorMap(Scalar min, Scalar max, const Parameters &params=parametersUtilities())
Definition: Shortcuts.h:2668
static CountedPtr< BinaryImage > makeBinaryImage(Domain shapeDomain)
Definition: Shortcuts.h:561
static CanonicCellEmbedder< KSpace > getCellEmbedder(const KSpace &K)
Definition: Shortcuts.h:438
static CountedPtr< ImplicitShape3D > makeImplicitShape3D(const Parameters &params=parametersImplicitShape3D())
Definition: Shortcuts.h:282
LightDigitalSurface::Cell Cell
Definition: Shortcuts.h:162
Aim: A class that computes tangency to a given digital set. It provides services to compute all the c...
void beginBlock(const std::string &keyword="")
std::ostream & info()
double endBlock()
SurfaceMesh< RealPoint, RealVector > SMesh
Space::Point Point
Z3i::KSpace KSpace
void saveToObj(const std::string &output, const SMesh &surfmesh, const std::vector< double > &vvalues, int nb_isolines_per_unit=10, const double thickness=0.1)
Z3i::SCell SCell
Space::Vector Vector
Shortcuts< KSpace > SH3
SurfaceMeshWriter< RealPoint, RealVector > SMeshWriter
SMesh::Vertices Vertices
Z3i::Space Space
SMesh::Index Index
Space::RealPoint RealPoint
Z3i::Domain Domain
Space::RealVector RealVector
DGtal is the top-level namespace which contains all DGtal functions and types.
Trace trace
Definition: Common.h:154
STL namespace.
Represents a signed cell in a cellular grid space by its Khalimsky coordinates and a boolean value.
Aim: An helper class for writing mesh file formats (Waverfront OBJ at this point) and creating a Surf...
static bool writeOBJ(std::ostream &output, const SurfaceMesh &smesh)
static bool writeIsoLinesOBJ(std::string objfile, const SurfaceMesh &smesh, const Scalars &face_values, const Scalars &vertex_values, const Scalar iso_value, const double relative_thickness=0.05, const Color &ambient_color=Color::Black, const Color &diffuse_color=Color::Black, const Color &specular_color=Color::Black)
Aim: Represents an embedded mesh as faces and a list of vertices. Vertices may be shared among faces ...
Definition: SurfaceMesh.h:92
std::vector< Vertex > Vertices
The type that defines a list/range of vertices (e.g. to define faces)
Definition: SurfaceMesh.h:112
std::size_t Index
The type used for numbering vertices and faces.
Definition: SurfaceMesh.h:105
Size nbFaces() const
Definition: SurfaceMesh.h:288
bool init(RealPointIterator itPos, RealPointIterator itPosEnd, VerticesIterator itVertices, VerticesIterator itVerticesEnd)
std::vector< AnyRing > computeFaceValuesFromVertexValues(const std::vector< AnyRing > &vvalues) const
int main()
Definition: testBits.cpp:56
KSpace K