Patterns, digital straight lines and subsegments | |
Integer computations | |
Irreducible fraction, continued fractions | |
Lattice polytopes in the digital plane ZxZ (convex polygons with vertices at integer coordinates) | |
Arithmetic package | |
Arithmetic Concepts and Models | |
Parameter passing, cloning and referencing | |
Using functions, functors and lambdas in DGtal | |
Iterators and ranges | |
Set operations on arbitrary containers | |
Base package | |
Base Concepts | |
Piecewise-smooth approximation using a discrete calculus model of Ambrosio-Tortorelli functional | |
Embedding n-dimensional DEC structures into m-dimensional space | |
Helmoltz decomposition | |
Discrete exterior calculus | |
Poisson problem | |
Propagation | |
Geodesics In Heat using discrete polygonal calculus | |
Heat Kernel Laplace–Beltrami Operator | |
Discrete differential calculus on polygonal surfaces | |
Vector Heat Method using discrete polygonal calculus | |
DEC package | |
DEC Main Concepts | |
Building DGtal | |
Unit test in DGtal using Catch | |
Git/Github source code management in DGtal | |
How to use DGtal in my own project with other build systems? | |
How to use DGtal in my own project ? | |
Introduction | |
Preliminaries | |
DGtal python binding | |
Shortcuts (for the impatient developper) | |
Tutorials | |
Tutorial: Surface area estimation | |
Tutorial "File -> Grid Curve -> Ranges" | |
Tutorial: Local morphological opening of a 3d volume by the Fast Marching Method | |
Tutorial "Image -> Region -> Grid curve -> Length estimation" | |
Tutorial "Image -> Region -> Grid curve -> Extracting level set boundary from Image" | |
Tutorial "Image -> Region -> Volume -> 3dVolViewer : a simple 3D volume viewer in less than 50 lines" | |
Tutorial "Image -> ImageAdapter: some simple image manipulations" | |
Tutorial "Image -> Region -> Distance Transformation" | |
Tutorial: making a polyhedron from a digital object | |
Tutorial "Generated shape -> Grid curve -> Length estimation" | |
Tutorial: Volumetric analysis and Granulometry | |
Alpha-thick Segment Recognition <br> | |
Digital straight lines and segments <br> | |
Detailed explanation of COBA plane recognition algorithm | |
Curvature measures on meshes and digital surfaces | |
Digital convexity and full digital convexity | |
Applications of full digital convexity | |
Fully convex envelope, relative fully convex envelope and digital polyhedra | |
nD Fast Marching Methods | |
Fréchet Shortcuts | |
Implementation of geometric predicates | |
Analysis of one-dimensional discrete structures | |
Convex hull and alpha-shape in the plane | |
Integral invariant curvature estimator 2D/3D | |
Local digital surface estimators from surfel functors | |
Maximal segments and slices of digital surface based normal estimator | |
Metric Spaces, Digital Metric Spaces and Related Concepts | |
Digitization of 3D parametric curves | |
Plane-probing based normal estimators | |
Plane recognition and plane width computation | |
QuickHull algorithm in arbitrary dimension for convex hull and Delaunay cell complex computation | |
Digital surface regularization by normal vector alignment | |
Digital surface regularization using the Shrouds algorithm | |
Digital Voronoi Covariance Measure and geometry estimation | |
nD Volumetric Analysis using Separable Processes | |
Geometry package | |
Geometry Concepts | |
Interfacing with boost::graph library | |
Basic graph definitions and concepts | |
Graph package | |
Graph Main Concepts | |
Handle large images in DGtal | |
Geometric transformations | |
Images | |
Image package | |
Main Image Concepts | |
Board2D: a stream mechanism for displaying 2D digital objects | |
Display3D: a stream mechanism for displaying 3D DGtal objects | |
Image and digital object import/export | |
Extending the QGLViewer Viewer3D interface | |
Limited interaction when using selection with QGLViewer Viewer3D stream mechanism | |
IO package | |
Sets of points in digital spaces | |
Number and Integer Concepts | |
Digital Spaces, Points, Vectors and Domains | |
Kernel package | |
Kernel Concepts | |
Multivariate polynomials | |
Mathematical package | |
Math Main Concepts | |
Half-edge data structure, triangulated surfaces and polygonal surfaces | |
Manipulating Simple Mesh | |
Mesh Voxelization | |
Shapes, Shapers and Digitizers | |
Surface mesh data structure for representing manifold or non-manifold polygonal surfaces in R3 | |
Shapes package | |
Shapes Concepts | |
Cellular grid space and topology, unoriented and oriented cells, incidence | |
Cubical Complex | |
Helpers for digital surfaces | |
Digital surfaces | |
Digital topology and digital objects | |
Voxel Complex | |
Topology package | |
Topology Concepts and Models (part I, models of graph) | |
Topology Concepts and Models (part II, digital surfaces, surfel predicates) | |
Todo List | |
Deprecated List | |
Bibliography | |