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DGtal::SpatialCubicalSubdivision< TSpace > Class Template Reference

Aim: This class is a data structure that subdivides a rectangular domains into cubical domains of size r^n in order to store points into different bins (each cubical domain is a bin, characterized by one coordinate). This data structure may be used for proximity queries, generally to get the points at distance r from a given point. More...

#include <DGtal/geometry/tools/SpatialCubicalSubdivision.h>

Public Types

typedef TSpace Space
typedef Space::Point Point
typedef Space::Vector Vector
typedef Point::Coordinate Coordinate
typedef HyperRectDomain< SpaceDomain
typedef std::vector< PointStorage
typedef ImageContainerBySTLVector< Domain, Storage * > StorageArray
typedef StorageArray::ConstRange BinConstRange

Public Member Functions

 ~SpatialCubicalSubdivision ()
 SpatialCubicalSubdivision (const SpatialCubicalSubdivision &other)
 SpatialCubicalSubdivision (Point lo, Point up, Coordinate size)
const Domaindomain () const
const DomainbinDomain () const
Point bin (Point p) const
Point lowest (Point b) const
Point uppermost (Point b) const
void push (const Point &p)
template<typename PointConstIterator >
void push (PointConstIterator it, PointConstIterator itE)
template<typename PointPredicate >
void getPoints (std::vector< Point > &pts, Point bin_lo, Point bin_up, const PointPredicate &pred) const
void getPoints (std::vector< Point > &pts, Point bin_lo, Point bin_up) const
void selfDisplay (std::ostream &out) const
bool isValid () const

Protected Attributes

Domain myDomain
 the rectangular domain representing the useful points of the space.
Coordinate mySize
 the edge size of each bin.
StorageArray myArray

Private Member Functions

 BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT ((concepts::CSpace< TSpace >))
SpatialCubicalSubdivisionoperator= (const SpatialCubicalSubdivision &other)

Private Attributes

Point myDiag
 a precomputed point to improve performance of uppermost() method.

Detailed Description

template<typename TSpace>
class DGtal::SpatialCubicalSubdivision< TSpace >

Aim: This class is a data structure that subdivides a rectangular domains into cubical domains of size r^n in order to store points into different bins (each cubical domain is a bin, characterized by one coordinate). This data structure may be used for proximity queries, generally to get the points at distance r from a given point.

Description of template class 'SpatialCubicalSubdivision'

Bins are characterized by one Point and are organized as a rectangular domain with lowest bin at coordinates (0,...,0).

Template Parameters
TSpacethe digital space, a model of CSpace.

Model of CopyConstructible

Definition at line 72 of file SpatialCubicalSubdivision.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ BinConstRange

template<typename TSpace >
StorageArray::ConstRange DGtal::SpatialCubicalSubdivision< TSpace >::BinConstRange

Definition at line 83 of file SpatialCubicalSubdivision.h.

◆ Coordinate

template<typename TSpace >
Point::Coordinate DGtal::SpatialCubicalSubdivision< TSpace >::Coordinate

Definition at line 79 of file SpatialCubicalSubdivision.h.

◆ Domain

template<typename TSpace >
HyperRectDomain<Space> DGtal::SpatialCubicalSubdivision< TSpace >::Domain

Definition at line 80 of file SpatialCubicalSubdivision.h.

◆ Point

template<typename TSpace >
Space::Point DGtal::SpatialCubicalSubdivision< TSpace >::Point

Definition at line 77 of file SpatialCubicalSubdivision.h.

◆ Space

template<typename TSpace >
TSpace DGtal::SpatialCubicalSubdivision< TSpace >::Space

Definition at line 76 of file SpatialCubicalSubdivision.h.

◆ Storage

template<typename TSpace >
std::vector<Point> DGtal::SpatialCubicalSubdivision< TSpace >::Storage

Definition at line 81 of file SpatialCubicalSubdivision.h.

◆ StorageArray

template<typename TSpace >
ImageContainerBySTLVector<Domain,Storage*> DGtal::SpatialCubicalSubdivision< TSpace >::StorageArray

Definition at line 82 of file SpatialCubicalSubdivision.h.

◆ Vector

template<typename TSpace >
Space::Vector DGtal::SpatialCubicalSubdivision< TSpace >::Vector

Definition at line 78 of file SpatialCubicalSubdivision.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~SpatialCubicalSubdivision()

template<typename TSpace >
DGtal::SpatialCubicalSubdivision< TSpace >::~SpatialCubicalSubdivision ( )


◆ SpatialCubicalSubdivision() [1/2]

template<typename TSpace >
DGtal::SpatialCubicalSubdivision< TSpace >::SpatialCubicalSubdivision ( const SpatialCubicalSubdivision< TSpace > & other)

Copy constructor.

otherthe object to clone.

◆ SpatialCubicalSubdivision() [2/2]

template<typename TSpace >
DGtal::SpatialCubicalSubdivision< TSpace >::SpatialCubicalSubdivision ( Point lo,
Point up,
Coordinate size )

Constructor from rectangular domain given by lowest and uppermost point.

lothe lowest point of the domain of interest.
upthe uppermost point of the domain of interest.
sizethe edge size of each cubical bin (an integer >= 2 ).

Member Function Documentation

◆ bin()

template<typename TSpace >
Point DGtal::SpatialCubicalSubdivision< TSpace >::bin ( Point p) const
pany point within domain().
the bin in which lies p.

◆ binDomain()

template<typename TSpace >
const Domain & DGtal::SpatialCubicalSubdivision< TSpace >::binDomain ( ) const
the rectangular domain of bins, which is a coarser grid than domain().


template<typename TSpace >
DGtal::SpatialCubicalSubdivision< TSpace >::BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT ( (concepts::CSpace< TSpace >) )

◆ domain()

template<typename TSpace >
const Domain & DGtal::SpatialCubicalSubdivision< TSpace >::domain ( ) const
the rectangular domain of interest

◆ getPoints() [1/2]

template<typename TSpace >
void DGtal::SpatialCubicalSubdivision< TSpace >::getPoints ( std::vector< Point > & pts,
Point bin_lo,
Point bin_up ) const

Pushs back in pts all the points in the bin domain [bin_lo, bin_up].

[out]ptsthe vector where points are pushed back for output.
bin_lothe lowest bin of the bin domain.
bin_upthe uppermost bin of the bin domain.

◆ getPoints() [2/2]

template<typename TSpace >
template<typename PointPredicate >
void DGtal::SpatialCubicalSubdivision< TSpace >::getPoints ( std::vector< Point > & pts,
Point bin_lo,
Point bin_up,
const PointPredicate & pred ) const

Pushes back in pts all the points in the bin domain [bin_lo, bin_up] which satisfy the predicate pred.

Template Parameters
PointPredicatethe type of a point predicate.
[out]ptsthe vector where points are pushed back for output.
bin_lothe lowest bin of the bin domain.
bin_upthe uppermost bin of the bin domain.
predan arbitrary predicate on point.

◆ isValid()

template<typename TSpace >
bool DGtal::SpatialCubicalSubdivision< TSpace >::isValid ( ) const

Checks the validity/consistency of the object.

'true' if the object is valid, 'false' otherwise.

◆ lowest()

template<typename TSpace >
Point DGtal::SpatialCubicalSubdivision< TSpace >::lowest ( Point b) const
bany valid bin of binDomain().
its lowest possible point.

◆ operator=()

template<typename TSpace >
SpatialCubicalSubdivision & DGtal::SpatialCubicalSubdivision< TSpace >::operator= ( const SpatialCubicalSubdivision< TSpace > & other)


otherthe object to copy.
a reference on 'this'. forbidden.

◆ push() [1/2]

template<typename TSpace >
void DGtal::SpatialCubicalSubdivision< TSpace >::push ( const Point & p)

Pushes the point p into its bin (beware, if you push the same point several times, there are as many copies of this point into the bin).

pany point within domain().

◆ push() [2/2]

template<typename TSpace >
template<typename PointConstIterator >
void DGtal::SpatialCubicalSubdivision< TSpace >::push ( PointConstIterator it,
PointConstIterator itE )

Pushes the range of points [it, itE) into the corresponding bins (beware, if you push the same point several times, there are as many copies of this point into its bin).

Template Parameters
PointConstIteratorthe type of const iterator on point.
itan iterator pointing at the beginning of the range.
itEan iterator pointing after the end of the range.

◆ selfDisplay()

template<typename TSpace >
void DGtal::SpatialCubicalSubdivision< TSpace >::selfDisplay ( std::ostream & out) const

Writes/Displays the object on an output stream.

outthe output stream where the object is written.

◆ uppermost()

template<typename TSpace >
Point DGtal::SpatialCubicalSubdivision< TSpace >::uppermost ( Point b) const
bany valid bin of binDomain().
its uppermost possible point.

Field Documentation

◆ myArray

template<typename TSpace >
StorageArray DGtal::SpatialCubicalSubdivision< TSpace >::myArray

the image that associates to each bin its dyn. allocated vector of points. If 0, no point is stored in this bin.

Definition at line 202 of file SpatialCubicalSubdivision.h.

◆ myDiag

template<typename TSpace >
Point DGtal::SpatialCubicalSubdivision< TSpace >::myDiag

a precomputed point to improve performance of uppermost() method.

Definition at line 206 of file SpatialCubicalSubdivision.h.

◆ myDomain

template<typename TSpace >
Domain DGtal::SpatialCubicalSubdivision< TSpace >::myDomain

the rectangular domain representing the useful points of the space.

Definition at line 197 of file SpatialCubicalSubdivision.h.

◆ mySize

template<typename TSpace >
Coordinate DGtal::SpatialCubicalSubdivision< TSpace >::mySize

the edge size of each bin.

Definition at line 199 of file SpatialCubicalSubdivision.h.

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