45 unsigned int nb = 0, nbok = 0;
51 {
56 params( "noise", 0.3 ) );
59 ++nb; nbok += ok ? 1 : 0;
60 }
62 trace.
beginBlock (
"Load vol file -> build main connected digital surface." );
63 {
71 ++nb; nbok +=
surface->size() == 21239 ? 1 : 0;
72 }
75 trace.
beginBlock (
"Load vol file -> extract 2 isosurfaces -> build mesh" );
76 {
79 params( "faceSubdivision", "Centroid" )( "surfelAdjacency", 1);
85 trace.
info() <<
"#mesh150=" << mesh150->nbVertex()
86 << " #mesh40=" << mesh40->nbVertex() << std::endl;
88 ++nb; nbok += ( mesh150->nbVertex() < mesh40->nbVertex() )
89 && ( mesh40->nbVertex() == 273182 ) ? 1 : 0;
90 }
93 trace.
beginBlock (
"Load vol file -> extract 2 triangulated isosurfaces -> save as OBJ." );
94 {
97 params( "faceSubdivision", "Centroid" )( "surfelAdjacency", 1);
102 "lobster-40.obj",
105 "lobster-150.obj",
108 ++nb; nbok += ok40 ? 1 : 0;
109 ++nb; nbok += ok150 ? 1 : 0;
110 }
113 trace.
beginBlock (
"Load vol file -> build main digital surface -> breadth first traversal -> save OBJ with colored distance." );
114 {
117 params( "surfaceTraversal", "BreadthFirst" )
118 ( "colormap", "Jet" );
125 for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < surfels.size(); ++i ) colors[ i ] = cmap( i );
128 ++nb; nbok += ok ? 1 : 0;
129 }
132 trace.
beginBlock (
"Build polynomial shape -> digitize -> noisify -> save as vol file." );
133 {
136 params( "polynomial", "3*x^2+2*y^2+z^2-90" )( "gridstep", 0.25 )
137 ( "noise", 0.3 );
143 ++nb; nbok += ok ? 1 : 0;
144 }
147 trace.
beginBlock (
"Build polynomial shape -> digitize -> build digital surface -> save primal surface as obj." );
148 {
151 params( "polynomial", "goursat" )( "gridstep", 0.25 );
159 ++nb; nbok += ok ? 1 : 0;
160 }
163 trace.
beginBlock (
"Build polynomial shape -> digitize -> build indexed surface on a subpart." );
164 {
167 params( "polynomial", "leopold" )( "gridstep", 0.25 )
168 ( "minAABB", -12.0 )( "maxAABB", 12.0 )
169 ( "surfaceComponents", "All" );
173 auto K =
SH3::getKSpace( SH3::Point::zero, Kwhole.upperBound(), params );
176 params );
180 ++nb; nbok +=
surface->size() > 1000 ? 1 : 0;
181 }
184 trace.
beginBlock (
"Build polynomial shape -> digitize -> noisify -> count components -> save OBJ with different colors." );
185 {
188 params( "polynomial", "leopold" )( "gridstep", 0.25 )
189 ( "minAABB", -12.0 )( "maxAABB", 12.0 )
190 ( "surfaceComponents", "All" )( "noise", 0.5 );
196 params );
201 trace.
info() <<
"#connected components = " << vec_surfs.size() << std::endl;
202 std::map< SH3::Surfel, unsigned int> label;
203 unsigned int n = 0;
204 for ( auto&& surf : vec_surfs ) {
206 for ( auto&& s : surfels ) label[ s ] = n;
207 n += 1;
208 }
212 for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < all_surfels.size(); ++i )
213 colors[ i ] = cmap( label[ all_surfels[ i ] ] );
216 ++nb; nbok += ok ? 1 : 0;
217 }
220 trace.
info() << nbok <<
"/" << nb <<
" passed tests." << std::endl;
222 return 0;
Structure representing an RGB triple with alpha component.
const Point & lowerBound() const
Return the lower bound for digital points in this space.
const Point & upperBound() const
Return the upper bound for digital points in this space.
Aim: This class is used to simplify shape and surface creation. With it, you can create new shapes an...
static KSpace getKSpace(const Point &low, const Point &up, Parameters params=parametersKSpace())
static CountedPtr< DigitizedImplicitShape3D > makeDigitizedImplicitShape3D(CountedPtr< ImplicitShape3D > shape, Parameters params=parametersDigitizedImplicitShape3D())
std::vector< RealVector > RealVectors
std::vector< Color > Colors
static CountedPtr< Mesh > makeMesh(CountedPtr< TriangulatedSurface > triSurf, const Color &aColor=Color::White)
static std::vector< CountedPtr< LightDigitalSurface > > makeLightDigitalSurfaces(CountedPtr< BinaryImage > bimage, const KSpace &K, const Parameters ¶ms=parametersDigitalSurface())
static CountedPtr< GrayScaleImage > makeGrayScaleImage(Domain aDomain)
static SurfelRange getSurfelRange(CountedPtr< ::DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > > surface, const Parameters ¶ms=parametersDigitalSurface())
static CountedPtr< LightDigitalSurface > makeLightDigitalSurface(CountedPtr< BinaryImage > bimage, const KSpace &K, const Parameters ¶ms=parametersDigitalSurface())
static CountedPtr< DigitalSurface > makeDigitalSurface(CountedPtr< TPointPredicate > bimage, const KSpace &K, const Parameters ¶ms=parametersDigitalSurface())
static bool saveBinaryImage(CountedPtr< BinaryImage > bimage, std::string output)
static Parameters defaultParameters()
static CountedPtr< IdxDigitalSurface > makeIdxDigitalSurface(CountedPtr< BinaryImage > bimage, const KSpace &K, const Parameters ¶ms=parametersDigitalSurface())
static ColorMap getColorMap(Scalar min, Scalar max, const Parameters ¶ms=parametersUtilities())
static bool saveOBJ(CountedPtr< ::DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > > digsurf, const TCellEmbedder &embedder, const RealVectors &normals, const Colors &diffuse_colors, std::string objfile, const Color &ambient_color=Color(32, 32, 32), const Color &diffuse_color=Color(200, 200, 255), const Color &specular_color=Color::White)
static CountedPtr< BinaryImage > makeBinaryImage(Domain shapeDomain)
static CountedPtr< ImplicitShape3D > makeImplicitShape3D(const Parameters ¶ms=parametersImplicitShape3D())
static CountedPtr< TriangulatedSurface > makeTriangulatedSurface(CountedPtr< Mesh > aMesh)
void beginBlock(const std::string &keyword="")
CountedPtr< SH3::DigitalSurface > surface
CountedPtr< SH3::BinaryImage > binary_image