In this example, we show how to use the GridCurve object, which is key to analyze digital curves.
Using the Z2i shortcut, you can merely declare it as follows:
You can load your grid curve from a text file that contains the coordinates of some points (each coordinate separated by a white space and one point per line).
For instance, the file smallSquare.dat used above contains:
Using the STL file stream, you can initialize your grid curve from the file data as follows:
DGtal::Board2D is a nice way of displaying many 2D objects.
See Board2D: a stream mechanism for displaying 2D digital objects for further details.
Using the stream mechanism of DGtal::Board2D, you can write your grid curve in a vector-graphics file (here in postscript, but xfig, svg, pdf are other available formats).
Here is a png conversion of the resulting image:
A same digital curve may be viewed in very different ways:
either as an alternating sequence of cells, or as a sequence of points, or as a sequence of codes, and so one.
Moreover, some processing algorithms require a specific type of elements: either 4-connected points, 8-connected points, grid edges, and so one.
That is why the GridCurve object provides many ranges, i.e.
objects that provides services to iterate over a sequence of elements.
For instance, if you have to (or want to) work with 8-connected digital curves, you can get the grid curve inner points as follows:
If you have to (or want to) work with separating algorithms, you can get the grid curve incident points as follows:
See GridCurve for the exhaustive list of available ranges and their basic usage. See Analysis of one-dimensional discrete structures for a general introduction about digital curves analysis.
Here are the basic includes:
In order to use the drawing mechanism, you have to include: