
Dgtal Meeting

The next DGtal meeting will be in Lyon (LIRIS lab, Batiment Nautibus, TD12 room from 9a.m. to 5p.m.) on January 4th. If you want to attend, just send us a message on the mailing lists. Have a look to the mailing list archives for details on the program.

Dgtal 0 2 Is Out

We’re  pleased to release our first stable version of DGtal (0.2). To have a look to the feature list, you can either check the ChangeLog file in the archive, go to Gallery for exports or have a look to the doxygen documention.

Gallery Added

A Gallery with Board illustrations of DGtal datastructures and algorithms has just been added.

New Dgtal Mailing Lists

Two mailing lists have been created: DGtal users: (subscription: DGtal devs: (subscription: