
2nd Dgtal Meeting 2908 0209

Following the presentation of DGtal during DGCI 2011, we are pleased to invite you to the 2nd DGtal library meeting in Lyon, France ( During this 5 day meeting, the first one (9h-17h30) will be devoted to Tutorials and Demos (How to use the lib ? How to be involved... [Read More]

Dgtal With Gitgithub

We are migrating the DGtal project from svn/trac to git and github (easier branch management, nicer issue tracker,…). Have a look the to project page on github: !

Dgtal 0 3 1 Released

Only 3 days after the last release, here you have a minor set of changes which fixes build problems on linux. Here you have the Changelog: Build bugfixes (linux/mac) New doc added (prelim. version): “Cellular grid space and topology,cells, digital surfaces” New example on domain range [Read More]

Dgtal 0 3 0 Is Out

Beside the DGtal presentation at DGCI 2011, we are pleased to announce a new DGtal release 0.3.0. New features: User-guide added (based on doxygen system) Kernel: new concepts and controls to enhance the Interger type management, new iterators (Range/SubRange) on HyperRectDomains. Topology: interpixel model added (cells, boundary tracking mechanisms,…) Geometry... [Read More]

Dgtal Dgci 2011

DGtal will be presented during DGCI 2011 conference (and a new release is scheduled for that event). More details  later…