DGtal 1.4.0
No Matches
17#pragma once
29#if defined(SymmetricConvexExpander_RECURSES)
30#error Recursive header files inclusion detected in SymmetricConvexExpander.h
31#else // defined(SymmetricConvexExpander_RECURSES)
33#define SymmetricConvexExpander_RECURSES
35#if !defined SymmetricConvexExpander_h
37#define SymmetricConvexExpander_h
40// Inclusions
41#include <iostream>
42#include "DGtal/base/Common.h"
43#include "DGtal/topology/CCellularGridSpaceND.h"
44#include "DGtal/geometry/volumes/DigitalConvexity.h"
47namespace DGtal
51 // class SymmetricConvexExpander
62 template < typename TKSpace,
63 typename TPointPredicate >
65 {
68 public:
70 typedef TKSpace KSpace;
71 typedef TPointPredicate PointPredicate;
72 typedef typename KSpace::Integer Integer;
73 typedef typename KSpace::Point Point;
74 typedef typename KSpace::Vector Vector;
75 typedef typename KSpace::Space Space;
76 typedef std::size_t Size;
77 typedef DGtal::BoundedLatticePolytope < Space > LatticePolytope;
79 typedef std::vector<Point> PointRange;
80 typedef std::vector<Vector> VectorRange;
81 typedef std::unordered_set<Point> PointSet;
85 typedef std::pair< Point, Integer > Node;
87 // Inversion order since priority queue output max element.
90 NodeComparator() = default;
91 // p < q iff p.second < q.second
92 bool operator()( const Node& p, const Node& q ) const
93 {
94 return p.second > q.second;
95 }
96 };
98 typedef std::priority_queue< Node, std::vector<Node>, NodeComparator > NodeQueue;
102 const Point& kcenter,
103 const Point& lo,
104 const Point& hi )
105 : myPredicate( &predicate ), myConvexity( lo, hi )
106 {
107 init( kcenter );
108 }
110 bool predicate( const Point& p ) const
111 {
112 return (*myPredicate)( p );
113 }
115 void init( const Point& kcenter )
116 {
117 myKCenter = kcenter;
118 myPoints.clear();
119 myQ = NodeQueue();
120 myM.clear();
121 myPerfectSymmetry = true;
123 // The starting points depend on the parity of the coordinates of the center.
124 // There are from 1 to 2^d starting points.
125 PointRange points;
126 const auto x = myKCenter[ 0 ];
127 if ( x % 2 == 0 )
128 points.push_back( Point::base( 0, x / 2 ) );
129 else
130 {
131 points.push_back( Point::base( 0, (x-1) / 2 ) );
132 points.push_back( Point::base( 0, (x+1) / 2 ) );
133 }
134 for ( Dimension k = 1; k < dimension; k++ )
135 {
136 const auto n = points.size();
137 const auto y = myKCenter[ k ];
138 if ( y % 2 == 0 )
139 {
140 for ( auto i = 0; i < n; i++ )
141 points[ i ][ k ] = y / 2;
142 }
143 else
144 {
145 points.resize( 2*n );
146 const auto z = (y-1)/2;
147 const auto z1 = z + 1;
148 for ( auto i = 0; i < n; i++ )
149 {
150 points[ i ][ k ] = z;
151 Point q = points[ i ];
152 q[ k ] = z1;
153 points[ i+n ] = q;
154 }
155 }
156 }
157 // Keep only the points that satisfy the predicate.
158 for ( auto&& p : points )
159 {
160 const Point sp = symmetric( p );
161 if ( ! myM.count( p )
162 && predicate( p ) && predicate( sp ) )
163 {
164 Node n( p, (2*p - myKCenter).squaredNorm() );
165 myQ.push( n );
166 myM.insert( p );
167 myM.insert( sp );
168 }
169 }
170 }
173 bool advance( bool enforce_full_convexity )
174 {
175 while ( ! finished() )
176 {
177 const auto p = current().first;
178 //NOT USED const auto d = current().second; // current ring distance
179 const auto sp = symmetric( p );
180 myPoints.insert( p );
181 myPoints.insert( sp );
182 PointRange X( myPoints.cbegin(), myPoints.cend() );
183 if ( enforce_full_convexity && ! myConvexity.isFullyConvex( X ) )
184 {
185 myPoints.erase( p );
186 myPoints.erase( sp );
187 ignore();
188 }
189 else
190 {
191 expand();
192 return true;
193 }
194 }
195 return false;
196 }
205 const Node& current() const
206 {
207 return myQ.top();
208 }
217 void ignore()
218 {
219 myQ.pop();
220 }
227 void expand()
228 {
229 const Point p = current().first;
230 myQ.pop();
231 myPoints.insert( p );
232 myPoints.insert( symmetric( p ) );
233 const auto next_points = next( p );
234 for ( auto&& q : next_points )
235 {
236 if ( ! myM.count( q ) )
237 {
238 const auto sq = symmetric( q );
239 const bool q_in = predicate( q );
240 const bool sq_in = predicate( sq );
241 if ( q_in && sq_in )
242 {
243 Node n( q, (2*q - myKCenter).squaredNorm() );
244 myQ.push( n );
245 myM.insert( q );
246 myM.insert( sq );
247 if ( myPerfectSymmetry )
249 n.second );
250 }
251 else if ( ( q_in && ! sq_in ) || ( ! q_in && sq_in ) )
252 {
253 myPerfectSymmetry = false;
254 }
255 }
256 }
257 }
262 bool finished() const
263 {
264 return myQ.empty();
265 }
268 Point symmetric( const Point& p ) const
269 {
270 return myKCenter - p;
271 }
273 PointRange next( const Point& p ) const
274 {
275 PointRange N;
276 Point d = 2*p - myKCenter;
277 for ( Dimension i = 0; i < dimension; i++ )
278 {
279 if ( d[ i ] >= 0 ) N.push_back( p + Point::base( i, 1 ) );
280 if ( d[ i ] <= 0 ) N.push_back( p - Point::base( i, 1 ) );
281 }
282 return N;
283 }
308 };
311} // namespace DGtal
314// //
317#endif // !defined SymmetricConvexExpander_h
319#endif // !defined SymmetricConvexExpander_RECURSES
Aim: Represents an nD rational polytope, i.e. a convex polyhedron bounded by vertices with rational c...
Aim: A helper class to build polytopes from digital sets and to check digital k-convexity and full co...
bool isFullyConvex(const PointRange &X, bool convex0=false) const
TInteger Integer
Arithmetic ring induced by (+,-,*) and Integer numbers.
static const constexpr Dimension dimension
static Self base(Dimension k, Component val=1)
static Dimension size()
Aim: SymmetricConvexExpander computes symmetric fully convex subsets of a given digital set.
std::unordered_set< Point > PointSet
SymmetricConvexExpander(const PointPredicate &predicate, const Point &kcenter, const Point &lo, const Point &hi)
Constructor from predicate and symmetry center point.
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((concepts::CCellularGridSpaceND< TKSpace >))
DGtal::BoundedRationalPolytope< Space > RationalPolytope
DGtal::BoundedLatticePolytope< Space > LatticePolytope
PointRange next(const Point &p) const
std::pair< Point, Integer > Node
const PointPredicate * myPredicate
The predicate that every point must satisfy.
Point symmetric(const Point &p) const
PointSet myM
Marked points, i.e. points already in the queue or in the object.
bool predicate(const Point &p) const
Point myKCenter
Symmetry center (with doubled coordinates to represent half-integers).
bool advance(bool enforce_full_convexity)
Advance of one symmetric point.
std::priority_queue< Node, std::vector< Node >, NodeComparator > NodeQueue
DigitalConvexity< KSpace > myConvexity
The digital convexity object.
bool myPerfectSymmetry
True iff the set and its local complement are symmetric.
Integer myPerfectSymmetryRadius
Upper bound on the max distance of perfect symmetry.
DigitalConvexity< TKSpace > Self
PointSet myPoints
Symmetric range of lattice points, sorted.
DGtal is the top-level namespace which contains all DGtal functions and types.
DGtal::uint32_t Dimension
Definition Common.h:136
Default constructor.
bool operator()(const Node &p, const Node &q) const
Aim: This concept describes a cellular grid space in nD. In these spaces obtained by cartesian produc...