No Matches
Here is a list of all variables with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- n -
- N : DGtal::ChordNaivePlaneComputer< TSpace, TInputPoint, TInternalScalar >::State, DGtal::ClosedIntegerHalfPlane< TSpace >, DGtal::COBANaivePlaneComputer< TSpace, TInternalInteger >::State, DGtal::ConvexHullCommonKernel< dim, TCoordinateInteger, TInternalInteger >::HalfSpace, DGtal::EigenDecomposition< TN, TComponent, TMatrix >, DGtal::SimpleMatrix< TComponent, TM, TN >
- n : DGtal::concepts::CSTLAssociativeContainer< T >
- name : DGtal::Display3D< Space, KSpace >::CommonD3D, DGtal::SetName3D
- Navy : DGtal::Color
- nb_finite_facets : DGtal::QuickHull< TKernel >
- nb_infinite_facets : DGtal::QuickHull< TKernel >
- nbFractions : DGtal::LighterSternBrocot< TInteger, TQuotient, TMap >, DGtal::LightSternBrocot< TInteger, TQuotient, TMap >, DGtal::SternBrocot< TInteger, TQuotient >
- nbMoments : DGtal::DigitalSurfaceConvolver< TFunctor, TKernelFunctor, TKSpace, TDigitalKernel, dimension >, DGtal::DigitalSurfaceConvolver< TFunctor, TKernelFunctor, TKSpace, TDigitalKernel, 2 >, DGtal::DigitalSurfaceConvolver< TFunctor, TKernelFunctor, TKSpace, TDigitalKernel, 3 >
- nbValid : DGtal::ChordNaivePlaneComputer< TSpace, TInputPoint, TInternalScalar >::State
- nbVertices : DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer >::Face
- NEG : DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >, DGtal::KhalimskySpaceND< dim, TInteger >
- neigh_size : DGtal::NeighborhoodConvexityAnalyzer< TKSpace, K >
- neighbors : DGtal::QuickHull< TKernel >::Facet
- next : DGtal::HalfEdgeDataStructure::HalfEdge, DGtal::IndexedListWithBlocks< TValue, N, M >::AnyBlock, DGtal::LabelledMap< TData, L, TWord, N, M >::__AnyBlock
- nextBlock : DGtal::IndexedListWithBlocks< TValue, N, M >::ValueOrBlockPointer, DGtal::LabelledMap< TData, L, TWord, N, M >::DataOrBlockPointer
- None : DGtal::Color
- normal : DGtal::PlaneProbingDigitalSurfaceLocalEstimator< TSurface, TInternalProbingAlgorithm >::ProbingFrame
- normalize_u2 : DGtal::ATSolver2D< TKSpace, TLinearAlgebra >
- nx : DGtal::Display3D< Space, KSpace >::PolygonD3D, DGtal::Display3D< Space, KSpace >::QuadD3D, DGtal::Display3D< Space, KSpace >::TriangleD3D
- ny : DGtal::Display3D< Space, KSpace >::PolygonD3D, DGtal::Display3D< Space, KSpace >::QuadD3D, DGtal::Display3D< Space, KSpace >::TriangleD3D
- nz : DGtal::Display3D< Space, KSpace >::PolygonD3D, DGtal::Display3D< Space, KSpace >::QuadD3D, DGtal::Display3D< Space, KSpace >::TriangleD3D