No Matches
Here is a list of all variables with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- p -
- p : DGtal::BoundedRationalPolytope< TSpace >::Rational, DGtal::concepts::CDigitalOrientedShape< T >, DGtal::concepts::CEuclideanOrientedShape< T >, DGtal::concepts::CLMSTDSSFilter< T >, DGtal::concepts::CSTLAssociativeContainer< T >, DGtal::LighterSternBrocot< TInteger, TQuotient, TMap >::Node, DGtal::LightSternBrocot< TInteger, TQuotient, TMap >::Node, DGtal::OneBalancedWordComputer< TConstIterator, TInteger >::ConstPointIterator, DGtal::PlaneProbingDigitalSurfaceLocalEstimator< TSurface, TInternalProbingAlgorithm >::ProbingFrame, DGtal::SternBrocot< TInteger, TQuotient >::Node
- p2v : DGtal::QuickHull< TKernel >
- penColor : LibBoard::Board::State
- PERIOD : DGtal::EllipticHelix< TSpace >, DGtal::Knot_3_2< TSpace >, DGtal::Knot_4_3< TSpace >, DGtal::Knot_5_2< TSpace >
- periodic : DGtal::SignalData< TValue >
- pi : DGtal::RealFFT< HyperRectDomain< TSpace >, T >
- point1 : DGtal::Display3D< Space, KSpace >::LineD3D, DGtal::Display3D< Space, KSpace >::QuadD3D, DGtal::Display3D< Space, KSpace >::TriangleD3D, DGtal::Viewer3D< TSpace, TKSpace >::GLTextureImage, DGtal::Viewer3D< TSpace, TKSpace >::Image2DDomainD3D, DGtal::Viewer3D< TSpace, TKSpace >::TextureImage
- point2 : DGtal::Display3D< Space, KSpace >::LineD3D, DGtal::Display3D< Space, KSpace >::QuadD3D, DGtal::Display3D< Space, KSpace >::TriangleD3D, DGtal::Viewer3D< TSpace, TKSpace >::GLTextureImage, DGtal::Viewer3D< TSpace, TKSpace >::Image2DDomainD3D, DGtal::Viewer3D< TSpace, TKSpace >::TextureImage
- point3 : DGtal::Display3D< Space, KSpace >::QuadD3D, DGtal::Display3D< Space, KSpace >::TriangleD3D, DGtal::Viewer3D< TSpace, TKSpace >::GLTextureImage, DGtal::Viewer3D< TSpace, TKSpace >::Image2DDomainD3D, DGtal::Viewer3D< TSpace, TKSpace >::TextureImage
- point4 : DGtal::Display3D< Space, KSpace >::QuadD3D, DGtal::Viewer3D< TSpace, TKSpace >::GLTextureImage, DGtal::Viewer3D< TSpace, TKSpace >::Image2DDomainD3D, DGtal::Viewer3D< TSpace, TKSpace >::TextureImage
- points : DGtal::QuickHull< TKernel >
- POS : DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >, DGtal::KhalimskySpaceND< dim, TInteger >
- pos : DGtal::HyperRectDomain_Iterator< TPoint >, DGtal::HyperRectDomain_subIterator< TPoint >
- posCam : DGtal::Viewer3D< TSpace, TKSpace >::CompFarthestPolygonFromCamera, DGtal::Viewer3D< TSpace, TKSpace >::CompFarthestSurfelFromCamera, DGtal::Viewer3D< TSpace, TKSpace >::CompFarthestTriangleFromCamera, DGtal::Viewer3D< TSpace, TKSpace >::CompFarthestVoxelFromCamera
- positive : DGtal::SignedKhalimskyPreCell< dim, TInteger >
- powers : DGtal::detail::monomial_node
- precision : DGtal::ConvexHullRationalKernel< dim, TCoordinateInteger, TInternalInteger >, DGtal::DelaunayRationalKernel< dim, TCoordinateInteger, TInternalInteger >
- prev : DGtal::HyperRectDomain_ReverseIterator< TIterator >
- primal_AD2 : DGtal::ATSolver2D< TKSpace, TLinearAlgebra >
- primal_D0 : DGtal::ATSolver2D< TKSpace, TLinearAlgebra >
- primal_D1 : DGtal::ATSolver2D< TKSpace, TLinearAlgebra >
- primal_size : DGtal::DiscreteExteriorCalculus< dimEmbedded, dimAmbient, TLinearAlgebraBackend, TInteger >::Property
- processed_points : DGtal::QuickHull< TKernel >
- projp : DGtal::detail::RecursivePConvexity< dim, TInteger >
- ptMax : DGtal::ChordNaivePlaneComputer< TSpace, TInputPoint, TInternalScalar >::State, DGtal::COBANaivePlaneComputer< TSpace, TInternalInteger >::State
- ptMin : DGtal::ChordNaivePlaneComputer< TSpace, TInputPoint, TInternalScalar >::State, DGtal::COBANaivePlaneComputer< TSpace, TInternalInteger >::State
- ptr : DGtal::CountedPtr< T >::Counter
- ptrCalculus : DGtal::ATSolver2D< TKSpace, TLinearAlgebra >
- ptrSet : DGtal::VoronoiCovarianceMeasure< TSpace, TSeparableMetric >::CharacteristicSetPredicate
- Purple : DGtal::Color