No Matches
Here is a list of all variables with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- c -
- C : DGtal::ChordNaivePlaneComputer< TSpace, TInputPoint, TInternalScalar >::State
- c : DGtal::ClosedIntegerHalfPlane< TSpace >, DGtal::concepts::C3DParametricCurve< T >, DGtal::concepts::CCommutativeRing< T >, DGtal::concepts::CEuclideanRing< T >, DGtal::concepts::CLinearAlgebra< V, M >, DGtal::concepts::CLMSTDSSFilter< T >, DGtal::ConvexHullCommonKernel< dim, TCoordinateInteger, TInternalInteger >::HalfSpace, DGtal::Display3D< Space, KSpace >::ClippingPlaneD3D
- cacheMissRead : DGtal::ImageCache< TImageContainer, TImageFactory, TReadPolicy, TWritePolicy >
- cacheMissWrite : DGtal::ImageCache< TImageContainer, TImageFactory, TReadPolicy, TWritePolicy >
- calculus : DGtal::concepts::CDiscreteExteriorCalculusVectorSpace< T >
- camera_direction : DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >, DGtal::Viewer3D< TSpace, TKSpace >
- camera_position : DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >, DGtal::Viewer3D< TSpace, TKSpace >
- camera_upVector : DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >, DGtal::Viewer3D< TSpace, TKSpace >
- cell_faces : DGtal::ConvexCellComplex< TPoint >
- cell_vertices : DGtal::ConvexCellComplex< TPoint >
- center : DGtal::Display3D< Space, KSpace >::BallD3D, DGtal::Display3D< Space, KSpace >::CubeD3D, DGtal::functors::SphereFittingEstimator< TSurfel, TEmbedder, TNormalVectorEstimatorCache >::Quantity
- centroid : DGtal::COBANaivePlaneComputer< TSpace, TInternalInteger >::State
- chain : DGtal::FreemanChain< TInteger >
- ci : DGtal::concepts::CSTLAssociativeContainer< T >
- cip : DGtal::COBANaivePlaneComputer< TSpace, TInternalInteger >::State
- closed : DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer >::Face
- coef : DGtal::detail::monomial_node
- coeffs : DGtal::PlaneProbingNeighborhood< TPredicate >::UpdateOperation
- collection : DGtal::UnorderedSetByBlock< Key, TSplitter, Hash, KeyEqual, UnorderedMapAllocator >::const_iterator, DGtal::UnorderedSetByBlock< Key, TSplitter, Hash, KeyEqual, UnorderedMapAllocator >::iterator
- color : DGtal::Display3D< Space, KSpace >::CommonD3D, DGtal::Display3D< Space, KSpace >::PolygonD3D, DGtal::Viewer3D< TSpace, TKSpace >::Image2DDomainD3D
- comp2input : DGtal::QuickHull< TKernel >
- compare : DGtal::detail::EqualPredicateFromLessThanComparator< LessThan, T >, DGtal::detail::KeyComparatorForPairKeyData< KeyComparator, PairKeyData >
- complex : DGtal::ParDirCollapse< CC >
- const_solver : DGtal::concepts::CLinearAlgebraSolver< S, V, M >
- container : DGtal::concepts::CDiscreteExteriorCalculusVectorSpace< T >
- coordinates : DGtal::KhalimskyPreCell< dim, TInteger >, DGtal::SignedKhalimskyPreCell< dim, TInteger >
- count : DGtal::CountedPtr< T >::Counter
- cr : DGtal::concepts::CSTLAssociativeContainer< T >
- current : DGtal::HyperRectDomain_ReverseIterator< TIterator >, DGtal::UnorderedSetByBlock< Key, TSplitter, Hash, KeyEqual, UnorderedMapAllocator >::const_iterator, DGtal::UnorderedSetByBlock< Key, TSplitter, Hash, KeyEqual, UnorderedMapAllocator >::iterator
- curve : DGtal::concepts::C3DParametricCurveDecorator< T >, DGtal::DecoratorParametricCurveTransformation< TCurve, TTransfromation >, DGtal::NaiveParametricCurveDigitizer3D< TParametricCurve >
- Cyan : DGtal::Color