Here is a list of all namespace members with links to the namespace documentation for each member:
- o -
- Object18_6 : DGtal::Z3i
- Object26_6 : DGtal::Z3i
- Object4_8 : DGtal::Z2i
- Object6_18 : DGtal::Z3i
- Object6_26 : DGtal::Z3i
- Object8_4 : DGtal::Z2i
- objectFromSpels() : DGtal::functions
- ON : DGtal
- oneIsthmus() : DGtal::functions
- openGrahamScan() : DGtal::functions::Hull2D
- operator!=() : DGtal, LibBoard
- operator&() : DGtal::functions::setops, DGtal
- operator&&() : LibBoard
- operator&=() : DGtal::functions::setops, DGtal
- operator*() : DGtal, LibBoard
- operator+() : DGtal, LibBoard
- operator-() : DGtal::functions::setops, DGtal, LibBoard
- operator-=() : DGtal::functions::setops, DGtal
- operator/() : DGtal, LibBoard
- operator<() : DGtal
- operator<<() : DGtal::deprecated, DGtal::detail, DGtal::experimental, DGtal::functors, DGtal
- operator<=() : DGtal
- operator==() : DGtal, LibBoard
- operator>() : DGtal
- operator>=() : DGtal
- operator>>() : DGtal
- operator^() : DGtal::functions::setops, DGtal
- operator^=() : DGtal::functions::setops, DGtal
- operator|() : DGtal::functions::setops, DGtal
- operator|=() : DGtal::functions::setops, DGtal
- operator||() : LibBoard
- operator~() : DGtal
- oppositeEndMaximalExtension() : DGtal
- oppositeEndMaximalRetraction() : DGtal
- orBF2 : DGtal::functors
- Order : DGtal
- Orientation : DGtal
- out_degree() : boost
- out_edges() : boost
- OuterSpel : DGtal