Here is a list of all typedefs with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- l -
- Label : DGtal::LabelledMap< TData, L, TWord, N, M >, DGtal::Labels< L, TWord >
- LabelsConstIterator : DGtal::LabelledMap< TData, L, TWord, N, M >
- LabelsType : DGtal::LabelledMap< TData, L, TWord, N, M >
- Lagrange : DGtal::EhrhartPolynomial< TSpace, TInteger >
- LatticeCellCover : DGtal::TangencyComputer< TKSpace >
- LatticeConvexHullKernel : DGtal::ConvexityHelper< dim, TInteger, TInternalInteger >
- LatticeDelaunayKernel : DGtal::ConvexityHelper< dim, TInteger, TInternalInteger >
- LatticePolytope : DGtal::CellGeometry< TKSpace >, DGtal::ConvexityHelper< dim, TInteger, TInternalInteger >, DGtal::DigitalConvexity< TKSpace >, DGtal::EhrhartPolynomial< TSpace, TInteger >, DGtal::SymmetricConvexExpander< TKSpace, TPointPredicate >
- LatticeSet : DGtal::DigitalConvexity< TKSpace >
- LatticeSetByInterval : DGtal::BoundedLatticePolytopeCounter< TSpace >, DGtal::LatticeSetByIntervals< TSpace >
- LatticeSetByIntervals : DGtal::BoundedLatticePolytopeCounter< TSpace >
- LessThanPredicate : DGtal::detail::ComparatorAdapter< Container, associative, ordered, pair >, DGtal::detail::ComparatorAdapter< Container, true, false, false >, DGtal::detail::ComparatorAdapter< Container, true, false, true >, DGtal::detail::ComparatorAdapter< Container, true, true, false >, DGtal::detail::ComparatorAdapter< Container, true, true, true >
- LightDigitalSurface : DGtal::Shortcuts< TKSpace >, DGtal::ShortcutsGeometry< TKSpace >
- LightSurfaceContainer : DGtal::Shortcuts< TKSpace >, DGtal::ShortcutsGeometry< TKSpace >
- LinAlg : DGtal::PolygonalCalculus< TRealPoint, TRealVector >
- LinAlgBackend : DGtal::GeodesicsInHeat< TPolygonalCalculus >, DGtal::VectorsInHeat< TPolygonalCalculus >
- LinearAlgebra : DGtal::ATSolver2D< TKSpace, TLinearAlgebra >
- LinearAlgebraBackend : DGtal::DirichletConditions< TLinearAlgebraBackend >, DGtal::DiscreteExteriorCalculus< dimEmbedded, dimAmbient, TLinearAlgebraBackend, TInteger >
- LinearAlgebraSolver : DGtal::ATSolver2D< TKSpace, TLinearAlgebra >, DGtal::DiscreteExteriorCalculusSolver< TCalculus, TLinearAlgebraSolver, order_in, duality_in, order_out, duality_out >
- LinearAlgebraTool : DGtal::VoronoiCovarianceMeasureOnDigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer, TSeparableMetric, TKernelFunction >
- Linearizer : DGtal::ArrayImageAdapter< TArrayIterator, HyperRectDomain< TSpace > >, DGtal::ArrayImageIterator< TIterableClass >
- List : DGtal::L2SecondOrderLocalDistance< TImage, TSet >
- LongDoubleType : DGtal::DSLSubsegment< TInteger, TNumber >