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Here is a list of all variables with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- i -
- I : DGtal::BoundedLatticePolytope< TSpace >, DGtal::BoundedRationalPolytope< TSpace >
- i : DGtal::concepts::CBidirectionalRange< T >, DGtal::concepts::CConstBidirectionalRange< T >, DGtal::concepts::CConstImage< I >, DGtal::concepts::CConstSinglePassRange< T >, DGtal::concepts::CDenseMatrix< T >, DGtal::concepts::CDenseVector< T >, DGtal::concepts::CDynamicMatrix< T >, DGtal::concepts::CDynamicVector< T >, DGtal::concepts::CLMSTDSSFilter< T >, DGtal::concepts::CMatrix< T >, DGtal::concepts::CSinglePassRange< T >, DGtal::concepts::CStaticMatrix< T >, DGtal::concepts::CStaticVector< T >, DGtal::concepts::CTrivialConstImage< I >, DGtal::concepts::CVector< T >, DGtal::OneBalancedWordComputer< TConstIterator, TInteger >::ConstPointIterator
- ic : DGtal::StandardDSLQ0< TFraction >
- index : DGtal::DiscreteExteriorCalculus< dimEmbedded, dimAmbient, TLinearAlgebraBackend, TInteger >::Property
- INFINITE_CELL : DGtal::ConvexCellComplex< TPoint >
- initOK : DGtal::NaiveParametricCurveDigitizer3D< TParametricCurve >
- initThreshold : DGtal::DSSLengthLessEqualFilter< DSS >
- input2comp : DGtal::QuickHull< TKernel >
- inverse : DGtal::SternBrocot< TInteger, TQuotient >::Node
- isHEDSValid : DGtal::IndexedDigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer >, DGtal::PolygonalSurface< TPoint >, DGtal::TriangulatedSurface< TPoint >
- isInitFullMasks : DGtal::DigitalSurfaceConvolver< TFunctor, TKernelFunctor, TKSpace, TDigitalKernel, dimension >, DGtal::DigitalSurfaceConvolver< TFunctor, TKernelFunctor, TKSpace, TDigitalKernel, 2 >, DGtal::DigitalSurfaceConvolver< TFunctor, TKernelFunctor, TKSpace, TDigitalKernel, 3 >
- isInitKernelAndMasks : DGtal::DigitalSurfaceConvolver< TFunctor, TKernelFunctor, TKSpace, TDigitalKernel, dimension >, DGtal::DigitalSurfaceConvolver< TFunctor, TKernelFunctor, TKSpace, TDigitalKernel, 2 >, DGtal::DigitalSurfaceConvolver< TFunctor, TKernelFunctor, TKSpace, TDigitalKernel, 3 >
- isSigned : DGtal::Display3D< Space, KSpace >::BallD3D, DGtal::Display3D< Space, KSpace >::LineD3D
- it : DGtal::concepts::CBidirectionalRange< T >, DGtal::concepts::CConstBidirectionalRange< T >, DGtal::concepts::CConstSinglePassRange< T >, DGtal::concepts::CSegment< T >, DGtal::UnorderedSetByBlock< Key, TSplitter, Hash, KeyEqual, UnorderedMapAllocator >::const_iterator, DGtal::UnorderedSetByBlock< Key, TSplitter, Hash, KeyEqual, UnorderedMapAllocator >::iterator