Part of Shapes package
This documentation describes the tool to construct a binary image from a set of oriented point clouds in \mathbb{R}^3 using the generalized winding number framework of [10]. For short, from a collection of oriented points, the generalized winding number implicit function returns a scalar value at each point accounting for the number of turns of the (unknown) underling surface around that point. From [10], the implicit function for a point cloud \{(p_i,n_i)\}_{1..m} is approximated by
w(q) = \sum_i^m a_i \frac{(p_i-q)\cdot n_i}{4\pi\|p_i -q\|^3}
where a_i is some area contribution of the point p_i to the surface (computed from the projection of the k-nearest neighbors to p_i onto the tangent plane at p_i ). By thresholding the winding function with some values in [0,1], we can define an iso-surface that approximates the exterior envelope of the shape defined by the oriented point cloud. For fast computations, we rely on the libigl of the generalized winding numbers.
cmake .. -DWITH_LIBIGL!true -DWITH_CGAL=true -DWITH_GMP=true
)The core of the method is defined in the WindingNumberShape<Space> class. This class is a model of concepts::CEuclideanBoundedShape is the sense that once constructed, an object has an orientation( q )
method that returns the orientation (inside, outside or on) of q to the implicit surface (DGtal::Orientation).
As the WindingNumberShape class is a model of concepts::CEuclideanBoundedShape, the GaussDigitizer could be used (see Shapes, Shapers and Digitizers).
Input point cloud | Reconstruction h=2 | Reconstruction h=1 | Reconstruction h=0.2 |
![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
First, for multiple queries and to take advantage of the multithreading of the winding number backend:
The output vector contains the orientation of the query points in the same order.
At this point, we completely rely on libIGL and CGAL to estimate the a_i area measures. If the user wants to provide these quantities, the \{a_i\} can be prescribed at the constructor, or using the setAreaMeasure()
method (with a skipPointAreas
to true
at the constructor).