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DGtal::ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder< TKSpace, TImplicitFunction, TEmbedder > Class Template Reference

Aim: a cellular embedder for implicit functions, (default constructible, copy constructible, assignable). Model of CCellEmbedder. More...

#include <DGtal/shapes/implicit/ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder.h>

Public Types

typedef TKSpace KSpace
typedef TImplicitFunction ImplicitFunction
typedef TEmbedder Embedder
typedef KSpace::Cell Cell
typedef KSpace::SCell SCell
typedef KSpace::Space Space
typedef Space::Point Point
typedef Space::RealPoint RealPoint
typedef ImplicitFunction::Value ImplicitFctValue
typedef Cell Argument
typedef RealPoint Value

Public Member Functions

 ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder ()
 ~ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder ()
 ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder (const ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder &other)
ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedderoperator= (const ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder &other)
void init (ConstAlias< KSpace > K, ConstAlias< ImplicitFunction > f, ConstAlias< Embedder > e)
RealPoint embed (const Point &p) const
RealPoint embedCell (const Cell &cell) const
RealPoint embedSCell (const SCell &scell) const
RealPoint operator() (const Cell &cell) const
void selfDisplay (std::ostream &out) const
bool isValid () const

Private Member Functions

 BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT ((concepts::CImplicitFunction< TImplicitFunction >))

Private Attributes

const KSpacemyPtrK
 A pointer on the cellular grid space.
const ImplicitFunctionmyPtrFct
 A pointer on the implicit function.
const EmbeddermyPtrEmbedder
 A pointer on the digital embedder.

Detailed Description

template<typename TKSpace, typename TImplicitFunction, typename TEmbedder>
class DGtal::ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder< TKSpace, TImplicitFunction, TEmbedder >

Aim: a cellular embedder for implicit functions, (default constructible, copy constructible, assignable). Model of CCellEmbedder.

Description of template class 'ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder'

Template Parameters
TKSpacethe cellular grid space definition.
TImplicitFunctionthe type of implicit function, a model of CImplicitFunction.
TEmbedderthe type of digital embedder.
assert dimensions of space, embedder and implicit function.

Definition at line 70 of file ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Argument

template<typename TKSpace , typename TImplicitFunction , typename TEmbedder >
Cell DGtal::ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder< TKSpace, TImplicitFunction, TEmbedder >::Argument

Definition at line 84 of file ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder.h.

◆ Cell

template<typename TKSpace , typename TImplicitFunction , typename TEmbedder >
KSpace::Cell DGtal::ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder< TKSpace, TImplicitFunction, TEmbedder >::Cell

Definition at line 78 of file ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder.h.

◆ Embedder

template<typename TKSpace , typename TImplicitFunction , typename TEmbedder >
TEmbedder DGtal::ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder< TKSpace, TImplicitFunction, TEmbedder >::Embedder

Definition at line 77 of file ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder.h.

◆ ImplicitFctValue

template<typename TKSpace , typename TImplicitFunction , typename TEmbedder >
ImplicitFunction::Value DGtal::ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder< TKSpace, TImplicitFunction, TEmbedder >::ImplicitFctValue

Definition at line 83 of file ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder.h.

◆ ImplicitFunction

template<typename TKSpace , typename TImplicitFunction , typename TEmbedder >
TImplicitFunction DGtal::ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder< TKSpace, TImplicitFunction, TEmbedder >::ImplicitFunction

Definition at line 76 of file ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder.h.

◆ KSpace

template<typename TKSpace , typename TImplicitFunction , typename TEmbedder >
TKSpace DGtal::ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder< TKSpace, TImplicitFunction, TEmbedder >::KSpace

Definition at line 75 of file ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder.h.

◆ Point

template<typename TKSpace , typename TImplicitFunction , typename TEmbedder >
Space::Point DGtal::ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder< TKSpace, TImplicitFunction, TEmbedder >::Point

Definition at line 81 of file ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder.h.

◆ RealPoint

template<typename TKSpace , typename TImplicitFunction , typename TEmbedder >
Space::RealPoint DGtal::ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder< TKSpace, TImplicitFunction, TEmbedder >::RealPoint

Definition at line 82 of file ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder.h.

◆ SCell

template<typename TKSpace , typename TImplicitFunction , typename TEmbedder >
KSpace::SCell DGtal::ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder< TKSpace, TImplicitFunction, TEmbedder >::SCell

Definition at line 79 of file ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder.h.

◆ Space

template<typename TKSpace , typename TImplicitFunction , typename TEmbedder >
KSpace::Space DGtal::ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder< TKSpace, TImplicitFunction, TEmbedder >::Space

Definition at line 80 of file ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder.h.

◆ Value

template<typename TKSpace , typename TImplicitFunction , typename TEmbedder >
RealPoint DGtal::ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder< TKSpace, TImplicitFunction, TEmbedder >::Value

Definition at line 85 of file ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder() [1/2]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TImplicitFunction , typename TEmbedder >
DGtal::ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder< TKSpace, TImplicitFunction, TEmbedder >::ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder ( )

Constructor. The object is not valid.

◆ ~ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TImplicitFunction , typename TEmbedder >
DGtal::ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder< TKSpace, TImplicitFunction, TEmbedder >::~ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder ( )


◆ ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder() [2/2]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TImplicitFunction , typename TEmbedder >
DGtal::ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder< TKSpace, TImplicitFunction, TEmbedder >::ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder ( const ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder< TKSpace, TImplicitFunction, TEmbedder > & other)

Copy constructor.

otherthe object to copy.

Member Function Documentation


template<typename TKSpace , typename TImplicitFunction , typename TEmbedder >
DGtal::ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder< TKSpace, TImplicitFunction, TEmbedder >::BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT ( (concepts::CImplicitFunction< TImplicitFunction >) )

◆ embed()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TImplicitFunction , typename TEmbedder >
RealPoint DGtal::ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder< TKSpace, TImplicitFunction, TEmbedder >::embed ( const Point & p) const

Maps a digital point to its corresponding point in the Euclidean space.

pany digital point in the digital space.
its embedding by the current embedder in the Euclidean space.

◆ embedCell()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TImplicitFunction , typename TEmbedder >
RealPoint DGtal::ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder< TKSpace, TImplicitFunction, TEmbedder >::embedCell ( const Cell & cell) const

Maps a cell to its corresponding point in the Euclidean space, by a linear guess of its position.

cellany cell in the cellular grid space.
its embedding in the Euclidean space.

◆ embedSCell()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TImplicitFunction , typename TEmbedder >
RealPoint DGtal::ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder< TKSpace, TImplicitFunction, TEmbedder >::embedSCell ( const SCell & scell) const

Maps a signed cell to its corresponding point in the Euclidean space, by a linear guess of its position. NB: the signed is not used.

scellany cell in the cellular grid space.
its embedding in the Euclidean space.

◆ init()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TImplicitFunction , typename TEmbedder >
void DGtal::ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder< TKSpace, TImplicitFunction, TEmbedder >::init ( ConstAlias< KSpace > K,
ConstAlias< ImplicitFunction > f,
ConstAlias< Embedder > e )

Initializes the embedder with the space K, the implicit function f, the digital embedder e.

Kany cellular grid space.
fan implicit function
ea digital embedder (like a GaussDigitizer).

◆ isValid()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TImplicitFunction , typename TEmbedder >
bool DGtal::ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder< TKSpace, TImplicitFunction, TEmbedder >::isValid ( ) const

Checks the validity/consistency of the object.

'true' if the object is valid, 'false' otherwise.

◆ operator()()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TImplicitFunction , typename TEmbedder >
RealPoint DGtal::ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder< TKSpace, TImplicitFunction, TEmbedder >::operator() ( const Cell & cell) const

Maps a cell to its corresponding point in the Euclidean space, by a linear guess of its position.

cellany cell in the cellular grid space.
its embedding in the Euclidean space.

◆ operator=()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TImplicitFunction , typename TEmbedder >
ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder & DGtal::ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder< TKSpace, TImplicitFunction, TEmbedder >::operator= ( const ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder< TKSpace, TImplicitFunction, TEmbedder > & other)


otherthe object to copy.
a reference on 'this'.

◆ selfDisplay()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TImplicitFunction , typename TEmbedder >
void DGtal::ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder< TKSpace, TImplicitFunction, TEmbedder >::selfDisplay ( std::ostream & out) const

Writes/Displays the object on an output stream.

outthe output stream where the object is written.

Field Documentation

◆ myPtrEmbedder

template<typename TKSpace , typename TImplicitFunction , typename TEmbedder >
const Embedder* DGtal::ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder< TKSpace, TImplicitFunction, TEmbedder >::myPtrEmbedder

A pointer on the digital embedder.

Definition at line 187 of file ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder.h.

◆ myPtrFct

template<typename TKSpace , typename TImplicitFunction , typename TEmbedder >
const ImplicitFunction* DGtal::ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder< TKSpace, TImplicitFunction, TEmbedder >::myPtrFct

A pointer on the implicit function.

Definition at line 185 of file ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder.h.

◆ myPtrK

template<typename TKSpace , typename TImplicitFunction , typename TEmbedder >
const KSpace* DGtal::ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder< TKSpace, TImplicitFunction, TEmbedder >::myPtrK

A pointer on the cellular grid space.

Definition at line 183 of file ImplicitFunctionLinearCellEmbedder.h.

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