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DGtal::StandardDSS4< TCoordinate, TInteger > Class Template Reference

Aim: This class represents a standard digital straight segment (DSS), ie. the sequence of simply 4-connected digital points contained in a standard digital straight line (DSL) between two points of it. This class is an alias of ArithmeticalDSS. More...

#include <DGtal/geometry/curves/ArithmeticalDSS.h>

Inheritance diagram for DGtal::StandardDSS4< TCoordinate, TInteger >:

Public Types

typedef ArithmeticalDSS< TCoordinate, TInteger, 4 > Super
typedef Super::Point Point
typedef Super::Coordinate Coordinate
typedef Super::DSL DSL
- Public Types inherited from DGtal::ArithmeticalDSS< TCoordinate, TCoordinate, 4 >
typedef TCoordinate Coordinate
typedef TCoordinate Integer
typedef ArithmeticalDSL< Coordinate, Integer, adjacency > DSL
typedef DSL::Space Space
typedef DSL::Point Point
typedef DSL::Vector Vector
typedef DSL::Steps Steps
typedef Coordinate Position
typedef DSL::ConstIterator ConstIterator
typedef DSL::ConstReverseIterator ConstReverseIterator
typedef DGtal::PointVector< 2, double > PointD

Public Member Functions

 StandardDSS4 (const Coordinate &aA, const Coordinate &aB, const Point &aF, const Point &aL, const Point &aUf, const Point &aUl, const Point &aLf, const Point &aLl)
 StandardDSS4 (const Point &aF, const Point &aL, const bool &isOnTheUpperLine=true)
 StandardDSS4 (const DSL &aDSL, const Point &aF, const Point &aL)
 StandardDSS4 (const StandardDSS4 &aDSS, const Point &aF, const Point &aL)
template<typename Iterator >
 StandardDSS4 (const Iterator &aItb, const Iterator &aIte)
 StandardDSS4 (const StandardDSS4 &aOther)
StandardDSS4operator= (const StandardDSS4 &aOther)
- Public Member Functions inherited from DGtal::ArithmeticalDSS< TCoordinate, TCoordinate, 4 >
 BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT ((concepts::CInteger< Coordinate >))
 BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT ((concepts::CInteger< Integer >))
 ArithmeticalDSS (const Point &aPoint)
 ArithmeticalDSS (const Coordinate &aA, const Coordinate &aB, const Integer &aLowerBound, const Integer &aUpperBound, const Point &aF, const Point &aL, const Point &aUf, const Point &aUl, const Point &aLf, const Point &aLl, const Steps &aSteps, const Vector &aShift)
 ArithmeticalDSS (const DSL &aDSL, const Point &aF, const Point &aL, const Point &aUf, const Point &aUl, const Point &aLf, const Point &aLl)
 ArithmeticalDSS (const Coordinate &aA, const Coordinate &aB, const Point &aF, const Point &aL, const Point &aUf, const Point &aUl, const Point &aLf, const Point &aLl)
 ArithmeticalDSS (const Point &aF, const Point &aL, const bool &areOnTheUpperLine=true)
 ArithmeticalDSS (const DSL &aDSL, const Point &aF, const Point &aL)
 ArithmeticalDSS (const ArithmeticalDSS &aDSS, const Point &aF, const Point &aL)
 ArithmeticalDSS (const Iterator &aItb, const Iterator &aIte)
 ArithmeticalDSS (const ArithmeticalDSS &aOther)
ArithmeticalDSSoperator= (const ArithmeticalDSS &aOther)
ArithmeticalDSS negate () const
bool equalsTo (const ArithmeticalDSS &aOther) const
bool operator== (const ArithmeticalDSS &aOther) const
bool operator!= (const ArithmeticalDSS &aOther) const
 ~ArithmeticalDSS ()
void selfDisplay (std::ostream &out) const
bool isValid () const
const DSLdsl () const
Coordinate a () const
Coordinate b () const
Integer mu () const
Integer omega () const
Vector shift () const
Steps steps () const
Point back () const
Point front () const
Point Uf () const
Point Ul () const
Point Lf () const
Point Ll () const
Integer remainder (const Point &aPoint) const
Integer orthogonalPosition (const Point &aPoint) const
Position position (const Point &aPoint) const
bool before (const Point &aP1, const Point &aP2) const
bool beforeOrEqual (const Point &aP1, const Point &aP2) const
bool isInDSL (const Point &aPoint) const
bool isInDSL (const DSL &aDSL) const
bool isInDSL (const DSL &aDSL, std::vector< Point > &Ulp, std::vector< Point > &Llp, Point &outP) const
bool isInDSS (const Point &aPoint) const
bool operator() (const Point &aPoint) const
ArithmeticalDSS computeUnion (const ArithmeticalDSS &aOther) const
ConstIterator begin () const
ConstIterator end () const
ConstReverseIterator rbegin () const
ConstReverseIterator rend () const
unsigned short int isExtendableFront (const Point &aNewPoint) const
unsigned short int isExtendableBack (const Point &aNewPoint) const
bool extendFront (const Point &aNewPoint)
bool extendBack (const Point &aNewPoint)
bool retractFront ()
bool retractBack ()
PointD project (const Point &aM, double aR) const
PointD project (const Point &aM, const Point &aP) const
std::string className () const

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from DGtal::ArithmeticalDSS< TCoordinate, TCoordinate, 4 >
static const unsigned short foregroundAdjacency
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DGtal::ArithmeticalDSS< TCoordinate, TCoordinate, 4 >
bool retractUpdateLeaningPoints (const Vector &aDirection, const Point &aFirst, const Point &aLast, const Point &aBezout, const Point &aFirstAtOppositeSide, Point &aLastAtOppositeSide, Point &aFirstAtRemovalSide, const Point &aLastAtRemovalSide)
void retractUpdateParameters (const Vector &aNewDirection)
- Protected Attributes inherited from DGtal::ArithmeticalDSS< TCoordinate, TCoordinate, 4 >
Point myF
Point myL
Point myUf
Point myUl
Point myLf
Point myLl

Detailed Description

template<typename TCoordinate, typename TInteger = TCoordinate>
class DGtal::StandardDSS4< TCoordinate, TInteger >

Aim: This class represents a standard digital straight segment (DSS), ie. the sequence of simply 4-connected digital points contained in a standard digital straight line (DSL) between two points of it. This class is an alias of ArithmeticalDSS.

A 4-connected DSS can be declared and constructed as follows:

// Construct a standard DSS
StandardDSS4<Integer> segment( 5, 8, //slope
Point(0,0), Point(8,5), //ending points
Point(0,0), Point(8,5), //upper points
Point(4,1), Point(4,1) //lower points

This requires the following include:

#include "DGtal/geometry/curves/ArithmeticalDSS.h"

See the documentation of NaiveDSS8 for a longer example and see Digital straight lines and segments for further details.

Template Parameters
TCoordinatea model of integer for the DGtal point coordinates and the slope parameters.
TIntegera model of integer for the intercepts and the remainders that represents a larger range of integers than TCoordinate.

This class is a model of CPointFunctor and of CConstBidirectionalRange.

See also
ArithmeticalDSL NaiveDSL StandardDSL
exampleArithmeticalDSL.cpp exampleArithmeticalDSS.cpp

Definition at line 829 of file ArithmeticalDSS.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Coordinate

template<typename TCoordinate , typename TInteger = TCoordinate>
Super::Coordinate DGtal::StandardDSS4< TCoordinate, TInteger >::Coordinate

Definition at line 835 of file ArithmeticalDSS.h.


template<typename TCoordinate , typename TInteger = TCoordinate>
Super::DSL DGtal::StandardDSS4< TCoordinate, TInteger >::DSL

Definition at line 836 of file ArithmeticalDSS.h.

◆ Point

template<typename TCoordinate , typename TInteger = TCoordinate>
Super::Point DGtal::StandardDSS4< TCoordinate, TInteger >::Point

Definition at line 834 of file ArithmeticalDSS.h.

◆ Super

template<typename TCoordinate , typename TInteger = TCoordinate>
ArithmeticalDSS<TCoordinate, TInteger, 4> DGtal::StandardDSS4< TCoordinate, TInteger >::Super

Definition at line 833 of file ArithmeticalDSS.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ StandardDSS4() [1/6]

template<typename TCoordinate , typename TInteger = TCoordinate>
DGtal::StandardDSS4< TCoordinate, TInteger >::StandardDSS4 ( const Coordinate & aA,
const Coordinate & aB,
const Point & aF,
const Point & aL,
const Point & aUf,
const Point & aUl,
const Point & aLf,
const Point & aLl )

Constructor. Minimal set of parameters to build the DSS in constant time. The user should be sure that the slope is consistent with the position of the leaning points.

aAy-component of the direction vector
aBx-component of the direction vector
aFthe first point
aLthe last point
aUfthe first upper point
aUlthe last upper point
aLfthe first lower point
aLlthe last lower point

◆ StandardDSS4() [2/6]

template<typename TCoordinate , typename TInteger = TCoordinate>
DGtal::StandardDSS4< TCoordinate, TInteger >::StandardDSS4 ( const Point & aF,
const Point & aL,
const bool & isOnTheUpperLine = true )

Construction of a sequence of patterns (or reversed patterns) from two end points.

aFthe first point
aLthe last point
isOnTheUpperLineboolean equal to 'true' if the two given end points are upper leaning points (pattern case, default), 'false' if they are lower leaning points (reversed pattern case).

NB: logarithmic-time in the greatest component of the vector starting from aF and pointing to aL

◆ StandardDSS4() [3/6]

template<typename TCoordinate , typename TInteger = TCoordinate>
DGtal::StandardDSS4< TCoordinate, TInteger >::StandardDSS4 ( const DSL & aDSL,
const Point & aF,
const Point & aL )

Construction as the subsegment of minimal parameters of a given DSL.

aDSLbounding DSL
aFfirst point of the subsegment
aLlast point of the subsegment

NB: logarithmic-time in the greatest component of the direction vector of the subsegment. Uses smartCH algorithm.

◆ StandardDSS4() [4/6]

template<typename TCoordinate , typename TInteger = TCoordinate>
DGtal::StandardDSS4< TCoordinate, TInteger >::StandardDSS4 ( const StandardDSS4< TCoordinate, TInteger > & aDSS,
const Point & aF,
const Point & aL )

Construction as the subsegment of minimal parameters of a greater DSS.

aDSSbounding DSS
aFfirst point of the subsegment
aLlast point of the subsegment

NB: logarithmic-time in the greatest component of the direction vector of the subsegment. Uses reversedSmartCH algorithm.

See also

◆ StandardDSS4() [5/6]

template<typename TCoordinate , typename TInteger = TCoordinate>
template<typename Iterator >
DGtal::StandardDSS4< TCoordinate, TInteger >::StandardDSS4 ( const Iterator & aItb,
const Iterator & aIte )

Construction from a range of iterators on points.

aItbbegin iterator
aIteend iterator
Template Parameters
Iteratora model of forward iterator

NB: linear-time in the size of the range

◆ StandardDSS4() [6/6]

template<typename TCoordinate , typename TInteger = TCoordinate>
DGtal::StandardDSS4< TCoordinate, TInteger >::StandardDSS4 ( const StandardDSS4< TCoordinate, TInteger > & aOther)

Copy constructor.

aOtherthe object to clone.

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator=()

template<typename TCoordinate , typename TInteger = TCoordinate>
StandardDSS4 & DGtal::StandardDSS4< TCoordinate, TInteger >::operator= ( const StandardDSS4< TCoordinate, TInteger > & aOther)


aOtherthe object to copy.
a reference on 'this'.

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