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DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace > Class Template Reference

Class for PDF, PNG, PS, EPS, SVG export drawings with Cairo with 3D->2D projection. More...

#include <DGtal/io/boards/Board3DTo2D.h>

Inheritance diagram for DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >:

Public Types

enum  CairoType {
  CairoPDF , CairoPNG , CairoPS , CairoEPS ,
- Public Types inherited from DGtal::Display3D< Z3i::Space, Z3i::KSpace >
enum  StreamKey
typedef Display3D< Space, KSpaceSelf
typedef Space::RealPoint RealPoint
 RealPoint type.
typedef Space::RealVector RealVector
 RealVector type.
typedef CanonicEmbedder< SpaceEmbedder
typedef CanonicCellEmbedder< KSpaceCellEmbedder
typedef CanonicSCellEmbedder< KSpaceSCellEmbedder
typedef int(*) SelectCallbackFct(void *viewer, DGtal::int32_t name, void *data)
 Select callback function type.
typedef std::map< DGtal::int32_t, std::vector< QuadD3D > > QuadsMap
 The type that maps identifier name -> vector of QuadD3D.
typedef std::map< DGtal::int32_t, std::vector< CubeD3D > > CubesMap
 The type that maps identifier name -> vector of CubeD3D.
typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > ModeMapping
typedef std::map< std::string, CountedPtr< DrawableWithDisplay3D > > StyleMapping

Public Member Functions

 Board3DTo2D ()
 Board3DTo2D (KSpace KSEmb)
 ~Board3DTo2D ()
std::string className () const
void setCameraPosition (double x, double y, double z)
void setCameraDirection (double x, double y, double z)
void setCameraUpVector (double x, double y, double z)
void setNearFar (double _near, double _far)
void saveCairo (const char *filename, CairoType type, int bWidth, int bHeight)
Board3DTo2Doperator<< (const DGtal::Color &aColor)
template<typename TDrawableWithDisplay3D >
Board3DTo2Doperator<< (const TDrawableWithDisplay3D &object)
void selfDisplay (std::ostream &out) const
bool isValid () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from DGtal::Display3D< Z3i::Space, Z3i::KSpace >
 BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT ((concepts::CSpace< Space >))
virtual ~Display3D ()
 Display3D (const KSpace &KSEmb)
 Display3D ()
 Display3D (const Display3D &)=delete
 Copy constructor. Deleted.
 Display3D (Display3D &&)=delete
 Move constructor. Deleted.
Display3Doperator= (const Display3D &)=delete
 Assignment operator. Deleted.
Display3Doperator= (Display3D &&)=delete
 Move operator. Deleted.
const Embedderembedder () const
const CellEmbeddercellEmbedder () const
const SCellEmbeddersCellEmbedder () const
const KSpacespace () const
virtual void setFillColor (DGtal::Color aColor)
virtual void setFillTransparency (unsigned char alpha)
virtual void setLineColor (DGtal::Color aColor)
virtual DGtal::Color getFillColor ()
virtual DGtal::Color getLineColor ()
virtual void setKSpace (const KSpace &aKSpace)
void setName3d (DGtal::int32_t name=-1)
DGtal::int32_t name3d () const
void setSelectCallback3D (SelectCallbackFct fct, void *data, DGtal::int32_t min_name, DGtal::int32_t max_name)
SelectCallbackFct getSelectCallback3D (DGtal::int32_t aName, void *&data) const
void addClippingPlane (double a, double b, double c, double d, bool drawPlane)
std::string getMode (const std::string &objectName) const
void createNewLineList (std::string s="")
void createNewBallList (std::string s="")
DGtal::int32_t createNewCubeList ()
bool deleteCubeList (const DGtal::int32_t name)
DGtal::int32_t createNewQuadList ()
bool deleteQuadList (const DGtal::int32_t name)
void createNewTriangleList (std::string s="")
void createNewPolygonList (std::string s="")
void addQuad (const RealPoint &p1, const RealPoint &p2, const RealPoint &p3, const RealPoint &p4)
void addQuadWithNormal (const RealPoint &p1, const RealPoint &p2, const RealPoint &p3, const RealPoint &p4, const RealPoint &n, const bool enableReorientation, const bool enableDoubleFace=false)
void addQuadFromSurfelCenter (const RealPoint &baseQuadCenter, bool xSurfel, bool ySurfel, bool zSurfel)
void addQuadFromSurfelCenterWithNormal (const RealPoint &baseQuadCenter, bool xSurfel, bool ySurfel, bool zSurfel, const RealVector &aNormal, const bool enableReorientation, const bool sign, const bool enableDoubleFace=false)
void addTriangle (const RealPoint &p1, const RealPoint &p2, const RealPoint &p3)
void addPolygon (const std::vector< RealPoint > &vertices)
void addLine (const RealPoint &p1, const RealPoint &p2, const double width=0.03)
void addCube (const RealPoint &center, double width=1.0)
void addBall (const RealPoint &center, const double radius=0.5, const unsigned int resolution=30)
void addPrism (const RealPoint &baseQuadCenter, bool xSurfel, bool ySurfel, bool zSurfel, double sizeShiftFactor, double sizeFactor=1.0, bool isSigned=false, bool aSign=true)
void addBasicSurfel (const RealPoint &baseQuadCenter, bool xSurfel, bool ySurfel, bool zSurfel)
void addCone (const RealPoint &p1, const RealPoint &p2, double width=0.08)
void addCylinder (const RealPoint &p1, const RealPoint &p2, const double width=0.02)
void updateBoundingBox (const RealPoint &point)
void exportToMesh (Mesh< RealPoint > &aMesh) const
Display3Doperator<< (const TDrawableWithDisplay3D &object)
void selfDisplay (std::ostream &out) const
bool isValid () const
void clear ()
RealPoint embed (const typename Space::Point &dp) const
RealPoint embedKS (const typename KSpace::SCell &cell) const
RealPoint embedKS (const DGtal::TransformedPrism &aTrans) const
RealPoint embedK (const typename KSpace::Cell &cell) const

Data Fields

DGtal::Color myDefaultColor
 default color
- Data Fields inherited from DGtal::Display3D< Z3i::Space, Z3i::KSpace >
ModeMapping myModes
StyleMapping myStyles
bool myBoundingPtEmptyTag
 True if the bounding box is empty (no objects added)
double myBoundingPtUp [3]
 upper point of the bounding box
double myBoundingPtLow [3]
 lower point of the bouding box

Protected Member Functions

virtual void init ()

Private Member Functions

 BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT ((concepts::CSpace< Space >))
void precompute_projection_matrix ()
void project (double x3d, double y3d, double z3d, double &x2d, double &y2d)

Static Private Member Functions

static void TransposeMt (double tmat[16], double mat[16])
static void MulMt (double v[4], double mat[16], double b[4])
static void LookAtMt (double mat[16], double eyex, double eyey, double eyez, double dirx, double diry, double dirz, double upx, double upy, double upz)

Private Attributes

int Viewport [4]
 2D viewport
double matrix [16]
 projection matrix
double camera_position [3]
 camera position
double camera_direction [3]
 camera direction
double camera_upVector [3]
 camera up-vector
double ZNear
 znear distance
double ZFar
 zfar distance

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from DGtal::Display3D< Z3i::Space, Z3i::KSpace >
static void cross (double dst[3], double srcA[3], double srcB[3])
static void normalize (double vec[3])
- Protected Attributes inherited from DGtal::Display3D< Z3i::Space, Z3i::KSpace >
KSpace myKSpace
 The Khalimsky space.
 an embeder from a dgtal space point to a real space point
 an embeder from a unsigned khalimsky space point to a real space point
 an embeder from a signed khalimsky space point to a real space point
DGtal::Color myCurrentFillColor
DGtal::Color myCurrentLineColor
double myCurrentfShiftVisuPrisms
std::vector< std::vector< LineD3D > > myLineSetList
std::vector< std::vector< BallD3D > > myBallSetList
std::vector< ClippingPlaneD3D > myClippingPlaneList
std::vector< QuadD3D > myPrismList
QuadsMap myQuadsMap
std::vector< std::vector< TriangleD3D > > myTriangleSetList
 Represents all the triangles drawn in the Display3D.
std::vector< std::vector< PolygonD3D > > myPolygonSetList
 Represents all the polygon drawn in the Display3D.
CubesMap myCubesMap
std::vector< std::string > myCubeSetNameList
std::vector< std::string > myLineSetNameList
std::vector< std::string > myBallSetNameList
std::vector< std::string > myClippingPlaneNameList
std::vector< std::string > myPrismNameList
std::vector< std::string > myQuadSetNameList
std::vector< std::string > myTriangleSetNameList
std::vector< std::string > myPolygonSetNameList
DGtal::int32_t myName3d
std::set< SelectCallbackFctStore > mySelectCallBackFcts
bool myBoundingPtChangedTag

Detailed Description

template<typename Space = Z3i::Space, typename KSpace = Z3i::KSpace>
class DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >

Class for PDF, PNG, PS, EPS, SVG export drawings with Cairo with 3D->2D projection.

Description of class 'Board3DTo2D'

geometry/curves/exampleArithDSS3d.cpp, io/boards/dgtalBoard3DTo2D-1-points.cpp, io/boards/dgtalBoard3DTo2D-2-sets.cpp, io/boards/dgtalBoard3DTo2D-2bis-sets.cpp, io/boards/dgtalBoard3DTo2D-3-objects.cpp, io/boards/dgtalBoard3DTo2D-4-modes.cpp, io/boards/dgtalBoard3DTo2D-5-custom.cpp, io/boards/dgtalBoard3DTo2D-6.cpp, and io/boards/dgtalBoard3DTo2D-KSCell.cpp.

Definition at line 70 of file Board3DTo2D.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ CairoType

template<typename Space = Z3i::Space, typename KSpace = Z3i::KSpace>
enum DGtal::Board3DTo2D::CairoType

Cairo type for save files.


Definition at line 82 of file Board3DTo2D.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Board3DTo2D() [1/2]

template<typename Space = Z3i::Space, typename KSpace = Z3i::KSpace>
DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::Board3DTo2D ( )


◆ Board3DTo2D() [2/2]

template<typename Space = Z3i::Space, typename KSpace = Z3i::KSpace>
DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::Board3DTo2D ( KSpace KSEmb)

Constructor with a khalimsky space

KSEmbthe Khalimsky space

Definition at line 93 of file Board3DTo2D.h.

94 : Display3D<Space,KSpace>( KSEmb )
95 {
96 init();
97 }
virtual void init()

References DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::init().

◆ ~Board3DTo2D()

template<typename Space = Z3i::Space, typename KSpace = Z3i::KSpace>
DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::~Board3DTo2D ( )

Definition at line 100 of file Board3DTo2D.h.


Member Function Documentation


template<typename Space = Z3i::Space, typename KSpace = Z3i::KSpace>
DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT ( (concepts::CSpace< Space >) )

◆ className()

template<typename Space = Z3i::Space, typename KSpace = Z3i::KSpace>
std::string DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::className ( ) const
the style name used for drawing this object.
io/boards/dgtalBoard3DTo2D-1-points.cpp, io/boards/dgtalBoard3DTo2D-2bis-sets.cpp, and io/boards/dgtalBoard3DTo2D-5-custom.cpp.

Definition at line 106 of file Board3DTo2D.h.

107 {
108 return "Board3DTo2D";
109 }

◆ init()

template<typename Space = Z3i::Space, typename KSpace = Z3i::KSpace>
virtual void DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::init ( )

init function (should be in Constructor).

Referenced by DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::Board3DTo2D().

◆ isValid()

template<typename Space = Z3i::Space, typename KSpace = Z3i::KSpace>
bool DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::isValid ( ) const

Checks the validity/consistency of the object.

'true' if the object is valid, 'false' otherwise.

◆ LookAtMt()

template<typename Space = Z3i::Space, typename KSpace = Z3i::KSpace>
static void DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::LookAtMt ( double mat[16],
double eyex,
double eyey,
double eyez,
double dirx,
double diry,
double dirz,
double upx,
double upy,
double upz )

Compute 4x4 LookAt matrix.

matdestination matrix.
eyexx position of eye.
eyeyy position of eye.
eyezz position of eye.
dirxx direction of eye.
diryy direction of eye.
dirzz director of eye.
upxx coordinate of up-vector.
upyy coordinate of up-vector.
upzz coordinate of up-vector.

◆ MulMt()

template<typename Space = Z3i::Space, typename KSpace = Z3i::KSpace>
static void DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::MulMt ( double v[4],
double mat[16],
double b[4] )

Multiply a 3d vector by a 4x4 matrix.

vdestination vector.
matsource matrix.
bsource vector.

◆ operator<<() [1/2]

template<typename Space = Z3i::Space, typename KSpace = Z3i::KSpace>
Board3DTo2D & DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::operator<< ( const DGtal::Color & aColor)

Set the default color for future drawing.

aColora DGtal::Color (allow to set a trasnparency value).

◆ operator<<() [2/2]

template<typename Space = Z3i::Space, typename KSpace = Z3i::KSpace>
template<typename TDrawableWithDisplay3D >
Board3DTo2D & DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::operator<< ( const TDrawableWithDisplay3D & object)

Draws the drawable [object] in this board. It should satisfy the concept CDrawableWithDisplay3D, which requires for instance a method setStyle( Board3DTo2D & ).

objectany drawable object.
a reference on 'this'.

◆ precompute_projection_matrix()

template<typename Space = Z3i::Space, typename KSpace = Z3i::KSpace>
void DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::precompute_projection_matrix ( )

Precompute 4x4 projection matrix for 3D->2D projection.

◆ project()

template<typename Space = Z3i::Space, typename KSpace = Z3i::KSpace>
void DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::project ( double x3d,
double y3d,
double z3d,
double & x2d,
double & y2d )

Project a 3d point (3D->2D).

x3dx position of the 3d point.
y3dy position of the 3d point.
z3dz position of the 3d point.
x2dx destination projection position of the 2d point.
y2dy destination projection position of the 2d point.

◆ saveCairo()

template<typename Space = Z3i::Space, typename KSpace = Z3i::KSpace>
void DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::saveCairo ( const char * filename,
CairoType type,
int bWidth,
int bHeight )

Save a Cairo image.

filenamefilename of the image to save.
typetype of the image to save (CairoPDF, CairoPNG, CairoPS, CairoEPS, CairoSVG).
bWidthwidth of the image to save.
bHeightheight of the image to save.
geometry/curves/exampleArithDSS3d.cpp, io/boards/dgtalBoard3DTo2D-1-points.cpp, io/boards/dgtalBoard3DTo2D-2-sets.cpp, io/boards/dgtalBoard3DTo2D-2bis-sets.cpp, io/boards/dgtalBoard3DTo2D-3-objects.cpp, io/boards/dgtalBoard3DTo2D-4-modes.cpp, io/boards/dgtalBoard3DTo2D-5-custom.cpp, io/boards/dgtalBoard3DTo2D-6.cpp, and io/boards/dgtalBoard3DTo2D-KSCell.cpp.

Referenced by main().

◆ selfDisplay()

template<typename Space = Z3i::Space, typename KSpace = Z3i::KSpace>
void DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::selfDisplay ( std::ostream & out) const

Writes/Displays the object on an output stream.

outthe output stream where the object is written.

◆ setCameraDirection()

template<typename Space = Z3i::Space, typename KSpace = Z3i::KSpace>
void DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::setCameraDirection ( double x,
double y,
double z )

Set camera direction.

xx direction.
yy direction.
zz direction.

Definition at line 126 of file Board3DTo2D.h.

127 { camera_direction[0] = x; camera_direction[1] = y; camera_direction[2] = z; }
double camera_direction[3]
camera direction

References DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::camera_direction.

◆ setCameraPosition()

template<typename Space = Z3i::Space, typename KSpace = Z3i::KSpace>
void DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::setCameraPosition ( double x,
double y,
double z )

Set camera position.

xx position.
yy position.
zz position.

Definition at line 117 of file Board3DTo2D.h.

118 { camera_position[0] = x; camera_position[1] = y; camera_position[2] = z; }
double camera_position[3]
camera position

References DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::camera_position.

◆ setCameraUpVector()

template<typename Space = Z3i::Space, typename KSpace = Z3i::KSpace>
void DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::setCameraUpVector ( double x,
double y,
double z )

Set camera up-vector.

xx coordinate of up-vector.
yy coordinate of up-vector.
zz coordinate of up-vector.

Definition at line 135 of file Board3DTo2D.h.

136 { camera_upVector[0] = x; camera_upVector[1] = y; camera_upVector[2] = z; }
double camera_upVector[3]
camera up-vector

References DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::camera_upVector.

◆ setNearFar()

template<typename Space = Z3i::Space, typename KSpace = Z3i::KSpace>
void DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::setNearFar ( double _near,
double _far )

Set near and far distance, too near or too far end up not visible.

_nearnear distance.
_farfar distance.

Definition at line 143 of file Board3DTo2D.h.

143{ ZNear = _near; ZFar = _far; }
double ZNear
znear distance
double ZFar
zfar distance

References DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::ZFar, and DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::ZNear.

◆ TransposeMt()

template<typename Space = Z3i::Space, typename KSpace = Z3i::KSpace>
static void DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::TransposeMt ( double tmat[16],
double mat[16] )

Transpose a 4x4 matrix.

tmatdestination matrix.
matsource matrix.

Field Documentation

◆ camera_direction

template<typename Space = Z3i::Space, typename KSpace = Z3i::KSpace>
double DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::camera_direction[3]

camera direction

Definition at line 266 of file Board3DTo2D.h.

Referenced by DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::setCameraDirection().

◆ camera_position

template<typename Space = Z3i::Space, typename KSpace = Z3i::KSpace>
double DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::camera_position[3]

camera position

Definition at line 265 of file Board3DTo2D.h.

Referenced by DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::setCameraPosition().

◆ camera_upVector

template<typename Space = Z3i::Space, typename KSpace = Z3i::KSpace>
double DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::camera_upVector[3]

camera up-vector

Definition at line 267 of file Board3DTo2D.h.

Referenced by DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::setCameraUpVector().

◆ matrix

template<typename Space = Z3i::Space, typename KSpace = Z3i::KSpace>
double DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::matrix[16]

projection matrix

Definition at line 263 of file Board3DTo2D.h.

◆ myDefaultColor

template<typename Space = Z3i::Space, typename KSpace = Z3i::KSpace>
DGtal::Color DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::myDefaultColor

default color

The associated map type for storing possible modes used for displaying for digital objects. The associated map type for storing the default styles of digital objects.

Definition at line 169 of file Board3DTo2D.h.

◆ Viewport

template<typename Space = Z3i::Space, typename KSpace = Z3i::KSpace>
int DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::Viewport[4]

2D viewport

Definition at line 262 of file Board3DTo2D.h.

◆ ZFar

template<typename Space = Z3i::Space, typename KSpace = Z3i::KSpace>
double DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::ZFar

zfar distance

Definition at line 270 of file Board3DTo2D.h.

Referenced by DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::setNearFar().

◆ ZNear

template<typename Space = Z3i::Space, typename KSpace = Z3i::KSpace>
double DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::ZNear

znear distance

Definition at line 269 of file Board3DTo2D.h.

Referenced by DGtal::Board3DTo2D< Space, KSpace >::setNearFar().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: