This example shows how to use the fully convex envelope to build a digital polyhedron from an arbitrary mesh. All faces have also the property that their points lies in the naive/standard plane defined by its vertices. It uses DigitalConvexity::relativeEnvelope for computations.
The last parameter specifies whether you want to see vertices (1) in black, edges common to both faces (2) in magenta, part of edges that are only on one face (4) and (8) (red on one side, blue on the other) and faces (16) in grey, or any combination.
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include "DGtal/base/Common.h"
#include "DGtal/helpers/StdDefs.h"
#include "DGtal/io/viewers/Viewer3D.h"
#include "DGtal/shapes/Shapes.h"
#include "DGtal/shapes/SurfaceMesh.h"
#include "DGtal/io/readers/SurfaceMeshReader.h"
#include "DGtal/geometry/volumes/DigitalConvexity.h"
#include "ConfigExamples.h"
typedef Z3i::SCell
typedef Space::Point
typedef Space::RealVector RealVector;
template < bool Naive, bool Symmetric >
struct MedianPlane {
MedianPlane() = default;
MedianPlane( const MedianPlane& other ) = default;
MedianPlane( MedianPlane&& other ) = default;
MedianPlane& operator=( const MedianPlane& other ) = default;
MedianPlane& operator=( MedianPlane&& other ) = default;
mu = p );
omega = Naive ? N.norm( N.L_infty ) : N.norm( N.L_1 );
if ( Symmetric && ( ( omega & 1 ) == 0 ) ) omega += 1;
mu -= omega / 2;
bool operator()(
const Point& p )
auto r = p );
return ( mu <= r ) && ( r < mu+omega );
typedef MedianPlane< false, true >
int main(
int argc,
char** argv )
info() <<
"Usage: " << argv[ 0 ] <<
" <input.obj> <h> <view>" << std::endl;
info() <<
"\tComputes a digital polyhedron from an OBJ file" << std::endl;
info() <<
"\t- input.obj: choose your favorite mesh" << std::endl;
info() <<
"\t- h [==1]: the digitization gridstep" << std::endl;
info() <<
"\t- view [==31]: display vertices(1), common edges(2), positive side f edges(4), negative side f edges (8), faces(16)" << std::endl;
string filename = examplesPath + "samples/lion.obj";
std::string fn = argc > 1 ? argv[ 1 ] : filename;
double h = argc > 2 ? atof( argv[ 2 ] ) : 1.0;
int view = argc > 3 ? atoi( argv[ 3 ] ) : 31;
std::ifstream input( fn.c_str() );
if ( ! ok )
error() <<
"Unable to read obj file : " << fn << std::endl;
return 1;
QApplication application(argc,argv);
MViewer viewer;
Point lo(-500,-500,-500);
std::set< Point > faces_set, pos_edges_set, neg_edges_set;
auto faceVertices =
std::vector< Plane > face_planes;
surfmesh.nbFaces() );
bool planarity = true;
for (
int f = 0; f <
surfmesh.nbFaces() && planarity; ++f )
for ( auto v : faceVertices[ f ] )
X.push_back( vertices[ v ] );
face_planes[ f ] =
Plane( X[ 0 ], X[ 1 ], X[ 2 ] );
for ( int v = 3; v < X.size(); v++ )
if ( ! face_planes[ f ]( X[ v ] ) )
error() <<
"Face " << f <<
" is not planar." << std::endl;
planarity = false; break;
if ( ! planarity ) return 1;
for (
int f = 0; f <
surfmesh.nbFaces(); ++f )
for ( auto v : faceVertices[ f ] )
X.push_back( vertices[ v ] );
faces_set.insert( F.cbegin(), F.cend() );
for ( int i = 0; i < X.size(); i++ )
if ( Y[ 1 ] < Y[ 0 ] ) std::swap( Y[ 0 ], Y[ 1 ] );
int idx1 = faceVertices[ f ][ i ];
int idx2 = faceVertices[ f ][ (i+1)%X.size() ];
bool pos = idx1 < idx2;
(pos ? pos_edges_set : neg_edges_set).
insert( A.cbegin(), A.cend() );
std::vector< Point > face_points, common_edge_points, arc_points, final_arc_points ;
std::vector< Point > pos_edge_points, neg_edge_points, both_edge_points;
std::vector< Point > vertex_points =
std::sort( vertex_points.begin(), vertex_points.end() );
std::set_symmetric_difference( pos_edges_set.cbegin(), pos_edges_set.cend(),
neg_edges_set.cbegin(), neg_edges_set.cend(),
std::back_inserter( arc_points ) );
std::set_intersection( pos_edges_set.cbegin(), pos_edges_set.cend(),
neg_edges_set.cbegin(), neg_edges_set.cend(),
std::back_inserter( common_edge_points ) );
std::set_union( pos_edges_set.cbegin(), pos_edges_set.cend(),
neg_edges_set.cbegin(), neg_edges_set.cend(),
std::back_inserter( both_edge_points ) );
std::set_difference( faces_set.cbegin(), faces_set.cend(),
both_edge_points.cbegin(), both_edge_points.cend(),
std::back_inserter( face_points ) );
std::set_difference( pos_edges_set.cbegin(), pos_edges_set.cend(),
common_edge_points.cbegin(), common_edge_points.cend(),
std::back_inserter( pos_edge_points ) );
std::set_difference( neg_edges_set.cbegin(), neg_edges_set.cend(),
common_edge_points.cbegin(), common_edge_points.cend(),
std::back_inserter( neg_edge_points ) );
std::set_difference( common_edge_points.cbegin(), common_edge_points.cend(),
vertex_points.cbegin(), vertex_points.cend(),
std::back_inserter( final_arc_points ) );
auto total = vertex_points.size() + pos_edge_points.size()
+ neg_edge_points.size()
+ final_arc_points.size() + face_points.size();
info() <<
"#vertex points=" << vertex_points.size() << std::endl;
info() <<
"#pos edge points=" << pos_edge_points.size() << std::endl;
info() <<
"#neg edge points=" << neg_edge_points.size() << std::endl;
info() <<
"#arc points=" << final_arc_points.size() << std::endl;
info() <<
"#face points=" << face_points.size() << std::endl;
info() <<
"#total points=" << total << std::endl;
{ Color::Black, Color::Blue, Color::Red,
Color( 200, 200, 200 ) };
if ( view & 0x1 )
viewer.setLineColor( colors[ 0 ] );
viewer.setFillColor( colors[ 0 ] );
for ( auto p : vertices ) viewer << p;
if ( view & 0x2 )
viewer.setLineColor( colors[ 3 ] );
viewer.setFillColor( colors[ 3 ] );
for ( auto p : final_arc_points ) viewer << p;
if ( view & 0x4 )
viewer.setLineColor( colors[ 1 ] );
viewer.setFillColor( colors[ 1 ] );
for ( auto p : pos_edge_points ) viewer << p;
if ( view & 0x8 )
viewer.setLineColor( colors[ 2 ] );
viewer.setFillColor( colors[ 2 ] );
for ( auto p : neg_edge_points ) viewer << p;
if ( view & 0x10 )
viewer.setLineColor( colors[ 4 ] );
viewer.setFillColor( colors[ 4 ] );
for ( auto p : face_points ) viewer << p;
viewer << MViewer::updateDisplay;
return application.exec();
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